IP Daily Chat Tuesday May 15, 2012

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  • Howdy Folks - just a quick 'Good Morning'. Getting a late start, took the morning off to go to an awards banquet for my mother-in-law. She was very surprised to see us there with our son, so that was a great way to start the day!

    I just finished my lunch - I usually have IP Chicken Soup mixed with pureed veggies but am changing it up a little. I turned the puree into a soup with some chicken broth (1 cup = 5 cals from 1g protein) and had the IP Southwest Cheese Curls with it. See how it 'sticks' with me. No real reason, just felt like changing things up a little.

    Quote: NSV for me this morning.

    I have been hungry most of the morning. I looked at the clock around 930 and was thinking about lunch! I am learning to better deal with "being hungry" it's not the screaming I NEED TO EAT NOW! Kind of hungry but just a little hungry that in the past I would have moved immediately to satisfy. I'm learning it's okay to be a little hungry and I am dealing with it. Hmmmm and it's almost lunch time. I'm just happy I did not eat before lunch.
    I'm also 'learning' that it's okay to be a little hungry before you eat. I guess that's one of the things I'm starting to pick up - eat when your body is hungry - not because your mind feels like it (recovering boredom eater/perpetual snacker here). I am establishing a new way of living and I really love it - I finally feel in control!

    Quote: good morning everyone...went to my sons baseball banquet last night ..very tempting it was a potluck so tons of yummy food ..so i ate dinner before i went and brought water to sip on and totally stayed strong..also it was really cool cause people are starting to notice my weight lose makes me feel good.
    That's EXCELLENT! That is a great strategy you devised and stuck to the game plan! I have definitely found that a little planning helps avoid temptation and keeps me on track!
  • Quote: It was a great feeling, especially since my wife was there and pointed out my WL.

    Just tried to take a self portrait, YUCK. I tend to be the one behind the camera and don't like getting in front of it much. I will ask my coach for a new photo Thursday and have her email me the new photo and the one from several weeks ago.

    Smooches back at you shathom you made me giggle with the "smooches" thanks.
    What you may think is YUCK is more than likely not true. I know there are MANY MANY times I take a pic of myself and I am like OMG what are you thinking????.....BUT it helps me when I see it....Don't be shy....let us see who you are....YOU are killing this program and we can see your smile through your words!!

    Hey everyone, just checking in real quick before I go ride the buses. Lots of good things happening today I see. Those of you who are struggling, keep your chins up it will get better, stick to the program and believe in it and in yourself! Have a great day everyone!
  • Well this is Day 20 and I am feeling sick today, headache and light headed. Hopefully it will pass soon!!
    How long are everyones coaches wanting them on P1? I thought it was until 80 OR 90% of your weight was lost. Do we get to decide on which %? I asked my coach yesterday and she said 90%, but I am feeling like I want to save some money and move to P2 at 80%. Is it up to me? I know ultimately it is, I could quit and do it on my own and since I am moving out of state I probably will, but do you think she should give me info on the other phases before I move?? I paid for a lifetime of coaching they said, but obviously an 8+ hr dive every week is not happening and I will probably have to pay another office consultation fee if I go somewhere else? Who knows, I read that the mark-up on this food is 100% and that makes me sad!! I understand marking it up to make money, but that much is showing me that the doctors are more interested in the $ than my health. I am hoping that I can get a handle on everything myself and do an alternative plan in a couple of months. I am so thankful for this website!!
  • Quote: Well this is Day 20 and I am feeling sick today, headache and light headed. Hopefully it will pass soon!!
    How long are everyones coaches wanting them on P1? I thought it was until 80 OR 90% of your weight was lost. Do we get to decide on which %? I asked my coach yesterday and she said 90%, but I am feeling like I want to save some money and move to P2 at 80%. Is it up to me? I know ultimately it is, I could quit and do it on my own and since I am moving out of state I probably will, but do you think she should give me info on the other phases before I move?? I paid for a lifetime of coaching they said, but obviously an 8+ hr dive every week is not happening and I will probably have to pay another office consultation fee if I go somewhere else? Who knows, I read that the mark-up on this food is 100% and that makes me sad!! I understand marking it up to make money, but that much is showing me that the doctors are more interested in the $ than my health. I am hoping that I can get a handle on everything myself and do an alternative plan in a couple of months. I am so thankful for this website!!
    Hi - my coach told me yesterday that we are on phase 1 till 100% now. She had a new sheet. the other change was that the protein with the main meal is a flat 8 ozs. Hang in there!
  • 8 ozs protein - any one splitting that into more than 1 meal?
    I've read all sorts of variations on how everyone plans their meals, but one thing I still don't understand is the 'big' meal with the 8 oz of protein. Do I have to eat that all at once? Could I split it between lunch and dinner? Or just have a smaller snack and then the rest at dinner?
    would that completely mess up ketosis?

    thanks for all the posts; this site has been tremendously helpful!
  • Quote: Morning all,
    Welcome to all the new people. You will love your results with this program.

    I'm struggling a little bit. With phase 3, I've started doing some intense exercise. I run for about 20-30 minutes in the morning and then do a strength circuit in the evenings. Some days I have an extra packet but really it's not needed with being out of ketosis. I do have a lot more energy. But last night after my workout I had my peanut soy puffs (which are not very good btw) and I wanted another packet. I resisted it and did not have it. I went to bed. I felt SO guilty just "wanting" that extra packet. Even though I didn't have it. This morning I woke up STARVING. I think my body really did need that extra packet last night.
    I spend so much time punishing myself for wanting more when maybe my body really needs more? I always feel hungry (except after my p3 breakfasts) and can't wait until phase 4 when I can have snacks. Ugh. But then I feel guilty for being hungry... I think this program is great but i'm starting to get too obsessive over something I need to live. I'm scared of food. Why should I feel guilty over something I never ate, but wanted to?
    Oh no! Don't hate food Food is our friend. We need it for nutritional value and fuel for our bodies. Don't feel guilty for WANTING something. I've always WANTED a lambourgini and am still reconciling with the fact I'll never get one ... but in all seriousness, don't let this lifestyle turn you into OCD about food and a downward spiral of guilt. You are working out hard, maybe check in with your coach, if you work out xyz hours in a week , how many calories/carbs would you need in extra packets etc. to stay healthy and fit? Kudos on the exercise btw! Strength circuit training sounds scary! You will be OK, it'll take a bit to re-train your brain. Maybe experiment for a week. Eat a non restricted when you are starving and see if you gain at the end of the week or if your body really need it and you maintain or lose. Let us know how you're doing later ok??
  • Quote: Well this is Day 20 and I am feeling sick today, headache and light headed. Hopefully it will pass soon!!
    How long are everyones coaches wanting them on P1? I thought it was until 80 OR 90% of your weight was lost. Do we get to decide on which %? I asked my coach yesterday and she said 90%, but I am feeling like I want to save some money and move to P2 at 80%. Is it up to me? I know ultimately it is, I could quit and do it on my own and since I am moving out of state I probably will, but do you think she should give me info on the other phases before I move?? I paid for a lifetime of coaching they said, but obviously an 8+ hr dive every week is not happening and I will probably have to pay another office consultation fee if I go somewhere else? Who knows, I read that the mark-up on this food is 100% and that makes me sad!! I understand marking it up to make money, but that much is showing me that the doctors are more interested in the $ than my health. I am hoping that I can get a handle on everything myself and do an alternative plan in a couple of months. I am so thankful for this website!!
    Check with your coach, but I was under the impression that once you paid the initial fee it didn't matter where you went you didn't have to pay it again.
  • Quote: Hi - my coach told me yesterday that we are on phase 1 till 100% now. She had a new sheet. the other change was that the protein with the main meal is a flat 8 ozs. Hang in there!
    Awe crap, really? 8 ounces flat? I struggled getting 6 down! And I had figured I'd probably do Ph:1 until I hit goal, whatever that # may be...still hate the waffling on coach's opinions. whoop, negative nancy strikes again, dang hormones

    Quote: I need a good kick in the BUTT! Have been eating off program and I cm just about there! Mu weight last week was 150 lbs. Only have 3 to get to goal. I can't figure out why I am not sticking to progrann. I think I'll have a long talk with my coach this week ,maybe she can talk some sense into me. I am walking and cycling,but its the snacking that I'm not controlling...........Ok so I admitted this,now I am really going to try and do better. I have also just seen my journal and realized,I'm not writting in it. These nights shifts are getting me off program!!!!!!! When I wake today,I am going to do better
    You can do it You can do it! I worked night shift too and was gaining weight faster that I was earning Overtime I think. 30 pounds in 3 years pretty much turned me into a marshmellow...and I feel your pain, it's hard to stay accountable and healthy when your body is awake when it thinks it should be sleeping, and gets hungry cuz it wants energy to now stay awake. Maybe pack a snack of sliced cucumbers or green peppers in some WF dressing to munch on when you get munchy or anything like that. I hope your talk with your coach helps!
  • Quote: I have been on maintenance since Friday and was doing great until bedtime lastnight. I ate a whole bunch of peanut butter and honey and now I feel terrible (physically and emotionally) this morning. Should I do a phase 1 day today? I just don't want to slip back into old habits. Really disappointed in myself..
    Weigh yourself and see the results of this for future reference. I would consider a day or 2 of day 1 to try to reduce sugar cravings...
  • Quote: Good Morning IPeeps:

    Been doing some reading to get caught up on all that has been going on since I am not on here that much anymore. Congratulations to all the losses this week so far! Well this morning was weigh in # 25 for me and I am proud to say that the scale is once again moving downward. I lost 2.8 pounds and I am back to what I was 3 weeks ago. FINALLY. I was about ready to throw the scale thru the window if it went up again. I'm so ready for my body to stop protesting and continue on with what I want it to do. Hopefully it will continue to go down from now on. I don't have that much more to go and I have to admit, even tho I try to be upbeat about it, it really does get frustrating.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful OP day! Good luck to those that still have to weigh in.
    I remember when you started IP, you look FANTASTIC! Congrats to you.
  • Trying to think what to eat for dinner. I have defrosted some trout. Anyone have any OP baked fish recipes. I sure would appreciate it. I am starting to get stuck eating the same things over and over
  • Just finished lunch - soy burger, sauteed leek and zucchini and a big salad! YUM and I'm stuffed.

    I love checking in here - good to see all the support and tips people have.

    It's a beautiful day here.

    I see some people struggling through the maintenance. I don't think food should feel guilty. Life happens - I know that my weight will always be a challenge for me. I'm learning a lot of good things through this program. Everybody will gain a a lb. or 5, every once in awhile. Now we have the tools to remedy that. Just know, when we splurge, we will have a day or two of phase one - or even a couple weeks. Just keep believing! My coach who has been in maintenance for two years, is doing phase 1 for a couple of weeks until she loses a few pounds she didn't want. It's a lifestyle!

    I hope everyone has a splendid day!!
  • Quote: Hi - my coach told me yesterday that we are on phase 1 till 100% now. She had a new sheet. the other change was that the protein with the main meal is a flat 8 ozs. Hang in there!
    Yes, I have been on IP since Feb and my info said 100% on Phase 1 and 8 oz meat. I guess it takes time for the new info to disseminate. Not sure how that is handled.

    I was glad to hear 100% of goal for P1. Now just waiting to get there!
  • consultation fee
    Quote: Check with your coach, but I was under the impression that once you paid the initial fee it didn't matter where you went you didn't have to pay it again.
    I just had my two week WI and have lost almost 8 lbs. I have a "coach", but am literally doing it by myself and with the help of this forum. Not happy with my "coach" and was considering changing, but another person who sells IP told me that if I do change, it WOULD cost another consultation fee. There is no feedback, empathy, comprehension or explaining at my WI. If the food is 100% markup, sadly, this explains why some "coaches" are selling it. Sorry for being negative, but this is the truth in my experience.
    Now I will go to the newbie tips and browse through to see what I can learn.
  • Quote: Oh no! Don't hate food Food is our friend. We need it for nutritional value and fuel for our bodies. Don't feel guilty for WANTING something. I've always WANTED a lambourgini and am still reconciling with the fact I'll never get one ... but in all seriousness, don't let this lifestyle turn you into OCD about food and a downward spiral of guilt. You are working out hard, maybe check in with your coach, if you work out xyz hours in a week , how many calories/carbs would you need in extra packets etc. to stay healthy and fit? Kudos on the exercise btw! Strength circuit training sounds scary! You will be OK, it'll take a bit to re-train your brain. Maybe experiment for a week. Eat a non restricted when you are starving and see if you gain at the end of the week or if your body really need it and you maintain or lose. Let us know how you're doing later ok??
    Thank you. I really appreciate your input! I think i'm just too worried I'm going to binge. People always say "oh well if you lose weight that quickly then you'll probably gain it back just as quick" I know it's so easy to just gain it all back and I'm scared it's going to happen. I just got back from my spinning class (which I love by the way, much easier the second time) and I think it cleared my mind. I feel better. Thank you again and it makes me feel so good to know people care!

    Quote: I see some people struggling through the maintenance. I don't think food should feel guilty. Life happens - I know that my weight will always be a challenge for me. I'm learning a lot of good things through this program. Everybody will gain a a lb. or 5, every once in awhile. Now we have the tools to remedy that. Just know, when we splurge, we will have a day or two of phase one - or even a couple weeks. Just keep believing! My coach who has been in maintenance for two years, is doing phase 1 for a couple of weeks until she loses a few pounds she didn't want. It's a lifestyle!
    You're right. It's so simple to just get back in p1 and drop it again. Thank you!