SEPTEMBER RUNNING - Fallllll into running.

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  • Ran 10 k mon average time work today try for 8 miles tommarro if I have time off to work!
  • I'm so glad I found this thread,

    I've started running a couple off weeks ago going from not being able to climb stairs to jogging my first 5k- I did it in 41 min. I'm now on a 10k training program. And after this I'm going to keep going to work on my fitness and times.
  • Busy day today lots off errands and stuff but startes it with 8.3 mile run then walked the dog 1 1/2 miles finally sitting down for the day 11 hrs later!
  • Ladies - BIG question here - my half marathon - which I've been working towards for-freaking-ever is Saturday - of course I woke up sick Monday - bad sore throat Mon/Tues and yesterday the congestion set in - my chest is clear thankfully [Thank God that I finally quit smoking awhile ago b/c this used to always turn into bronchitis...] but my glands are swollen, my nose is 100% clogged and my ears hurt. I started z-pack yesterday and still feel like sh** today - marginally better but not much - my race is the DAY AFTER TOMORROW...what should I do?? If I'm feeling 50% better do I run? No matter what? Not at all?

    Has anyone run sick? Or run while recovering?
  • Got 9.1 in this am and ran out of trail got to find a longer dirt area to run next week try to bump it up to 11. 4 weeks to my half if I think I can do it!
  • Hi y'all!

    This thread has been an inspiration to read. I am 56, and I just started jogging about six months ago. I don't know a thing about training or shoes or socks... I just drove a route in my neighborhood that measured two miles on the car odometer and started using it. At first it took me 28-30 minutes and I had to walk part of it. Now I can do it in 22 minutes. Last week I added another mile and went at a slower pace, and it took about 35 minutes.

    I have signed up for a 5K fun rn in two weeks. I will be happy if I can do it in under 37 minutes. Should I practice going 3 miles at a time, or stick with my 2 mile route? (Remember, I'm almost 57, and I have osteopenia in my hip and osteoarthritis in my neck and upper spine.)
  • Welcome Tabby!

    Y'all I DID IT!!! 13.2 miles actually just over the half marathon 13.1! My final time was 2:04:24! Placed 275/890 women! Not bad after a week of ear and sinus infections - I think the week off actually helped! Honestly, I cried at the finish it was so emotional!!! Six months ago when I quit smoking I couldn't finish a mile and today I ran a sub 2:05 half marathon. Our bodies are capable of SO much more than we realize!!!!!! XO.
  • IM So HAPPY for YOU that is great I hope I can just finish in anothher month! WOW KUDOS!!!!!!
  • OH WOW! Massive congratulations Im, what a great time! I'm so impressed you actually did it after that week.

    Hi tabby, I'm not the one to give any advice on how to train since I only started running. In your position I'd probably talk to my doctor about it. just to be on the safe side...

    I just cured my rather unpleasant TOM-mood with 10k. Discovered a trail that starts practically at my doorstep. Nice up and down through the woods. The trail itself is 6.3 km but I added a couple laps of my 1.17km home stretch, which is an especially soft joint-protecting trail made from wood chips. It's awesome living so close to our uni where the infrastructure is great.

    Anyway the 10k took me 61:50 and while I pushed it on the last km, I took it pretty easy on the rest. Doing it in less than 60min seems possible... YAY!
  • I'm training for my first half marathon on Nov. 4

    and had a 7 mile run this morning in the cold, wet rain. I felt great, other than having some issues with my left knee going up hill; I straightened that out by just shuffling up the hills instead of running.

    It's great reading about everyone's running accomplishments; I hope to be an active poster on the October thread.

    Congrats to everyone for all their September miles!
  • I ran/walked 22 miles yesterday. Yow my legs are sore today! Because of crappy weather (and crappy mood) I did it all on the treadmill with my Garmin watch-pod keeping track. I watched several movies and TV shows on the DVD player to keep from going insane. The Marine Corps Marathon feels like an impending doom coming up in 4 weeks (October 28th).

    I got this funny motivational birthday video from them a few days ago:

    Gives me flashbacks of Army basic training. Well, if I don't make it for some reason there's always next year.
  • Alena congrats and HB very funny video!Are you a marine?
  • Hi devadiva,

    No, I've never been a marine. I was in the army back in the 1980s-90s. The drill sergeants look (and sound) kinda the same. I prefer kinder, gentler exercise these days (like yoga) without all that shouting.

    The Marine Corps Marathon is fun though. This will be my 4th. They really treat you well - especially considering there are so many people in it (30,000).
  • Sounds crazy! By the way we switch to Oct running thread now come join us!!