Shaving question

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  • I'd be afraid of the unsightly, rough stubble that would accompany regrowth. Based on my experience with how my legs look/feel when the hair grows in after shaving.

    I have fairly hairy arms..well, fairly hairy everything really. I wax my eyebrows, upper lip, "sideburns", chin, and ladybits. Shave my legs (but only to the knee) and armpits. Pluck lower my stomach.

    I have had someone question why I don't shave my thighs and my response was "The only person who sees my thighs is you, and if it bugs you, I can just put my skirt my back on". Guess who was totally cool with my unshaved thighs from then on? lol.
  • Quote: I have had someone question why I don't shave my thighs and my response was "The only person who sees my thighs is you, and if it bugs you, I can just put my skirt my back on". Guess who was totally cool with my unshaved thighs from then on? lol.
    I had nearly the same conversation with a guy once!

    My arm hair is pretty pale, but there is quite a bit of it. I bought one of those NoNo hair removers over the winter for my legs, and I thought I'd try it on my arms, but it was a major FAIL, so it got sent back. If I could remove my arm hair with no stubble, and I knew it wouldn't grow back dark, I'd do it. Until that miracle hair removal technique comes along, I'll have hairy arms.
  • I didn't know I'd be in such a minority here... No, I've never shaved my arms. It's never occurred to me. My arm hair is light and fine so I don't notice it really.
  • My mom used to shave her arms when she was younger. Then it was longer and a little darker, but she stopped doing it. My arm hair is fairly light and short considering how dark my head hair is, so I don't remove it. I don't think about it much either way except when I see some young lady with arms hairier than my hubby (and he is very wooly). And I think if that were my circumstance, it would have to go. But I don't think it's "normal" or "abnormal" either way. I don't think someone's weird for shaving it, and I don't think someone's gross for not shaving it. If it's long and it bothers you, wack it off. If it doesn't, let it grow. ****, braid it if you want. Just don't let anyone else tell you how to feel about it, after all, it's just arm hair.
  • I shave my arms. I just think it looks better.
  • I use an epilator. I have super dark hair and glow in the dark pale skin, so it's definitely noticable and it bothers me. Prefer waxing for facial hair, though.
  • I use hair remover for my arms hair and I feel much better without the hair. Becuase am very hairly and when I wear tops to show my arms, they look much better without the hair.
  • I shave my arms and have since I was a teenager. It started when I was on a swim team, and I kept my body hair down to a minimum for aerodynamics. Then I just got used to the feel and look of it and continued on.
  • I have never thought to remove my arm hair, and nobody has ever said anything about me having exsessive arm hair, so I guess I will leave it well enough alone.
  • I don't shave my arms, but I have blonde hair so it isn't too bad.

    I lack the discipline to bother with the upkeep!

    I do know some girls who do, although everyone of them is black/asian, so have dark hair. But wow, their arms look so soft and smooth!
  • I shave my arms when I'm pale because my arms look too fuzzy. When my arms are tan it doesn't bother me.
  • It's summertime now and I'm outdoors a my arm hair has gotten bleached out by the sun. Sometimes in winter I pick at it with a pair of tweezers to thin it out some (naturally dark hair on winter pale skin sticks out more). I've shaved it a few times, but it's so fine that it didn't make an especially noticeable difference and clogged the crap out of my razor. One of my friends in college would shave her arms all the time and we'd use her super-soft arms as a kind of security blanket and ask to stroke them when we were having crappy days (my college friends and I are weird.)
  • My hair isn't light so I either shave it or bleach it. Same for upper thighs (I shave from that point down).
  • Quote: I didn't know I'd be in such a minority here... No, I've never shaved my arms. It's never occurred to me. My arm hair is light and fine so I don't notice it really.
    Me too. The thought had honestly never even occurred to me. That said, if I had dark/thick/long arm hair, I'd probably do it.
  • Quote: I'd be afraid of the unsightly, rough stubble that would accompany regrowth. Based on my experience with how my legs look/feel when the hair grows in after shaving.

    I have fairly hairy arms..well, fairly hairy everything really. I wax my eyebrows, upper lip, "sideburns", chin, and ladybits. Shave my legs (but only to the knee) and armpits. Pluck lower my stomach.

    I have had someone question why I don't shave my thighs and my response was "The only person who sees my thighs is you, and if it bugs you, I can just put my skirt my back on". Guess who was totally cool with my unshaved thighs from then on? lol.

    Yeah. I've had that convo before!

    My arm hair is so light and fine it's invisible. My legs are a different story. I'm very pale, so it really stands out. Worst is my face! Genetics/pcos have given me furry cheeks with the occasional long thick dark whisker, and thick red chin and upper lip hair. All of the men in my family grow red beards. I swear I didn't get any genes from my (thin, gorgeous, fur free) mom's family!