Came back with a vengence

  • Hello Everyone:

    The good news is I have lost 23 lbs.....but hotflashes have come back with a vengence.......
    Before I started IP.....I thought I was done with them.....oh well what can you do.
    Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Quote: Hello Everyone:

    The good news is I have lost 23 lbs.....but hotflashes have come back with a vengence.......
    Before I started IP.....I thought I was done with them.....oh well what can you do.
    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Yes! I'm 61 and hadn't had a hotflash in about 9 years. I used to have terrible ones for a few years right before I actually became menopausal. A few weeks ago it suddenly dawned on me that I was feeling 'overheated' because I was getting hotflashes again, courtesy of the estrogen I'm releasing while losing this weight. Thankfully, they've been relatively minor though. I feel for you.