Is there anyone out there who doesn't like veggies?

  • I don't like salad for some reason, it actually makes me feel sick when I eat it for some reason. I attempted to make myself a nice big chicken salad for lunch and the spinach/tomato are grossing me out. Ever since I had my baby I've been having aversions to certain foods. What are some healthy foods other than salad (I hate lettuce and tomatoes) for lunch?

    I like green beans, corn, escarole, collard greens, celery, asparagus, zuchinni, squash, cucumber, I just limit myself to these items?
  • Is it really going to be sustainable if you force yourself to eat stuff you can't stand? It sounds like you have a good variety of vegetables that you DO like - in fact, you sound far from being someone who doesn't like vegetables!
  • We have a forum for people like you

    I learned to love veggies by working with what I liked and then increased my consumption over time. Now, there is really not a veggie that I don't like.
  • It sounds like you like a lot of veggies...

    I like most veggies, but I go through periods of being SO tired of them, so I switch it up. First I did salad, and I'm over it, so now I'm doing zucchini and other squashes. When I'm tired of those, I'll probably move on to asparagus or something.
  • Just make a salad out of the stuff that you like. =) Then your healthy food will become addictive because it is all the stuff you enjoy. I love leafy green lettuce and green onions; and find at times I have to have a second salad because I love the taste so much.
  • Soup, stir fry, baked/roasted platters with sriracha, chili...salad is not the only way to eat veggies! You're better off than a lot of people - you have a solid base of vegetables there.
  • Don't feel bad I hate salad, as well as most foods that are considered diet foods (salad, soup, cottage cheese, wtf?). To me I might as well go outside and gather a pile of leaves together. Blech.

    I don't mind veggies, but I prefer them as sides to heartier main courses.

    Be a picky eater. I love spinach but loathe broccoli, therefore I do not eat broccoli.
  • I don't eat salads. They aren't a requirement for weight loss.
    I eat what I like.
    • Green beans
    • Chopped canned tomatoes added to rice or other dishes.
    • mushrooms and zucchini chopped up small in omlets
    • spinach, onions, mushrooms on pizza

    Too many veggies both my stomach, but just remember 1/2 cup is a serving of most veggies so you don't need to eat tons of them.
  • Quote: Soup, stir fry, baked/roasted platters with sriracha, chili...salad is not the only way to eat veggies! You're better off than a lot of people - you have a solid base of vegetables there.
    Yep. I hardly eat salads aside from hot days in the summer. I like them, I just like other foods more!
    I make a **** of a chili with lots of veggies. It's actually this one but I also love zucchini enchiladas and all kinds of "non-traditional" ways of eating vegetables. To me, they're often relegated as a side dish when they should be the focus of a meal!
  • I'm with you OP, which sucks because they're so low-cal generally and so damn good for you. My most effective strategy is to keep experimenting with new low-cal or no-cal seasonings and using the ones that I like.