September 2012 Challenge to Stay "On Plan" - Daily Check In

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  • hey everyone! back from the weekend ready to stay on track this week. I'm in college so I find it really difficult to go out with my friends and not drink, the calories in alcohol really don't mix with my weight loss efforts and it's just not worth it! I feel like they don't really support me or get it, but I just have to stay strong and know that I'm close to my goal, way better than getting drunk one night. Hope you guys are all having a good labor day, it's gonna be a good week!!
  • Had a good OP day behind again. Tomorrow is my birthday which I'll be this year spending with my boyfriend snuggling and relaxing, so there's no worrying of going out and overeating. I don't think so at least!
    On Wednesday I have a cooper running test in school, kinda execited cause our school never had that before (used to have 1500 meters running test instead, ugh) and we have school photo day then as well. Too bad I'm not at my goal then, but next year at least!

    Steph Sorry to hear that happening. We all make mistakes though so just leave that behind. I've always wondered about that uncontrollable grocery shopping, mainly because I've never had that feeling I guess.. I mean, it's you who's gonna pick the stuff up, put it in your shopping cart, carry it around the market in the cart and then go and pay for it, right? Is there some sort of force really forcing you to do that or why do you choose to do so even though you know the thing is not good for your plan and yourself. Is it not stoppable once you put the stuff in your cart? Well I'm sure theres many factors that'd lead to premeditated binging and binging in general, I don't mean to sound annoying, sorry! I guess I don't know because I don't have to do grocery shopping for myself yet.
    Congratulations on being able to put a stop to it though! Enjoy your shopping tomorrow!

    penguin Aa, I really love macaroons! Congrats on your 2.4 lbs loss as well!

    mesmerized Congratulations on your 3 pounds loss!

    Silly Rabbit & TheBunneh Haha, I don't need to worry about that really, got nonexistent boobs already! LOL
    Have a nice day OP day tomorrow as well!

    GettinFit You've been doing really well. It's amazing that you exercise everyday. Have a nice OP day!

    AilsaPearl I quite know the feeling when your friends aren't too supportive or just generally don't really care about you wanting to get healthier. But you'll just have to stay strong about it! Have a nice day!
  • Hi everyone

    I didn't have a great day as far as eating goes yesterday, but it wasn't horrible. Just not OP.

    Today was my weigh-in day. I'm a solid 163 right now, and I've lost 2 lbs in the past week. I'm feeling really really great about myself today. I'm weighing myself twice a day , but I'm really keeping an eye on my weight, and as a result, the numbers are going down. I really feel like I can do this!

    I changed my weight loss goals for September. I had had 159 lbs as the goal for this month, but my long-term goals are 2 lbs/week, so my goal is now 155 lbs for September. If I keep up with the 2 lbs/week, then I would be 149 lbs 7 weeks today, which is my 30th Birthday! That would be the best gift I could give myself.
  • September 2012 OP Goals
    1. Minimum of 15 days @ they gym; and 15 days of the RYB workout.
    2. Lose 9.5# (Taking me to 159.0#) I weigh & Measure in every Sunday.
    3. Take my medications and vitamins for at least 28 days.
    4. Water intake of 85oz for a minimum of 20 days.
    5. Be under my caloric goal via the LoseIt app for minimum of 20 days.

    Start Weight: 168.5 LBS
    09/02/12: 166.8 LBS (Decrease of 1.7#)
    GOAL Weight: 159.0 LBS
    END Weight:

    September 2012 OP Log
    1: No Gym (Back Corset Done); Took RX; Water intake 91oz; Under Cal 389;
    2: No Gym; Took RX; Water Intake 87oz; Over Cal 265; W&M #166.8#
    3: Walked 4.0mph 115min (-613cal); Took RX; Water Intake 62oz; Under Cal 479;
    4: No Gym; No RX; Water Intake Not Logged; Under cal 589;
    5: No Gym; Took RX; Water Intake 72oz; Under Cal 413;
  • Good evening ladies,

    CleverName - Congratulations on your 2 pound loss this week!

    Bunneh, AilsaPearl & Smoo - I hope you all ended the day good. Keep up the great work.

    Leecies - Your goals for the month are good ones.

    I had another good day. I got in 3 workouts today . I did:
    The Firm Hi Def Sculpt
    Walked 3 miles
    Turbo Jam
    I'm seeing results and I'm feeling so motivated.

    I hope we all have a great OP week
  • Hey everyone. I'm back from my vacation and I kicked butt this holiday weekend. I worked out in the hotel's gym everyday (12 min. intervals of powerwalking on the treadmill/elliptical for about 1 hour) and I had no sugar, snacks or ice cream (although a Jolly Rancher slushee stand was calling my name!)

    Outside of having a bigger than average dinner Sunday night and not drinking my daily amount of water I ate very healthy.

    Yesterday I wore a clingy tube top and leggings and I was taken back with the positive responses from others. There was one point I walked past a mirror and I did not recognize myself...I wasn't prepared for that at all. I guess I'm still stuck in my old body from earlier this year.

    My workout class is off for this week and the new session starts next week, but I'm going to work out at home everyday.

    Here's my food and workout plan for Tues. 9/4:

    Breakfast: Peach Instant Oatmeal with raisins and a little coconut oil mixed in with fresh grapefruit juice/acv and honey
    Snack: 1 chocolate pudding
    Lunch: Rigatoni w/chicken (leftovers) with a small lean turkey salad and veggies (celery, carrots, cucumbers)
    Snack: Large apple with peanut butter
    Dinner: 1 donair (pita) and a medley of frozen veggies on the side

    AM Workout: Walk Away the Pounds 3 mile DVD and a 15 min. arm workout dvd
    PM Workout: Walk on school track for 2 miles

    Have a wonderful week!
  • smoo, you're right, no one forced me to buy bread and a pizza and ice cream. But still, there's an element of compulsion there. And it's not just that I bought that stuff, it's that I ate too much of it all in one day. The problem was that I was vulnerable when I went shopping. I've been fretting about having my bathroom renovated (that starts tomorrow, and it's going to be chaos) and about a friendship that's recently ended. So my mistake was buying binge-worthy food while in that state. When I'm on a more even keel emotionally, I can have that stuff in the house and just eat normal amounts of it.

    Today was much better. I went to the outlets and found some great stuff (although it wasn't as inexpensive as I was hoping). I got in two workouts today (20 minutes of stepping and then stretching in the morning; 20 minutes on the recumbent bike and 60 minutes of weight lifting in the evening) and I ate well.

    Here's hoping tomorrow is a good day for everyone!
  • Steph, great job in all the exercising you did!

    I did well in my eating over the holiday. I didn't exercise all that much today, because I was a little under the weather. So I took it easy. Did exercise Saturday and Sunday. Loved my 3 days off, however. Tomorrow it's back to the grind.
  • Checking in, had an OP day.
  • This wasn't one of my best days. I ate more than I intended mostly because its TOM and I felt tired and grumpy.

    Mon Sept 3
    Breakfast Latte
    Chickfila 8 nuggets, fries, ketchup, honey mustard sauce
    2 choc macaroons
    Dixie Cafe's 1.5 Lemon pepper grilled catfish, 2 hush puppies, corn, roll w/ honey
    8? macaroons

    Hubby is very allergic to seafood so the only fish we can eat is catfish, which we both enjoy. Dixie sells a catfish feast of 3 fillets, hush puppies and sides of our choice., so we usually split this.

    No workout today but we did a lot of walking around window shopping. We found a dresser at Big Lots that we plan on buying for me, and a rug at Garden Ridge for beside the bed {we have hardwoods}. While at Garden Ridge I found Biggest Loser and JM workout dvds for $6 some of the newer titles.
  • Day 3 of September behind me. It went well food wise, although I got a somewhat nasty surprise from a banana: haven't eaten them in months, but did eat some at breakfast - and was painfully hungry within the hour! Waah! Nasty little yellow things... Yep, on my avoid list they go.

    Had to chuck my exercise, since I got a sudden job assignment to photograph someone who was in the country for only a few hours. No exercise makes me sad I did do some simple body weight stuff (planks etc) before going to bed.

    So yeah, somewhat of a mixed day for me, but what can you do - life happens.

    Happy Birthday, smoosmoo!

    mesmerized, the same thing happens to me - sometimes I don't feel like working out, but do anyways and feel great afterwards.

    Wow, GettinFit, that's awesome - love all the workouts!

    penguin - yeah, TOM sucks. Hope you feel better.

    Bunneh - I love yard work, but I live in an apartment building, so I only get to do it when I visit my sister.

    SunnySide - looks like you had a great holiday!

    CleverName, that is a very nice goal, I'm sure you can get there for your birthday.
  • Heya Girls!!
    Great to see everyone so charged up .. and all set with goals
    This month is very important for me, as i have decided to give it all this time.
    I am not going to over do stuff but i shall try and hit the maximum weight loss i can.

    My goals for the month:
    1)Workout atleast 5 days a week.
    2)Eat a lot of salad and fruits. Avoid the sinful fatty stuff.
    3)Drink green tea.
    4)My goal for the month is to loose at least 3 kgs!
    5) Check in everyday on this forum to report my sins .

    I lost 2 pounds in last week.. i know its not much, but i am so excited!!

    Bring It On!
  • I am doing better. Yesterday and Sunday I just didn't care. I have been babysitting so much for the past couple of weeks, I think it was getting to me. She is an active 2 year old, and that doesn't leave much time for yourself.

    But her dad came and got her last night, and I told myself I couldn't give up. So I feel better today. Yesterday even though I didn't care, I was careful about what I ate. I didn't want to regret my food choices later. And I did stay under my calorie allowance. I will be back to exercising today, too.
  • I'm proud of myself for doing so well in the eating department this week. I changed my plan of counting cals to doing my old weight watcher stuff, and counted every point I put into my mouth. I ate a lot less this week, and don't feel I missed much. In fact, I feel better mentally and physically.

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing fine. Having an OP day and I'm quite excited about the photo day tomorrow.

    CleverName Good luck with your goal!

    SunnySide99 Wow, congratulations on doing so well on your holiday!

    Steph Thanks for telling me. I know there can be emotinal factors behind that, I wish you good luck and lots of energy. Try to not to stress out about things too much!

    Silly Rabbit D'aww, thank you. One day isn't that bad anyways, and you did do some exercising. That just happens. Have a nice OP day!

    tamanna Welcome! Your goals are great. I think 2 pounds in a week is really good though!

    Have a great day everyone else!