10 Days In The Lifeboat #21

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  • Welcome to the newest segment of 10 days in the lifeboat.

    Remember this is not a "challenge" but a place for accountability to ourselves and support.

    So what is your plan for this 10 day segment?

    Grab an oar and join us doing our best to stay dry.

  • I plan to stay on plan with my slim-fast and bars, especially through the work week. We will not be eating out this week- saving that for the weekends to eat out once and I will make reasonable choices when I eat out and eat my evening meal. I will continue with water and have my coffee daily as usual.
  • I'm keeping it as uncomplicated as I can. I'll stay POP on WW and as I don't think I've been getting enough fluid I'll try to drink my full 64 oz each day.
  • Hi all! I've identified a trouble spot for me mid/late afternoon at work. I have far too often in recent weeks found myself eating to sooth stress/fatigue/frustration/anxiety etc. rather than having a snack commensurate with my actual degree of hunger at that time. Going to try a few approaches over the week when I return to work tomorrow and see if I can smooth out this rough spot in my day.

    Best to all with your goals over the coming days.
  • My plan is to get and stay OP. That includes counting calories(1200-1400), this needs to be clean eating and no processed carbs. Getting over 100oz of water in per day. Getting in exercise 5 days a week.

    Yesterday was a much better day than the weekend. My calories were on target but my water was way low. Exercise didnt happen.
  • POP day yesterday with exercise!
  • Happy I had a dry day yesterday. Right on WW pts and got in my fluids!
  • I'm staying dry too. Awaiting my second weigh-in tomorrow with great anticipation!
  • What's a dry day?
  • Kerri,
    A dry day is when you stick to your goals. If you don't you get wet and if the day is a disaster you "fall out of the boat". We have life rings/ jackets and warm "floofy" towels to help you dry off and get back to rowing.
  • I had a perfect day!! Feels sooooo good!!
  • Congrats dgramie it's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?
  • Really good day yesterday! Yay!
  • Aha! I've had 3 dry days so far (if I make it through this day!). Does getting a little damp count against us?
  • kerri- we have a stock of nice fluffy towels to dry you off with. We also have life jacket and whatever else you might need. Here take my hand and wrap up in a towel. Today is a new day!!

    I had yet another good day!! Cant let my guard down I heard rough waters are ahead( weekend).