Eating at maintenance for goal weight..?

  • I was reading something from another site (don't remember where), and it was recommending to eat at maintenance for your goal weight. So for example, since my goal weight is 114 lbs the maintenance calories would be around 1800 since I do moderate-intense exercise 5x/week.

    I'm trying to shake things up with my weight loss / diet since it's been slowing down a lot so I was wondering if this is a good idea? Or would it be better for me just to eat at around 1600 since that's what I get with the calculator from freedieting at my current weight & exercise level.

    Sorry for a redundant post since I know there's a lot of these kinds of posts around
  • I think it is a good idea, I didn't do it as I was almost at goal before I learned of it. It makes a lot of sense to me but I hope I never have to test it out,LOL.
  • I try to eat within a set calorie range. The high end of my daily calorie range is at my maintenance calories.
  • The Fat 2 Fit guys recommend eating slightly below maintenance for your goal weight. That way, you lose slowly while adjusting to what maintenance will be when you hit goal. 1600-1800 sounds like a good range for you, if you're willing to be patient. I'm your height but a lot older and I've been losing about 1/2 pound a week at that range, with an hour or more of exercise every day.