Share your NSVs!

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  • Suddenly fitting into lots of trousers (pants) that I have been too fat to wear for ages. Glad I didn't throw them out as I find fitting in them again more satisfying than scale victories
  • Hi all. I did it again! A while back I forgot to eat my lunch and today I had some berries for an afternoon snack. Realized on the way home I had forgotten to eat them! LOL it is NOT like me to forget to eat!!!
  • Don't get NSV's on a daily basis, but realized as I was painting the toenails that I could reach them and STILL BREATHE!
  • LOL Judi... good for you!!!! Amazing the things we appreciate!
  • Quote: My seat belt crosses my body higher than it used to when I'm driving given that I have lost some girth. It's kinda annoying as I keep having to re-adjust it. But I've realised that it's clearly because I am smaller!
    OT: Most cars have adjustable belt height - look at the top spot on the door pillar where the seat belt comes out, there should be a tab to adjust the height.
  • Not feeling like I have to be nicey-nice to people who don't deserve it, so they won't say mean things about me behind my back. If they want to talk, let them.

    Not worrying if a piece of clothing has a bad angle--because that's all it is, a bad angle, not a giveaway of what lies beneath.
  • Hey, Silly Rabbit! Thanks for the info on adjusting the seat belt height. I ran right out and looked at my seat belts and sure enough, they are adjustable. No more seat belt sawing at my neck!
  • I can now fit into these pants that I have been holding onto for 6 years. I came down in them and my kids say "Mom...Those are out of style now."
  • I have a binging problem where whenever i am stressed or upset, I turn to food for comfort. It's a life-long struggle. On and off I've tried to conquer it, occasionally wanting to snack and convincing myself not to. That is like once in a while though... I usually give in.

    I'm happy to say that for the past few days I have not binged usually it's at night, due to boredom or stress, but the past few days I have gone downstairs, looked in the fridge/cabinets, and said it's not worth it. It helps that we don't have that much sweets/salty stuff in the house anymore but it's not just junk I used to binge on - even homemade food. So I am definitely improving.

    Even tonight, we had a BBQ and I am so tempted to go downstairs to eat more of it (I had enough at dinner) but NO. I'm off to read a book and to bed go me
  • Quote: Hey, Silly Rabbit! Thanks for the info on adjusting the seat belt height. I ran right out and looked at my seat belts and sure enough, they are adjustable. No more seat belt sawing at my neck!
    You're welcome
  • Congrats, all!

    Ms A, I can relate! I too used to be bad at the night eating stuff. But actually I came in this thread to share my NSV that for two months now I have completely broken the night eating habit. Now I usually don't even think about it and, when I do, I just dont' do it.

    Congratulations and keep it up! It really makes a huge difference.
  • Quote: OT: Most cars have adjustable belt height - look at the top spot on the door pillar where the seat belt comes out, there should be a tab to adjust the height.
    Awesome, why didn't I think of this? Will readjust the next time I am in my car!

    Thank you
  • I went to a weight loss clinic to find out about getting phentermine, and the lady at the front desk didn't want to charge me until they weighed me and checked my body fat because she didn't think my weight met the requirements. That made me feel pretty good.
  • I'll have to make new holes in my belt, because I reached the last one... And I should really buy new jeans because these ones are starting to look baggy like clown pants
  • That's a good one--the holes in the belt!

    Monday night I was happy and relieved, because I had done all the work on a hard project, and was ready to reap the glory. Then, I got an e-mail at 8:30 at night, that the client was looking for something different. We were set to meet the next morning at 11. Instead of stuffing my face, I went home, made a Crystal Lite mojito, and sat at my computer to make a new plan. The next morning, I didn't skip my run, then I met the client. It's been hard, but it all worked out in the end, and I made it through undamaged, weight-wise.