Didnt bring my lunch today :(

  • Im very mad at myself. I made grilled shrimp last night for dinner and completely forgot to make extra for lunch today so I didnt bring any food. We have a cafeteria here at my job but im not sure what i should get. We have a salad bar and i can have the cook make me a grilled piece of chicken. They dont have low fat dressings but they do have balsamic vinegarette. Ill put some fresh veggies on the salad and call it a day. I did bring my snacks. i think ill go to the grocery store and buy a few lean cuisines for this purpose. ive stopped eating sandwiches and salads for lunch because i dont seem to be content after. So i like to bring leftover meat and veggies.

    Anyone forget your lunch or have a suggestion what to eat?
  • Don't worry! Hihi. You seem upset over it, while - it's one meal! Sonds like a plan to have some grilled chicken with leafy salad. That's what I had for breakfast actually. With some walnuts, eggwhite and mayonaise.

    If you can get groceries then you could make a few fibre crackers with feta cheese or brie. Protein & fats to satiate you like the shrimp would have.

  • Yea ill get some groceries after work. While ive been doing fad diets my whole life im new to calorie counting. I try and find things that fill me up longer because i HATE being super hungry to where your stomach actually hurts. if i dont feel like cooking ive been eating eggs with a slice of whole wheat bread. i love my first 9.8 lbs pretty quick but most likely water weight. Now for the hard part. Actually losing fat. I havent started exercising but plan to soon. Ive been giving my body time to adjust because ive significantly cut my cals.
  • When I forget my lunch I usually grab a salad with chicken and veggies...and no dressing.You might find you don't need it!

    Next time though you might do as I say: "plan for the unplanned." I always try to keep something on hand at work in case I'm running short on time and can't make lunch or if I forget it. It came in handy when one time I ran out of the house and left my lunchbag on the table!

    I also research nearby options and have several meals I can get that I know are "safe." The last school I worked at had a Panera 5 minutes away so I had several meals that I knew I could just call up, order, and go pick up.

    I know this doesn't help you NOW but hopefully it'll be handy for next time!