Has anyone felt this way? :/

  • I have been eating healthy..i cut most carbs and sugar off my diet...but now that I dont eat those, I feel like eating more even if I feel full :/ I just dont feel as satisfied. It sucks because I dont want to fall back and mess up the hard work i've been doing. Is it just that im craving?
  • Hi KrazieStarz- I've had the same thing happen to me before. Whenever I tried to diet I would be cutting out pretty much everything and would never feel satisfied. This time around I decided not to permanently cut out anything, but just portion control better. I think when you cut out everything it is just not realistic. Something that I also do is allow myself a cheat day on sundays. Its a day where I can have what I've been craving during the week. Mon-Sat I work really hard and then I weigh in on sunday morning and then just have a fun day. I know a lot of people don't believe in cheat days, but I do. It works for me. I think you just have to find what works for you! Good luck
  • Are you having protein in your diet?
  • I agree with Samantha Daisy that 'everything in moderation' is a good approach. That being said, perhaps you could try adding back in healthy carbs like oatmeal or sweet potatoes? Personally, I start to gain weight when I go too low carb because I end up eating too much fat and protein in an attempt to feel satisfied!
  • I do the moderation thing now too. Be aware of the calories and balance it all out if you can. I find that if I feel deprived or can't have something I'm more likely to mess up. It's a life style change remember so you've got to find what works for you and what you can live with.
  • You can still have carbs in your diet, just eat whole grain bread and pasta instead of white bread and pasta. As long as you eat in moderation then you'll be fine. You should never feel starving if you're eating right!
  • Try reintroducing healthier carbs: Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It could just be cravings to, good for you for being on top of that.
  • if I interpret correctly then you need motivation? Try to think about all the positive aspects of losing weight. you yourself must have some already in mind if you are committed to a healthy diet and workout consistently, there should be no magic about it! you will lose weight every month
  • I feel the same way-I was a binger though so I am not sure if this is relatable. Binging fulfilled a something in me, and I hated that I could no longer "run" to it. Physically and emotionally. Physically, a part of me wants to eat way past fullness, for some reason its reassuring "hey everything else is bad, but I still have the food"
    Even overeating-the HUGE (quantity matters, a moderate amt can't do this for me) of cheap chocolate and bread sent my body skyrocketing before the crash. I missed that skyrocketing for a long time, but then I tried having some cheat days and I found that I hated them. Look me a long time to get there and I never thought that I would ever hate the experience, but I did.
    So it really depends on what you crave. Do you want moderate amts of the carbs and sugar? Maybe you can keep them in your diet, just watch teh cals. But if you want enormous quantities, I know for me, going cold turkey for a month or so really helped reduced the want.
  • Carbs and sweets are my weaknesses. I'm just starting back and I have only been eating whole grains (whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread etc). I still get those carbs that I need but without the crash later. Plus they're lower in calorie and fill you up also. As far as sweets, I'm having to go cold turkey on those and not be around them at all. I can't even eat sweets in moderation-it's all or nothing with me. Maybe once I've been on plan for a month or so, I'll try re-introducing sweets in moderation.
    It's interesting: switching to whole wheat has really helped curbed by cravings for sweets and other refined carbs. The first day was hard and sometimes I look at the brownies in the store and want them, but I don't get that "OMG! I'm gonna freak out if I don't have that" feeling.