Doin' it the Old Fashioned Way #16

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  • I bought a magazine with some pilate and yoga type 'pose and hold' exercises in it. I quite enjoy them. A little something to add into the mix.
  • Good for you is always fun to try out something new!
    I am still about to fall over after this weekend...vending and dancing Saturday at the workshop for hours...and coming home to get ready for Jasmine's birthday party on Sunday...then leaving right after the party and it's clean up to go to rehearsal for th show this has been spent un"boxing" the birthday toys, catching up on housework, and doing errands like going to the bank, etc. I am pooped! I was way to busy to do my normal Monday workout-but I DID make time to do a 10 minute ab tape...on busy days like this, something is better than nothing!!!
    I did well this weekend...had no cake or ice cream at the birthday party...and when we had pizza Saturday night, I ordered part of it vegetarian and stayed under my calorie limits both days-not to mention the KILLER workout from the workshop!
    Well, I am off to bed!
  • Hi everyone! I just caught up on a LOT of pages! Welcome everyone who is new, and to my old friends, I've missed you! Nancy, SO glad to read about your sister. Hope you're hanging in ok. You can care for her more strongly if you care for yourself first! Get to a WW meeting and then go call her!!
    I have been SUPER busy! THe new job is great--time flies when you're the principal! A few days ago, I almost missed lunch! (Imagine THAT!!) I am loving every minute of it!
    My eating has been ok. I had a bad stretch at the end of the summer when I lapsed into some old habits for a week or so and drank WAY too much beer and wine. It's amazing how quickly that adds the pounds! I have been much better for the past three weeks and feel pretty much back to where I was. Remember, I don't do the scale anymore--I only go by my clothes and wore a KILLER navy fitted skirt today!
    Aphil, you amaze me with your sewing and crafts! I hope this past weekend was all you wanted it to be!
    Holly, when we had those nice days last week I did think of you--what great weather to hop on your bike and go!
    Everyone else, keep working hard! I don't have the time to post like I did, but please know that all of you and your efforts are in my prayers.
    Take care--I'll check in soon!
  • This is just a quick hello, I've been reading this thread and I'd like to join in. I am on my way out so I can't do the whole bio thing just yet, but I will tomorrow. Know this, I am couting calories and exercising, so it seems I will fit in here fine? This is my first time ever in my life trying to change my lifestyle permanenetly and my first time ever trying to do it the old fashioned way. I wish you all great success!! I'll do the bio tomorrow, I promise!

  • Well, it looks like you have lost 18 pounds slow and steady over the course of the year...and I would call that a success so far...anyone can lose weight quickly just to gain it back later...but losing slow and steady while making changes in your lifestyle for good are the way to KEEP it off...keep it up-lookin' forward to your bio!
  • My Introduction
    Well, I am 34 years old and have struggled with weight loss for over 15 years. The last time I was skinny (far from healthy, but definitely skinny) was when I was 18. I was a size 5. I had never had a weight loss issue in my life, unless your talking about being pre anarexic for a short period of time. Thankfully a gym coach busted me weighing myself and the school staff stepped in as well as my Mom. The sad part is at 98 pounds I truly believed that I was huge. If I could only be that "FAT" again... :LOL: I was about 15 then.
    I am a typical statistic. I got pregnant at 18 and married two weeks after we found out. I gained about 80 pounds during that pregnancy. Then over the years I have tried slimfast,weight watchers, Atkins, the Zone,the cabbage soup diet, the cottage cheese diet, and who knows what else. Only to lose and gain back again plus more each and every time. My marriage to my high school sweetheart did last almost 13 years and then he woke up one day to say he was not in love with me anymore, he felt like his life was passing him by and he wanted to "expierience" other women, he wanted to be single, he didn't want a family. He was 30 when we split, but I say he went through his mid life crisis early since he was forced to grow up early. He went out bought a sports car and started wearing gold chains, met a hot little chica, got married and bought a house and they now have a beautiful newborn???? Don't know about you, but it sounds married and un-single to me. :LOL:
    Went off a bit there for a sec, sorry, I am now happily married to a wonderful man who is very supportive of me and who loves me for me. I am also a natural mother of one daughter who is 15 and step-Mom to two boys who are 10 and 13. As I said before this is my very first time trying to lose weight for real and for good. I know it's different this time for me, because I'm in no rush. I know it will take a long time to get where I need to be and I'm ok with that. I am a very open to any constructive critisism, suggestions and knowledge anyone has to offer. I need all the help I can get. Currently I am journaling all consumtion and documenting calories and most carbs. I am trying to stay away from the really taboo carbs like white bread,pasta, and rice. I am on a 1900 calorie diet right now and as I lose I will cut back in 200 calorie increments. I am drinking 64 ounces of water a day and exercising 2-3 times a week. That's something I need to improve upon for sure. I can only handle 15 minutes of brisk walking right now. I suffer from depression, bursitis in my left hip, a bad left knee from a past injury, and a sciatic nerve that flares up frequently. These are all obstacles that I have to overcome I know. I'm hoping the walking will strengthen my knee and eventually it will no longer hurt. I don't think there's too much I can do about the other things though. If you know otherwise please let me know.
    I work as a site manager at a Mini storage facility here in the sunshine state and I'm working on going into business for myself as well, but I can't talk about that on here, because I don't want anyone to think of it as advertising. I love this site too much to risk losing my membership here.
    I like swimming,walking,spending time with family and friends,being a Mom and taking care of my family,reading,writing,scrapbooking,watching movies and the beach.
    My favorites are:

    Music-Dave Matthews Band, Tori Amos, Phil Collins, Bare Naked Ladies,Sister Hazel,Tom Petty,Meatloaf, and a ton of others.

    Movies- The game, bed of roses, untamed heart, Identity,Cape fear, and a ton of others.


    Oh I don't know what else, I think that's good enough for now. I really look forward to getting to know everyone.

    Take Care & Keep Smilin'

  • OOPs sorry, Hi Aphil! My highest weight was 250 and over the past year I was mostly off plan, until just recently, sept 4th to be exact, I had at one point this year lost 20 pounds so I did gain about 5 pounds back at one point. I'm glad I got back OP before I gained anymore back.

    Nice Meeting you!
  • Hey Lisa,

    Glad you are joining our discussion....I like the same movies you do..."Identity" was something else!!

    We've got a great group'll receive lots of support...just keep hanging in there and keep taking it one day at a time.

    I'm 41 and just now getting back down to my fighting is coming off slowly but I'm focusing on what I've got to do this time to keep it off. I'm journaling what I eat and how many calories I consume daily. It helps keep me honest....with myself!! more lb. off today!!
  • Hi Lisa!
    Welcome to DITOFW!
    I read through your initial posts...and you said that you were up for any advice we had to offer here...first, at your weight-a 1900 calorie a day eating style is just about right. When you do start to plateau at that calorie level as you lose weight-what I would recommend rather than cutting it in 200 calorie increments is instead cutting it in 100 calorie increments instead...because you really do not want to be eating lower than 1400 calories a day...I personally think that eating 1200 calories a day like on some plans is really too is too hard to get your basic nutritional requirments in at a really low calorie level. You can lower it in smaller increments and still see the results.
    As far as the exercise-as you lose weight you will have less stress on your knee and the other problems that you have-doing your small 15 walks is a good start-but I would try to up that from doing it 2-3 days a week up to 5 if you could-you will lose weight a little quicker, and reap the health benefits faster as well. One good exercise I know right off the top of my head for the knee is to sit in a kitchen (firm) chair with good posture, and slowly lift/straighten one leg and lower it. Do about 20 reps on each side...this is actually a strength training exercise, so I would do it 3 days a week, with a day in between, to allow for muscle recovery in the knee area. When you lift and straighten your leg in this position, it is strengthening the muscle areas surrounding the knee, as well as getting some of the quadricep (front thigh muscle) in there as well. If you can't do the 20 reps, don't 10 or 15, and soon you will be able to do more each time. Soon your knee will strengthen, and with a few pounds gone you will have less stress on your "parts" and we will be able to help you with some more strenuous exercise!
    I will introduce myself to you properly now-my name is Amy, and I am a moderator here on the forum-answering questions, editing "questionable" posts, etc. I am married with two young children-a just turned 5 year old girl, and a 2 year old boy. I am going to be 28 years old next month. I, along with Holly/Vermont Mom are the resident wild women on this thread! I am a professional costume maker and a seamstress and work as part of the costume and props staff at, and I have been belly dancing for about a year now...I just had my first performance on Saturday! I am a sci-fi geek and love alternative stuff like "romantic horror movies", and mythical favorites being Dragonslayer, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Brahm Stoker's Dracula...and that sort of stuff. I also love reading and learning about all sorts of strange historical types of things-and dressing up in costume whenever I get the chance-Halloween, themed parties, Renaissance festivals, and my dance events. (My October 30th birthday may have had a part to play here... ) For my exercise I enjoy yoga and Pilates, bellydancing, and strength training.
    That pretty much sums me up!
    For everyone who has been here for a while-the performance went great on Saturday...and the strangest thing I realized was that I was not nervous AT ALL...I was actually strangely calm. My stepfather took pictures and as soon as I get the pics I will get one of them up here!
  • WOW! So much help already!!
    Thanks so much for the warm welcomes, all the support and much needed information!

    Georgialady and Amy you two are doing so great! Congratulations!I can't wait to be that far into my new healthy lifestyle program.

    Amy, I love all the pointers you gave me and am modifying things to implement everything. I know my walking needs work, but exercise is my biggest obstacle and always has been, that's why I started out with so little. I first want to prove to myself that I can find the time to do it and that I can do it with no excuses. I'm proud to say I walked an entire mile for the first time since I started my new lifestyle. Well, actually I was more like limping the last 5 minutes or so, but hey I did it right! I do plan on getting up to 5 walks a week and I'm am so THRILLED with the knee exercises you gave me, you just have no idea! I will be doing them daily. I have hated feeling like I'm old because of my knee, I'm only 34 for god's sake! Yet I can't bend at the knees or walk or run or whatever, now i feel like I have a plan of attack to mend it. I was worried it was going to be a life long problem for me. I will also cut by 100 calorie increments as you suggested, I just want to make sure I continue losing, that's all that matters. I don't care how slowly just so long as I'm healthy and the numbers keep going down. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
    Amy you sound like such a colorful and interesting person, you'd be perfect for the haunted trail I'm working on this year, wish I knew someone around here that was into costumes like yourself! I am not a sewer that's for sure. (that's sow-er not sue-er)

    My goals for today are:

    1. journal all consumption
    2. drink 64 ounces of water (once I do I get a diet A&W rootbeer!)
    3. walk for 20 minutes
    4. do 20 knee reps
    5. To eat either fruit or diet jello for dessert tonight
    (I always have either a weight watchers dessert or a popsicle and I eventually want to get to the point that the only time I even have a dessert is once a week, again I gotta start small. I'm such a wuss I know! )

    My short term goal for the week is:

    To educate myself on the different type of fats. Find out which are good for me and which are not. I also want to create a list of the foods that have good fats in them. I like to focus on what I can have, not what I can't.

    I also wanted to share my long term weight loss goals with you, so that maybe you can let me know if I am being realistic or not?
    I will post them in another post though, this one's long enough.

    Thanks again Amy, you really made my day!
  • My Long term Weight Loss Goals
    To Lose 103 pounds

    -I will expect to lose no more than two pounds a week.

    -At that rate it will take me no less than 5 weeks to lose 10 pounds and I will add a week for challenges. That puts my first weight loss goal at November 1, 2003.

    -This means that it will take me at least 13 weeks to lose 25 pounds. I will add 2 weeks for padding, which places my second weight loss goal at January 3, 2004.

    -To lose 50 pounds at that rate will take 25 weeks and again I will add 2 weeks for plateaus ect. That will put my weight Loss goal at March 27, 2004.

    -To lose 75 pounds at that rate will take no less than 38 weeks and I will add a week on for good measure, that will put my third weight loss goal at June 11, 2004.

    -To lose 90 pounds at that rate it will take no less than 45 weeks plus one week for balance put my fourth weight loss goal at July 30, 2004

    -To lose the last 13 pounds, which they say is the hardest, it will take no less than 7 weeks,plus 3 for patience, puts my final weight loss goal date at......October 8, 2004.

    To put it briefly for my own reference:

    Weight Loss Goals

    10 pounds - 11/01/03 - getting closer to seeing family, maybe they'll notice? (probably not, but it's ok to wish right?!)

    25 pounds - 01/03/04 - probably went to many festivities,people WILL notice!

    50 pounds - 03/27/04 - spring is here, just picture all the cute clothes!

    75 pounds - 06/11/04 - swimsuit sections here I come!!!!

    90 pounds - 07/30/04 - summer's not the only thing that's gonna be HOT that year!

    103 pounds - 10/08/04 - I'm thinking my Halloween costume will be something that Hubby won't be able to take his eyes off of!!

    Gimme Feedback,
  • Hello All,
    After a prolonged absence from this thread I am back. I am doing pretty weell. Still have not stepped on the scale for a long time and am liking it that way. Still calorie counting and I am starting aaerobics tonight. I also decided to mix up my eating habits a bit by going vegan for a week (started on saturday and I am a vegetarian so it is not too much of a stretch), just to see if it will force me into some new recipies (which it has). Still waiting to hear about the bar exam, but not much longer.

    Welcome Lisa. I am a sporatic poster round these parts. Sounds like you are off to a good start.

    Howdy to everyone. I must get back to work now, but I am planning on stopping by more ofter
  • Looks like I haven't been the only one absent from this thread! I've been catching up on the reading here. Great to have this thread active again. I have been good with exercise, but terrible on the diet end. Last week showed a loss of 2.8#, but this week will probably be a gain-I weigh in at 4:30, so we'll see. I have to get back to work, will post again later.

    WW start 209#
    Today's weight 154#
  • Hi everyone!

    Welcome Lisa! You are doing so well already...and with the support, information, and encouragement here, I just know you will succeed! Congrats on already starting the knee exercises...when I was 32, I was just about hobbling out of my car at the end of the day, from being overweight and not exercising, and being on my feet all day...with steady exercise, that knee pain has NOT come back!

    GeorgiaLady, CONGRATS on another pound lost!!! That is great!

    aphil, congrats on your performance going so well! That must have been thrilling for you. And thank-you for introducing me to Lisa as a sister-wild-girl!

    Hi tryin'hard!! Yes, we knew that you'd be super-busy in your new position as principal. Good to know that we're in your thoughts, and you are always thought of being "here", too.

    hi tooround, good for you to try something different! Adding something else to the routine to shake the body up, lol.

    Idealperson, congrats on your loss also!

    hi zadie k! Hope your well and happy.

    Hi to everyone else! I have slipped a bit in eating, have got to nip that. Exercise is still going well and strong; have improved a bit more in the harder Gilad tape, so now I add the torture of ankle weights to the leg section - what does not kill me will make me stronger! lol

    I had a COOL day today! Went by myself to a local small airport; a B-17 Flying Fortress and a B-52 were scheduled to fly in around 10:30; I got there before 10:30 (of course on the 'cycle) and waited..and waited...and waited...they were VERY late, so I wandered to the Flight Station, and looked for an instructor that is friends with my sister; she got her private pilot's license with this guy.
    So I met him, and his friends; and they gave me a tour of the airport garage; then when we found out that the planes were STILL not to arrive for an hour, one of the guys asked me, "so, you wanna go for a ride up there?" pointing heavenward. DO I EVER!

    So I crawled into his Cessna, he strapped me in, gave me the headset, and we took off!! It was so great!!!!! He asked if I lived nearby, and I told him where; it's almost 30 miles by motorcycle, and about 35 minutes; well, by plane, going 140 mph we flew over my house about 8 minutes later! I had my digital camera, so took tons of pics; what an adventure!

    On the way back to the airport, his radio transmission told him that the B-17 was just entering the area - we had to wait in the air 'til the B-17 landed; that was cool seeing it in the air!!! So we landed after they did; I thanked the guy profusely, and then paid $8.00 to take a tour of the B-17. What an aircraft; awesome. And met some very nice gentlemen who actually flew in B-17's, and told us what it was like. One gentleman asked me if I had any questions; I just said, "can I just say thank you, for your service and your sacrifice to your country". He almost choked up, he was so touched. Well, I meant it.

    So, keep on your programs, drink your water, exercise, and watch for those emerging muscles!
  • Vermontmom! What an awesome day!

    My weigh in last night was surprising, I stayed the same! I tell you...I ate at Olde Country Buffet on Wed., a taco and sundae party on Thurs., a Mexican party on Fri.,(and I drank way too many Margaritas) a ladies luncheon complete with apple pie and ice cream on Sat., and a breakfast buffet on Sunday. WOW! I did exercise every day and drank alot of water.

    WW start 209#
    WW yesterday154#
    55# gone!