anybody up for a May challenge?

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  • Hi everyone! Tomorrow is May 1st, as we all know. My birthday is one month away, June 1st. I was wondering if anyone would want to do a May challenge with me so that I can hopefully lose SOMETHING by my birthday?
  • What kind of challenge? There is also the lose 10 lb by June challenge in the main support forum if you don't get enough of a response here! I am in for anything
  • I was just thinking it would be just like any other challenge: personal goals and such. Mine is to actually stay on plan for the whole month. I'm not as concerned with the weight as I am setting habits. That's my weak spot. Glad you're in too!! What are your goals?
  • I would love to do a challenge with you all.
  • I'm in! I would like to lose 8 pounds by June 1st.
  • Hey! I'm glad to have people along with me for the ride! Today (so far) has been a great day. I've stayed totally on plan and had a great dinner! Saving a skinny cow desert for later

    I exercised for the first time in a long time today also, which felt great. Exercising really helps me to stay motivated because I don't want to undo the hard work I've put in.

    How has everyone else's day been?
  • I'm in. This morning I weighed in at 175. I would like to bounce down to 171 by June 1st. And continue to work towards my step goals on the fitbit. Good luck everyone!
  • Okay my goal for the month is to plan my meals every day, including weekends. Planning = success for me! As soon as I'm left to make a choice when I am STARVING, I make a poor choice. or if I feel there is nothing ot make a meal with in the house, I go out (even if there is food here).

    So that's my challenge. So far I am off to a good start! Now I have to plan today!
  • I'm in! I'm just restarting a calorie counting diet and I'm new here so ....
    I challenge you all to keep your heads on straight, plan your meals, and lose with me!!

    (now if I could just have a weight ticker)
  • Ladies I am in,
    I will include soups and salads daily in my main meals. I will not have cheat meal for this month. and counting calories in my fruit salad.

    Keep going
  • Hello, I'd like to join you too.

    I'm climbing back on the wagon just now. My May goal is to stick to 1400kcal per day on average and start my refeed/spike day after two weeks of this. But I plan on doing the refeed day for a couple of months at least so I don't know if this is the right thread for me. But I'd like the company! It helps motivate I think. And yes planning does make for success.
  • I think I'll join as well. After being really good most of last year, I've let 30+ pounds creep back on in 2012. Time to stop the insanity one calorie at a time..

    My goal is to stick to 1600 calories or less 5 days/week (and not go too wild over the weekends). Ideally I'd be close to (if not under) 220 by the time June rolls around.
  • I'm in. My goal is to drop 3-5 inches on my hips by June 1. I started doing P90X again today. I was working on a project and one of the ladies in the group told me about it so I got in on it. 3-5 off my hips would be wonderful and would help tremendously with getting to my size 10. Heck it may put me in my size 10.
  • Welcome everyone!! I'm glad you have all your wonderful company! I think this is shaping up to be a great month. I agree, I think planning is so important. I have found that if I don't plan, I will typically just throw caution to the wind when dinner comes around and eat something packed with calories. I think sometimes calorie counting works best when you sort of get on auto-pilot, it does for me anyways.

    I weigh myself every day. Yesterday was my first day back counting calories and today I saw a 3 pound loss on the scale. Even though I know it was water weight, I'll take it. At least I didn't see a 3 pound gain!

    I hope everyone is having a good day so far!
  • Quote: I weigh myself every day. Yesterday was my first day back counting calories and today I saw a 3 pound loss on the scale. Even though I know it was water weight, I'll take it. At least I didn't see a 3 pound gain!

    I hope everyone is having a good day so far!
    Yay for that 3 pound loss!!... and nope it doesn't matter if it's water .. the scales moved in the right direction!