~~August Golden Girls~~

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  • Donna2--so envious of you getting to see Beth Moore! My sister, aunt, two cousins and me have been doing bible studies at my sisters house with Beth Moore. The first one we did was on Esther and then James. The next one we are starting the first Wednesday after labor day is Breaking Free. I would love to go see her in person she is sucn a dynamic speaker!! We also enjoy watching Through The Bible with Les Feldick on TV.. he is just a Oklahoma rancher but takes you a verse at time.. His website is www.lesfeldic.org if you want to check him out. Just down home country Bible teaching!! Enjoy your seminar!!
  • Hi GG's!

    Can't believe It's been 4 days. I've been busy updating my blog and learning new enrgy healing technique.( On My Blog) I was visiting a friend in town this week from Austin. She and her hubby had hosted a "sacred space" night and as usual we ended staying up till midnight after everyone left. I finally told a "real life-inperson friend" about my new health plan and about 3FC. I told her she is the only person I've told and if she does read it she'll be the only person I know that knows my weight. She was so moved she told me that she has only 5 true friends and I'm one of them. That she found out who true friends were when she got cancer. I was so honored I had to spend last couple days "cleaning up my spelling and even adding onto most of my pages-post just for her.
    I've been really good on all aspects of my plan. All the challenges I've joined really seems to help me. It's kinda weird-because I never liked them in the past. this is the first time I feel confident with challenges. this is the first time I feel confident period!

    I'm dividing my post up before techie moster gets me.
  • Marie - I wanted to answer quickly, lest Beloved change her mind! SamCat is agog and acquiver at the thought of her coming to visit/stay. He has unceremoniously tossed my pillow off the bed so that there's more room for her... sigh. I guess the answer must be "yes"... and she probably cannot hurt any of my wardrobe.

    Yes, it's nice to be appreciated at work. We do all seem to get along well. I'm happy there! It was/is a good fit!

    Time to rest up to rest up for the weekend! I'm pooped! Later, lovelies!

  • Back again for personals:

    Maryea: I love long chats with my sisters! I haven't been able to see them in years. I don't consider net time or picture time wasted one tiny bit. What kind of pictures do you look at online? I spent so much time looking at and admiring flower and garden pics after several years I made up my own web site of flower pics.

    Freda: Nothing better than a "grands " day!

    Donna: Sounds like you had a nice family day. Bless every one you have. There is nothing quite like clothes that are too big!! Way to Go!

    Karen3 Hurt Knee? I can't seem to find the post on what happened. Knee pain is the worst as far as I'm concerned. I can't wait for the day I can retire my walker (Please God). I hope you feel better soon.

    Karen 31: on the pound lost.

    Rei: Good news on the biopsy. I know what you mean about pain meds. My daughter keeps offering me her unused ones -but just like her they give me awful nightmares and make me feel drugged-not in a fun way at all. Have a fun camping trip with DGS. How old is he? I hope you can relax with him. Relaxing wasn't in the cards when my 6yo one was here.

    Marie; Poor Blizzie I love her pic. Poor you-no pool. I had to laugh about the "truck" man behind his dog. when I babysitted my sister's dog at her home in Savannah yrs ago I ended up walking her dog alongside a golfcart.LOL as did everyone in the golfing gated community she lives in.
    Isabella: What kind of knee shots? Why do I ask? I can't get them-maybe someday if I ever qualify for help. I use arnica gel in the meantime.

    Cajun: It's all you can do-move forward. I loved your story about the camo. So happy for you it's so good to be noticed. I know what you mean about Oct. I keep telling Penny (my mini dach) that we will garden again come Oct.
  • Marie, I have an ID, in fact I just got my renewed a couple months ago...and Joes is forever now if I remember correctly. It's just vehicle decal we were wondering about. Everything I see online and what we hear from other retirees is the same as what your dh said. So if we take a long road trip (we plan to soon) and decide to stay at a base that requires it I guess we'll just have to hope we get there early enough to get it taken care of. I really doubt it will happen. Just wish they would make it the same way for all the bases regardless of the branch! Or at least come out with a clear directive with which ones do or don't require them. Maybe they have but no one seems to know about it.

    Ginger- the pics I got caught up in today were just stupid pictures of people doing stupid things...some kind of funny but not really worth my time.

    From 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle (summarized)
    You gotta want to....'

    Even though you are determined to change your attitude there may still be some things you feel you can't do. But be honest, are you sure you can't or you don't want to? If so, say that...like, I don't want to exercise regularly. You won't like the way that sounds. Then change your words to wait a minute, I do want to! If you still have a hard time taking action, break down the action into smaller goals. Can you walk just 5-10 min a day? Can you bike just a few blocks? If so make these tiny goals for now. Sometimes saying I can't or even I don't want to can really mean I don't want to get hurt or feel exhausted so the tiny goals will help with that. After setting these smaller goals, follow through with what you've planned.

    Me- My minimum goal for exercise started out at least 10 min a day! But actually it never quite worked out that way...as some days I'd get to the gym and other days I wouldn't do anything. So now my goal is at least 30 min of cardio 3x week. That I know I usually do and most days I do strength exercises as well, but when I don't feel up to them at least I'm working my heart. I also do a lot of stretching, jogging, and aerobic type exercises around the house most days, just while watching TV or during commercials and I don't count it as exercise but I think it helps.
  • Wonderful Night
    Tonight was amazing. So enjoyed Beth Moore, and her teaching. So much of it spoke to me personally.

    When I said in my last update that my hubby was taking care of "the boy" it sounded a bit cold. Just to let you know, in our home, I'm "The Mom" and my hubby is "The Dad" and Jonathan is "The Boy". We use the terms very affectionately. Without knowing that it sounds strange.

    Looking forward to tomorrow.

    Sweet Dreams!
  • Freda and Marie - I love any and all animals too. It seems that we always end up with the smaller dogs. The past 2 were orphans that we adopted after we had said "No more dogs." We are now sayiing "No more dogs after this one," who is around 12 years old or so. But who knows if another orphan will come our way. People come to us with orphans who need a home. We don't go looking! They know we are suckers for a lonely little doggie! I am allergic to cats. We were feeding a stray, or I think it's a stray, but he/she didn't stick around long. Probably someone else feeding better food!

    Freda - A size 0!!! I see you are 5'1" so that says a lot. I was not overweight until I reached my mid - late 30's but I think I went from a size 14 kids to a size 9. Skipped over all those in between. I was never skin and bones thin.

    Donna2 - There is no doubt that you love your "boy" with all your heart!!!
  • Donna, Kai gives her regrets to SamCat in that she’s out of the “dog house” and she got to sleep with me last night. So Sammy must put your pillow back on the bed. I think it is safer for them both to have a long distance love affair. And I love the graphic. Also, I love that you are happy in your job. I remember when you were looking, interviewing, etc for it and it’s hard to believe it’s been a year.

    Cajun, today I will swim as it’s supposed to be around 100. But that is desert heat which is way different than your heat. I wouldn’t have a problem with the man in a golf cart or ATV as long as the dog was on a leash. His dog isn’t controlled so it shouldn’t be off leash. Heck, most of mine aren’t controlled off leash so I don’t let them. They love being neighborly but I don’t want them too go visiting. Only Blizzie is let off leash – when she’s not wearing a cast…

    Mary, visiting other bases – just go to the gate, show your ID and that should be enough.

    Carol Sue, at being allergic to cats. So am I. I use at as an excuse why I don’t have one. Other than SamCat and my MIL’s beautiful Siamese, I’m not a cat person. But…I am just as allergic to dogs. So my excuse is just an excuse as I’d never be without dogs.

    to everyone I've missed.

    Had a good workout this morning. Also took my Kai and Sasha (the troublemakers) on a Scoot-jour this am. For those not knowing or not remembering, I purchased a dog scooter so that my huskies could be harnessed for running. It’s a tad dangerous. But they needed exercise and Blizzie needed someone to stay home with her. So Kodiak stayed home and I took the troublemakers out for a run. BTW, the scooting is a bit exercise when going up hills. Easy-peasy when going flat or down.

  • I did it ~ thank you Isabella and Donna for the instructions. That was fun.

    Yippee ~ for learning a new fun thing and Yippee for a day off ~ sun shine and feeling pretty good
  • Hello everyone!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend. We are waiting for our grandchildren to arrive as we have them for a sleepover. I still have this UTI so praying for strength to take care of them. I hated to back down on them at the last minute plus dh says he will help me this evening when I feel the worst. He is so good about playing with them but usually leaves the bedtime stuff to me and I understand because he is worn out by then. The good thing is that I was able to get the antibiotic one more time. I thought the prescription had expired so didn't try to get it as last time I called they told me I needed to see my doctor. I have an appt next week but then this UTI came up but last night I thought about calling and sure enough I got one more bottle!

    Today I have a roast (cut into chunks though) in the slow cooker with vegetables so that will be dinner tonight. I also made a loaf of zucchini bread. I have plenty zucchini left in the one dh brought in so could make another or maybe even two more! LOL And I just know there are more awaiting me out there in the garden...I like the little ones for stir-fries and grilling but occasionally they get big. This bread I made this morning is a diabetic recipe. I hope the kids will like it.

    From 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle
    summary of Day 49 Just Do Something

    If you are having a hard time getting yourself to start or get back on your diet/exercise plan, just tell yourself..just do something, then you're started. Doing something moves you past the barrier of inertia. Once you've started your mind recognizes you've been successful and it helps you keep going. Take one positive step...take one walk, eat one healthy meal..the hardest part is getting started. With whatever you decide to do, plan to repeat it daily for a minimum of three days. Once you sustain a postiive action for at least three days in a row, you'll begin to get your confidence (or regain it) and be more willing to stick with your plan.
  • Good afternoon GG's!
    I've been blessing a drawer and piled up corner in my house today. One thing I can do from a chair. I'm just taking a quick break to celebrate another 3pd loss this week That makes me 25 pds closer to goal now! I'll be back later-DH just came in to tell me a easy Yoga for flexabilty is coming on PBS- so I'll check it out.
  • Quick Hola!

    What a lazy day (I'm thoroughly enjoying!)...

    Ginger - I'm really proud of you! You're doing so well... I don't remember you saying you're in a chair, but you mentioned it today. Is this a temporary or permanent condition for you? Now I'm even more impressed with your progress!

    Marie - SamCat is nothing if not resilient. I told him that Kai had thrown him over for you, her mother... he yawned, groomed, and went to bed. I know he still loves her forever and ever...

    Gayle - I'm so happy you're enjoying your new "fun way to waste time on the computer"! It does make our posts more interesting, yes?

    Nothing to report! It's HOT... so what else is new? I've noticed that some of the trees are turning... it won't be too long until I quit whining!

    Later, lovelies!
  • Good evening GG’s,

    Rosey ~ sounds like you found some really neat stuff at the yard sale. How are you ~ hope you are having a nice weekend.

    Isabella ~ how is it going at your son’s place. How are the fix up projects going?

    CK ~ way to go, getting back to doing the Wii and congratulations on the pound lost

    Bobbi ~ what project are you up to this weekend ~ you are always busy with something. Love hearing about the things you make and cook.

    Lynn ~ how are you doing? Miss you ~ any news on your daughter?

    Donna ~ Glad you are enjoying your day. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary with your employer. And glad that they love you and you like working for them. That helps so much. How are GM’s eyes doing? Give an ear rub to SamCat for me.

    Freda ~ hope your weekend of work is going well. How is your back doing? Hope that muggy weather in your area lets up ~ I hate that feeling too.

    Rie ~ thinking of you and your wonderful time of camping with your family. Glad the biopsy results came back good ~ crud be gone!!

    Marie ~ did you and Kai and Sasha have fun with your scoot-jour time today? Hope Blizzie’s leg heals quickly. Glad Kodiak protected you all the other morning.

    Carol Sue ~ maybe you could experiment around with breakfast or not. Sometimes I am hungry for it, sometimes not. Maybe there is no right way ~ everyone is different ~ try different things, then do what works for you.

    K3 ~ glad your knee is feeling better. Oh my ~ Dash and the doggie porn

    Mary ~ glad you were able to get more medicine for your UTI ~ hope it gets gone soon and you get to feeling better. Have fun with the grandchildren tonight.

    Ginger ~ congratulations on the 3 pound loss. That is awesome

    Donna2 ~ glad you are enjoying getting to attend the Beth Moore thing.

    Welcome Cmarty ~ glad you have found a way of eating that is working for you.

    Cajun ~ your Zumba work out sounds like it was a good one. Congratulations on your progress in fitting into the Camo outfit

    Welcome Rose Centered

    Puneri ~ hang in there ~ you can do it

    Webwoman ~ enjoy your trip and time with family.

    Deelee ~ glad you had a good time in DC visiting your son. Sorry for the trouble with your parents. My poor sister is the one who is having to deal with my parents. I feel bad for her ~ dad exhausts her with his wanting her to run him here and there ~ sometimes needlessly. He sometimes yells at her ~ not a nice way to treat someone who is trying to help you.

    Am2 ~ I like your thought ~ I will succeed sooner or later. I do the right thing sometimes and sometimes not. I figure even though I am not perfect at it ~ each time I do the right thing, is one less time I am not doing the wrong thing.
  • Hello,

    It’s me again. Enjoying my day off. They never kind of go how I think they will, but that is alright.

    I was gonna go to the pool this morning and water walk, but got side tracked doing some other stuff (cutting a troublesome toenail ~ sorry if that is TMI). Thought about going out on my bike now, but it is still 97* out there, so guess I won’t do that.

    I’ve been looking at some recipes and thinking and trying to come up with some other ideas of stuff to eat. Trying to find things that have less carbohydrates in them. I am pre-diabetic and trying not to end up with full blown diabetes. I will try a couple things ~ if I like them ~ then will go to the trouble of figuring out how many carbs in them. Some of the recipes have all that already figured out ~ it is my own concoctions that I have to figure out all that stuff for.

    I think that is what I am struggling with as I try to change the focus of my eating. I hate getting everything all figured out (as I had done for Weight Watchers) and then trying to do things a different way and having to get it all figured out again. But once I do, hopefully I will begin to make some progress. I am kind of holding my own weight wise, but would like to get losing again. Of course it would help if I didn’t give in to cookies, and other such stuff. I don’t do it all the time, but often enough that I haven’t made much progress toward losing.

    It has been kind of a catch up with friends day. Got to talk to my DF Lucille in Kentucky. We met here on 3FC ~ wow ~ it has been 12 years now. I got to meet her once in person (went to visit my sister and Lucille lives near her, so arranged to meet). Talked to my mom for a bit. Trying to catch up with my DF Betsy in Kansas City, but her line is busy.

    Hope you all are having a good weekend.

    Take care
  • Hi all....well call me stupid. After getting the shot and having two days for it to start to help I over did stuff today and yup it's on fire right now. No excuse just dumbness!

    Cooked a big pile of ribs and will feed Dh and Dash all week. Easy meals and cut up tomatoes with cropped garlic oil and vinegar cuke onion and put in tin mixing bowl and his favorite salad is complete. Secret is metal bowl....???? don't know why but it tastes better?

    The Gulf water here is 89 and our pool water is 88. Sounds like a bath but with a wee breeze it is delightful. My fingers are puckered from bobbing around. Dash is off having a cigarette after sitting on the pool step! TMI?

    Started another BBC series Rosemary and Thyme. Kinda GG with with a brit accent. Must go put leg up...BBL for personals.....hugs k3