As the soccer announcers say....

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    It's been a long 2.5 years. But in that time, I've lost 226 pounds bringing me to 119. I've been hovering from 118-119 for 2 weeks now and I think I'm going to call it.

    Here was me at a wedding reception in August of 2008:

    And this is from our Christmas card in 2009:

    And here are a couple of pics from this morning:

    Quite a difference, huh?

    I can't believe how much my life has changed. In some ways I still feel fat and in others, I don't even remember what it was like to be fat. Exercise, eating right, and enjoying life is so part of my world now.

    I have a little fear about entering maintenance, but I'm very hopeful that I have made this journey in a way that will allow it to be a life long change...
  • CherryPie you have done a fantastic job! Congratulations !!! You look like a dfferent person.
  • Good work! Congratulations!
  • Omg, you look great!!!! Way to go!!
  • That is a tremendous amount of weight to lose and a wonderful thing you have done for yourself. You should be so proud!
  • Wow!! Amazing!!
  • Congratulations CherryPie!

    Maintenance is a little scary at first so be patient with yourself as you find what works for you.
  • Such an incredible transformation!!! You look stunning!

  • Oh my GOD, you look AMAZING!!!!

    Thanks so much for posting pictures! You are very inspiring! I've been at a standstill for a while and am trying to work through it without much luck. What you did is incredible!

  • Holy moly! Congratulations!
  • re:
    That's just freaking crazy! Well done indeed!
  • What a transformation and inspiration! Congratulations and keep posting please.
  • Amazing. Words can't express it!!! And by sharing your journey, think of the hundreds you've inspired, helped, motivated.
  • And I hope you are still shouting goal - such determination. You rocked it and I know you will continue to rock it! Good for you!
  • Unbelievable! You look so good! I'm also encouraged at how tight your skin looks. Congrats!