Fibro Thread #13

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  • Don't feel like you are all house is a mess, too! And everytime I get up to do anything I start coughing and break out in a sweat. I'm so weak...this stuff is awful. At least I'm not running a temp anymore. My temp was over 103 most of the time for two days. I have coughed until my ribs and even my back is sore. I have books to read but don't feel like reading...I have over 200 channels on TV but have seen everything that's any good. My house is a total disaster but I can't clean it up. Hubby has done a little but he has been working late and was out of town one day so it is just piling higher and higher with each passing day! I have eaten very little but have managed to gain weight! I WANT THIS TO BE OVER!!!
  • On poor hope you are taking good care of yourself! You have an excuse for a messy house, I don't..except the Fibro and you have that too! I don't know how you do all that you do when you don't have the flu!

    Just get some rest..that is what your body needs now! Sending you some ((((((HUGS)))))

    I ran the sweeper yesterday and am so sore today and have so much more to do..just can't keep up! Got a pork tenderloin in the crocpot and getting ready to make the rest of the meal.

    Candice~the late night owl~
  • Hi fibropals. Hope you are all feeling good. Meme, I really hope your feeling better. That has been a long haul! I will be gone until Tuesday. It is a long weekend and we are off to Edmonton. I expect you will all enjoy your weekend as well.

    We listed our house, and they are having an openhouse on Sunday, so clean, clean, clean. Then it will just be a matter of picking stuff up for awhile. Not so bad to look after when just the two of us.

    Will clean our way out to the garage tomorrow morning, and then be gone. Hope it sells fast, so I don't have to keep doing this. On Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. the realtor called and wanted to show the house at 9:00 a.m., so needless to say, that was not a relaxing night. Hubby had to vacuum and we had to take some stuff downstairs. I won't have that again. I am way to stiff and sore in the morning to get moving that fast. Sure didn't want to go out - it was so cold. Luckily my neighbor was home, so went had a cup of coffee with her.

    Well, Candice - are you ABSOLUTELY sure that is you . I could probably pass for your mother(lol). It is late and my fingures want to hit all the wrong keys, so I am going to say goodnight. A painfree weekend to all.

    Tootie - hope your feeling better and Ally, I hope you diet works for you. Since it got so cold, I am just plain hungry - for carbs yet!!! Oh well, will just have to tough it out I guess.
  • Hi Guys.....
    Happy, are you moving very far? I need to get my house ready to sell. I want to be back out in the country and needed to wait til my kids have driver's licenses which won't be long. I just don't want to go thry all the cleaning etc. Plus I am a single mom with NO expertise in fixing things and either will have to pay someone to get things done or sell as is.
    When we sold out last house I can remember one night a car pulling in the driveway and a realtor calling from her cell phone to ask if some people could just come and "take a peek". I was Sooooo mad, but you really are at their mercy. So we abandoned dinner and stood out in our front yard wating for these people to go thru. They even took their time although our food was on the table.
    ANd what about the packing? Are you ready for that. SOmetimes I take a box home for work and try to put some things away....
    This weekend is cold and windy. Can't take much more of this. And I pigged out on Friday....all you can eat seafood buffet. Actually I was very good and only ate a salad and crab legs. ANd then I went and took a gander at the dessert bar. I felt like I was at a food orgy. I have never seen so many decadent chocolate desserts and I had to take a nibble of all.
    And my hearturn and aches are back big time.
    Meme? Are you out of bed yet?
  • Hi everyone, I think I am finally on the mend. I went back to the Dr. Friday...he thought I might have pneumonia...said if I wasn't better by Monday I would need to have my lungs x rayed. He changed my medicine and put me on an inhaler. It has helped a lot...I'm not wheezing and not coughing nearly as least I'm sleeping a little now!

    I can't believe I stayed in bed for 8 whole days and ate very little of anything and still managed to GAIN 2 pounds...I hate my body! I still don't have much of an appetite...and I can't taste why eat!

    Hope you are all doing ok...sounds like a lot of stress...having sold 5 houses before myself! Real Estate people are so disrespectful of your time and privacy. They agree to "show by appointment only" and then make you feel guilty if you tell them "no" when they want to show at a moment's notice. When we built this house I said I guess my next "move" would be "up"!

    It's sooooo good to be back!

  • Glad you are out of bed, Meme. Isn't it amazing that you gain weight while not eating???
    I keep reading about Seasonal Affective Disorder and if I think about it, I have always packed on a little more weight in winter. That was even before FM when I was doing aerobics etc. This weekend was so cold and miserable...I just ate what I felt like eating.
    That, Tootie, is not the same shame I feel when I find myself frothing at a dessert bar. Then I feel bad as I "wasted" calories on food of no special importance. Just wanted to keep flapping my gums, I guess.
    And Tootie, I am dying to know what you did that was stupid.
    I went to an outlet mall today and got my boys jeans and cargo pants for $7.99 as a store was going out of business. I get as excited over a bargain as I do over I am on a high right now.
    Plus the weather is a whole 30 degrees (warm spell) and wind has died down.
    Back to work tomorrow.
  • Hello gals. Well I am back from a very busy weekend and guess what - mostly pain free!!! Today, however, is a different story. This arthritis has kicked in and I can't bend any which way - hurts like the devil when I do - when I don't try, it is just a steady throbbing. Thank goodness I have a chiro appointment tomorrow morning. I will just have to make do with today - and hope my Dr. Ho contraption will do the trick. I have it on right now, so should know within the next 20 min. I have to go to Costco this afternoon and I just don't know if I can, the way I feel right now. Oh well, there is always tomorrow I guess.

    I had such a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, we cleaned our way out. I must say the house was sparkling when we left. Met out son at Tim Hortons for lunch, as he had just come home on Friday night (11:00 p.m.) and had to leave again on Sunday at noon. He has been working out of town for the past month and now he will be gone again for at least a month. Going up to Northern Canada, almost to the Yukon, so I really wanted to touch base with him. Then we drove to Edmonton and went a visited a cousin of my husbands and then went to my daughters for supper and babysat. Played cards that evening with my aunt and uncle (they came over as we were looking after our little granddaughter). The next day, we went and visited my brother and his wife, and then went to my aunt and uncles for dinner, and they also invited my brother and sister-in-law for dinner, and then we play Domino's. I haven't played that for absolutely years, and we had a blast. Started playing around 8:00 and never finished until 1:00 a.m. Then drove back to my daughters. On Monday (it was a long weekend -Family day) we went and looked at Condos around the Edmonton area. Not sure yet where we are moving, just that we would like to go to a condo and not have to worry about the outside work at all. I can't do it, and my hubby doesn't enjoy it. Looked in one condo that has a swimming pool, sauna, hot pool, billard tables, library etc. Beautiful building and the suites were great. I guess time will tell where we will be moving. Then we stopped for dinner and had a terrific meal - nothing to do with my diet at all. Allowed myself the weekend off and enjoyed it. Won't lose anything this week, but it is worth it. Started back on track today. I certainly learned that I feel a lot better with not so many 'starchy carbs' and sugar. I don't think I will ever lose my taste for sweets. I really love them. My Mom, who used to eat sweets, became a diabetic and when she would eat anything a little sweet, she would actually cringe. Wish that would happen to me. I can go months without sugar and the first taste - GIVE ME MORE!!!. I think I am just a carb-o-holic. This morning for breakfast, I had back bacon and an apple sliced with it and cooked. That is so good.

    Moving - well gosh! That is no big deal. I have lived in this house only 11/2 years. We built it and it is a very nice house. Since we moved from our home (20 years we lived there) we have moved 3 times in 6 years and this will be the fourth move. I don't find it hard as long as I can organize it. Pack and label boxes etc. The last time we moved, we had only 2 weeks as the lady wanted to move in to the condo as quick as she could and we had the house finished and I had already cleaned it, so just took the stuff from the condo and put it all away as we brought it in. Only had 4 boxes, so had to empty them and repack them. That was a hoot!!!! I really don't have to do anything but pack the boxes, and usually I have plenty of time to do that. I got rid of the clutter when we moved the first time. Had a gigantic garage sale, and gave my kids whatever they wanted of the stuff. So we only moved what we use. It was the best thing I ever did. I will try find the website where my house is listed and you can go in and have a look if you like. It is with Realty World.

    Meme - I am so glad that you are starting to feel better. Bad enough to put up with everything you have, without being sick as well.

    Candice - I am going to scan you a picture of me soon.

    Tootie - what a time you had. That was to funny. I have done things like that, as I am sure everyone has. It is always a little embarrasing when you catch yourself doing something that you consider stupid (lol), One time last summer, I noticed my neighbors car door was open (we were busy fencing). I sort of forgot about it, but in the morining I noticed it was still open, so went over to see if she was ok, as her husband's truck was not there. She was fine, but she said she had taken out some stuff from the car, and when she got in the house the phone had rung and she just plain forgot and left the door wide open. Funny how our brains work (or don't work) at times, isn't it?

    Ally - Dieting is the pits. It doen't matter which one you go on - they all say the same thing - stop eating anything good. No brownies, cake, cookies - and fruit is fine, but it sometimes just doesn't cut it. Look at Meme, not eating a thing, and gaining two pounds. Her body went into starvation mode and held on to everything. Funny way that works, don't you think?

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Candice is going to kill me for this post, but I haven't posted anything since Friday, so......
  • WHEW And you sure made up for lost time!

    I'll keep it short and sweet...I'm thinking this may run into page 2 anyway!

    I'm still feeling better, flu wise...but my right leg and hip are killing me today. It is supposed to rain tonight...oh joy! Darndest thing I ever did see...since I started back eating again I've alread lost one of the pounds that I gained! Just too weird...don't lose! Wouldn't it be GREAT if that was true all the time???

    I've picked up some more students this week...I always dread starting a new student. I have 13 now...unlucky number, either need to get another or "fire" one!

    We've moved 18 times since we've been married. And I STILL don't enjoy it!
  • Where is everyone????? My arm is hurting so bad I want to scream. Can't type for long, but COULD read something if someone was around.
  • I was wondering the same thing!!!
    My leg hurts...hmmm...think if we all got together we could find one whole well person between us???
    Ross is spending the night tonight...probably means no sleep for me...he turns crossways in the bed! He's staying Friday night, too...going to let him sleep with Papa then!

    Hope you are all just busy and not sick(er)!
  • Hey guys, It seems this is the only time I could sit and dribble some words because I can't sleep.
    Best news tho, the steel brace can be taken off so now maybe I can type and will not lose the post.The DOc. showed me how well I healed and I was reminded that things are going on in my body that does not need concentration to "function/work"
    So why can't I heal the FMS??? or get relief from it.
    Bye by
  • I'm having 'puter problems so might not be around much untill something gets done with this hunk of junk!LOL NOT! Screaming is more like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did get some cleaning done but oh so much more to do! A friend with Fibro gave me a heart with an angel on it that says "that's not dirt in my house it's angel dust! Well my house is full of angel dust then!LOL Wonder if they are coming or going??????? Wish they would clean while they are here!

    Been up all night so probably won't get anything done today...I need to sleep ..I'm tired of not being able to get this thing to work.. the computer that is over 8 years old and DH won't spend money on a new one..have to wait and get my sons again when he gets a new one!

    Hope you gals get to feelin' better soon! Anne I will try to get those house pics to ya sometime soon! If my 'puter will let me

    Candice~the late night owl~

    [This message has been edited by Candicej (edited 02-22-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Candicej (edited 02-22-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Candicej (edited 02-22-2001).]
  • Hi son is waiting for the computer. I am on a cheating binge. Not really cheating, just not starving at the moment.
    I went to the gyno today and was glad it was just a pap smear and I didn't have to get on the scale.
    I like this Doc..she is overweight and we commiserate. Today????? She got a new horse and has lost weight cause "I don't have time to eat". Darn.
    I ate so much sugar on Sun and Mon that I got good and constipated so I have been reading about fiber.
    If I can't DO something, I just research it til I am an expert on it.
    But, I'm still fat.
    Sorry about the pain girls. I've got it too...back to snow and cold after ONE day of 40 degree weather....
    I don;t like it when we get a taste of the good stuff and then back to crap.
  • Hi. We are all going to have to shape up, I think. I have a sore arm, Meme a sore leg, Phyllis can't sleep, Candice is having 'puter problems and Ally is eating carbs!!! Heavens - what a mess we are in

    I went walking again this morning and think I did almost 3 miles, very quickly. Had coffee, turned down a cupcake someone had made, and felt great. Now if my arm would just stop hurting. It is getting really cold here now, and it is supposed to start snowing this afternoon sometime. Change in the weather always affects something. This time it is my back. It was really sore this morning, but as the day wears on it is feeling better, and the storm is here.

    Ally, I don't know how you get constipated from sugar. To much of that and it does the opposite. Did you know that 1 tsp of sugar can close down your immune system for up to 6 hours. I never knew that, but I saw it on T.V. the other night on a program called health matters.

    Phyllis - glad you got that cast off. NOw if we get you to sleep (you and Candice).

    Meme - more students yet? You must be so busy. I don't know how you do that!

    Have a good weekend girls.
  • The students are the least of my problems. It is the FAMILY that keeps me hopping. I have had Jenna all week (of course) plus had Ross Wednesday night. Tonight Ross (4), Garrett (5) and Kaylyn (3) are ALL coming to spend the night and all day tomorrow! We are taking them to MacDonald's to eat and play then to WalMart to get groceries tonight. Won't that be a blast!!! NOT! I have spent the last 3 days cleaning and washing clothes, trying to catch back up from being sick last week. Lot of good it did me to clean...with 3 Rugrats here all weekend you'll never know it by Sunday!

    Someone was IN MY HOUSE this morning. Scared me to death!!! My alarm went off and I sat up in bed, looked at the clock and turned it off...then the floor outside my bedroom door "squeaked". The board have made A LOT of noise ever since we built the house but just outside my bedroom door. The door was closed but there was NO MISTAKING that someone was there. I called out...thought it was hubby had stayed home from work for some reason. No one answered then I heard a loud POP in the kitchen. I got up and went through the one was there and hubby's truck was gone. I KNOW SOMEONE WAS IN THE HOUSE!!! I did a room to room search with the lights all on but nothing. Then...brave me...I went to the basement and did another search...NOTHING! I called hubby at work and asked him if he was SURE he locked the basement door on the way out and he said no! Someone came in...probably thinking no one was home...then when I called out hubby's name they left and locked the basement door behind them! I've had the "wileys" all day!!!

    My leg is still killing me! But I feel a lot better everywhere else. I think that 5HTP must be helping me A LOT! Don't know what else it could be!