How long did it take you?

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  • I started in May 2010, just before Mother's Day. I've been doing this for 2 + years, and I've lost 50 pounds. I have 30 more to go. This is taking forever!
  • Mine is pretty much all in my signature, and my join date here is approximately my start date (I began Jan 18, 2011). It took me ~10 months to lose 100 lbs, ~14 months to lose 133 and get to a normal BMI, and ~16 months to lose 145.
  • My ticker shows 186. I lost and got to the high 150s. Then slacked and went back to 168.

    On 3/27/2012 I weighed 168. As of a week ago when I weighed last, it was 141. So 27 pounds in two months.
  • i started Feb. 1, 2012 & since then I have lost 27.2 lbs (: so it took be about 19 weeks to lose that weight. i probably could have lost more, but i had a vacation & some binge days that didn't help :P
  • 117 lbs in 16 months. The first 100 took almost exactly a year. It's slowed down a lot but I also increased my calories a bit.
  • My start date was 8th Jan 2012. So far I've lost 27lbs.
  • My start date was 6th February 2012. Not sure what my precise weight was then so my ticker starts at my weight at New Year - 255lbs. Got my own scales on 13th February 2012 - 251.8lbs. From 13th February, losses are as follows:

    Day 14 - 5lbs lost
    Day 25 - 10lbs lost
    Day 48 - 15lbs lost
    Day 55 - 20lbs lost
    Day 70 - 25lbs lost
    Day 86 - 30lbs lost
    Day 97 - 35lbs lost
    Day 109 - 40lbs lost
    Day 123 - 45lbs lost

    Add the bit I shifted before getting the scales, and I'm down almost 49lbs in just over four months.
  • Thanks a lot for the responses everyone. Looking at your most of yoru start dates, I can tell this is going to be a long journey for me.

    Those of you who lost 10 or more pounds per month, I'm jealous. I'm on track to lose 10lbs this month, but it has been challenging and I highly doubt I can keep up that rate for the next 2 months, unless I get some new ideas. How did you manage to do that? How much time do you spend on cardio per week?
  • When I dieted four years ago I lost 18 lbs. in about 3-4 months. Gained it all back and then some… so this time around I started around May 5, and so far I've lost 8 lbs. I'm actually trying not to lose the weight too quickly, because I want it to stay gone - last time it went so fast that I didn't have time to make a real lifestyle change, and I got lazy again. I think if you can stick with it, the longer you take to lose it, the more likely you are to keep it off.
  • Quote: Those of you who lost 10 or more pounds per month, I'm jealous. I'm on track to lose 10lbs this month, but it has been challenging and I highly doubt I can keep up that rate for the next 2 months, unless I get some new ideas. How did you manage to do that? How much time do you spend on cardio per week?
    Hmm. Well, mainly I manage to lose that much because I've figured out what works for my body on that one. What works for you could be very different. And there are downsides to losing that much that quickly too - I'm getting loose skin because it hasn't had time to catch up, and I have this horrible feeling I'm not going to slow down as I approach target but rather slingshot round it and speed off back up the scale again.

    A day without treats typically comes in around a thousand calories for me. That's a very rough estimate, I'm not a big calorie counter, I've just worked out a few of my meals recently because it was interesting, Typically ~200 for breakfast and ~300 for lunch, no snacks, and the evening meal usually consists of about 3oz meat with plenty of broccoli and other vegetables. I don't touch rice or pasta, my potato intake is limited to one tablespoon of mash whenever the boyfriend's having it, and I won't have more than one small slice of wholemeal bread a day. I spend 20-30 minutes on an exercise bike once or twice a day, though I measure that in kilometres travelled - 10's the minimum for a day, 15 or 20 is common, occasionally I'll go up a little higher.

    Compare the above to your day, if you like, and you may see some differences that account for me losing faster. But please don't feel you have to try to do the same, everyone's body is different, and what works for me could turn out terrible for you.
  • Quote: Thanks a lot for the responses everyone. Looking at your most of yoru start dates, I can tell this is going to be a long journey for me.

    Those of you who lost 10 or more pounds per month, I'm jealous. I'm on track to lose 10lbs this month, but it has been challenging and I highly doubt I can keep up that rate for the next 2 months, unless I get some new ideas. How did you manage to do that? How much time do you spend on cardio per week?
    If you're looking at people with more weight to lose, that could explain this. I could have easily dropped 10 lbs a month when I first started. Loss is MUCH slower, for most people, once they get into/close to the healthy range. Just something to keep in mind .
  • I've yo-yo'd a few times in the past, but that's behind me.
    This weight loss has been slower than in the past, but I'm also more geared toward a lifestyle change as opposed to losing lots of weight quickly like I was previously.
    So far it's taken me about 21 weeks to lost almost 25lbs. Slower than I would like, but I'm still very happy with it.
  • I'm down 25 pounds in 4 months. I've gained weight at 3 weigh-ins and maintained my weight at 2 weigh-ins.
  • I got serious about this on January 30th, and have lost 40lbs. Overall, I started to try to lose weight in January of 2010 and I've lost 77lbs in all. 30 to go to get out of the obese category!
  • 4 weeks