MAY The Scale Be Kind - May Daily Weighing Thread

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  • 199.8- up .2 today, feeling sore from a 5 mile walk to get a few things from the store.
    This is too close to 200 for my comfort zone but I'm doing everything I can, staying in my cal zone, drinking lots of water, getting exercise. I hate beginnings of the month, I have struggled everytime and then get a whoosh the last two weeks. I guess that's how my body works but I don't like it
    Since I'm doing the Biggest Loser Challenge on 3FC, I will be making changes to my ticker on Sundays-the weigh in day for that. I'm keeping a journal on there of all my ex. and cal. so it's going to help me not cheat this month!
    Angie down 2.6!
    Kukkie happy for u that TOM is over
    Diana I'm so glad you have someone else helping with your mom! Still praying 4 u guys!
    reallystruggling If ur struggling 3FC is the place to be! You will find lots of support. You are starting around the same weight I did-you can do this! I know you just had a gain, but remember our bodies bounce everyday. Most of us are keeping a daily weigh in to know WHY each of us bounces... it can be too much salt, not enough water, a late dinner still sitting in your tummy, sore muscles retain water, TOM on it's way (time of month), the key thing is to see a downward trend over the course of the month That will happen if you stay on plan, what is your plan? I'm a calorie counter
    Steph good-bye 150's!!
    Rennie where are you? missing you!
    julz down 1.8!
    kifli 5 lbs. is a great goal
    pghgal two-teens here she comes!
    Kris now that ur in your new place hopefully you can get adaquate rest and see your 220's!
    thistoo ur right, keep on keepin' on... your whoosh will come!
    Eliza nice on the .2 down!
    Choukoe u can do it!
  • Quote: (WHY DID I GAIN???)
    I'm up a pound today myself. Sometimes we just bounce up for no good reason; sodium, hormones, name it, and it can probably make you retain some water!

    I am ovulating right now, for instance, which makes me retain water, plus I had some extra salt and extra carbs yesterday. I'm also on a bit of a plateau, it seems, but that pound up is not permanent. I know it's just a temporary bounce and eventually I will go back down. Someday! You will too; just stick with your plan and exercise your patience muscle. That's the hardest workout of all for me.
  • Okay, I'm UP today from yesterday for no freakin' reason. 221.0 ... seriously. I drank a lot of water, sodium was not a problem, calories were 1500 yesterday.

    What gives??

    I lost four pounds last week, so maybe my body is in retrograde or something. Maybe it was a fluke? Frustrated as you-know-what today.

    AND - to make things worse, my A/C went out last night. It's 83 degrees IN MY HOUSE right now, and 90 outside. Yuck. I telework, so I don't even have a cool office to escape to for the day. Oh well.

    Hope everyone is having a better day than me!! LOL
  • Pghgal Congrats on the pound from yesterday! Sorry about the A/C! I hope you can get it fixed quickly.

    Kifli Hi

    Angie Congrats on the 2.6 pounds!

    Julz Good job on the 1.8 pounds!

    Reallystruggling Hi and welcome to the check-in! It's probably just a daily fluctuation.

    Steph Yes, I think my Mom's friend is doing a better job at getting my Mom to take her meds on time and eat, etc. It's different when it's a friend vs. daughter. The big issue was that my Mom was taking one dose AM and one PM. She is suppose to take 2 pills every 4-6 hours. The 2 pills was too much, so my Mom didn't like it. Now the friend has my Mom taking 1 pill every 4 hours. That has made a big difference. I couldn't get that through to my Mom though. Good job on saying bye, bye to the 150's forever!

    Kukkie Good job on the 1.2 pounds.

    Qt You are doing such a great job. Don't get frustrated! Keep up the great work!

    Thistoo Hi
  • Down .4 today -- we had a dinner out tonight and I think I made great choices...I still have 300 calories left in my day if I want them, undecided on that right now.

    Diana -- Thanks! That's great that she is doing better and that you have another person to help keep you in the loop.

    Reallystruggling --

    Steph -- Hope your day was great as well. I think you are firmly in the 140's!

    Kukkie -- Are you going to Germany for work or pleasure? When do you go?

    Jess -- Sometimes I think hot weather can make me retain more water..maybe that's happening for you with the A/C out?
  • Angie Great job on the .4 and for sticking with your plan.
  • may 3rd- 233.7

    Hopefully this doesn't put a damper on my workout today
  • Good Morning, Everyone! I hope you have a fantastic day!

    I'm thinking I have some hormonal stuff going on. I looked at my calendar and it says TTOM should be starting soon. I always get confused because my TTOM lasts so long. Then it returns so soon, because it lasted so long. You count the days from the day it started, not the day it ended. Unfair I tell you! Oh, well, it is what it is.

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 147.2
    Up: 1 pound
  • 198.4 down 1.4 from yesterday, it's a new low the farther I get from 200, the happier I'll be! TOM should be anytime now and I'm really sore from the extra walking/running and being on my feet all evening mixing frosting for my mom's wedding cake... so I'm pleasantly surprised at the drop. Maybe my tantrum can turn into super good food choices, lots of water, and a nice decline in numbers
    Thank you Diana for your encouragement, it really means a lot! I'm so glad your mom's friend has figured out a formula for helping your mom. Sorry TOM is rearing it's ugly head again
    Angie You're doing great! Good for you
    Jess I agree w/Angie, the heat might be the reason for the jump, but I know from experience, if you stay on plan that drop in numbers WILL come! Just keep up the fight
    reallystruggling keep trying hun! there have been so many times I thought I'd never get through the next barrier but if I'd quit I wouldn't be where I am now. You can do it!
    thistoo Your day is coming too! those plateaus can't last forever
    OnaMi, Rennie
  • Diana, I feel your pain. My cycles are long too, and when (if; it doesn't always happen anymore) I ovulate that stalls my weight loss as well. Hormones are truly frustrating.

    Speaking of which, I'm up another half pound this morning to 195.6. I can feel the water retention, and I figure some of it is hormones, some the onset of humidity here, and some might be stress-related. It would be nice if it would go away, but all I can do is wait it out. Stressing about it certainly won't help.

    Have a great Thursday, everyone. At least we're closing in on the weekend!
  • Hey group!

    I'm down another 1.7 to 190.4 Must chug mucho water as we're going out for a work lunch today.

    Angie Germany is for pleasure. I have quite a bit of family there on my mom's side and we're going to my cousin's wedding.

    Diana my cycle has decided to have a mind of its own ever since I went off BCP, so I never fully know when it's coming, how long it'll stay, or even how long until the next one.

    Kelly congrats on the new low!
  • Managed to lose the weight I gained this week and am back where I was on Sunday. Hoping to be down a pound from now when I officially weigh in again on Sunday. Trying to drink a lot of water today!
  • Hi everyone!!

    I'm back to 219.2 today after 221 yesterday. Weird -- but relieved. That puts me at no loss for the week, which is frustrating, but I did lose 4 pounds last week so I guess the average of 2 per week is okay. I don't feel it matches the level of effort I have put forth though.

    Angie, I think you may have been right about the heat & retaining water. Whew! Congrats on the .4 from yesterday. I love the feeling of knowing you made good choices ... be proud!!

    Diana, thanks! The A/C guy is coming today, but luckily my house has a large attic fan that sucks in the cool air from outside. I used it overnight and my house went from 83 to 71. Oh, and I also agree that the counting shouldn't start until the day you finish. LOL

    QT, thanks for the encouragement. I stayed within my calories yesterday even though all I wanted to do was call my buddy Papa John. I guess it finally paid off because I'm back to where I was. Congrats on your new low!!! that is awesome.

    ReallyStruggling, keep going anyway! Eventually the scale will cooperate

    Kukkie, congrats on your loss! That is great!!

    Hope everyone else has an awesome day!!
  • Up .6 to 217.6 today for no good reason...I'll have to blame the dinner out and sodium. I had an on plan lunch out today so I hope that won't cause any damage for tomorrow.

    You count the days from the day it started, not the day it ended.
    Diana I've always felt that this was totally unfair! Who do we complain to?

    Kelly, congratulations on your 1.4 loss today! I know it's maddening to creep back up towards the 2's. Good for you for keeping it under control

    Kukkie -- Great weigh in, good for you! Germany sounds like fun, when do you go?

    Jess -- Congratulations on your whoosh!
  • Seems like everyone is losing, congrats!
    I'm going to doctor tomorrow to see what's up with me. Feeling very tired so I hope she know what's wrong.