Does anyone just weight train?

  • Ive started in the last 7weeks doing anywhere from 30-60 mins weight training in the gym 4-5 times per week along side 15-20 mins HIIT training.

    Does anyone just do weight training? And does it effect your cardio?

    I get really tried doing the weights as i lift fairly heavier than when i used to before i researched and understood weight training.

    Is it best to keep doing my work outs like this or is it best to do weights one day and cardio the next?

    What do you do?
  • I've always done weight training one day and cardio the next ... but then again I sometimes do both on the same day, it varies and I feel good doing one or the other combos depending on the day and how I feel.... If you can do both on one day I say go for it...

    I don't think one is better than the other... your body will tell you...
  • I do just weights, 2-3 times per week. I do stay active doing lots of other things, but I really don't do any sort of structured cardio session. Honestly I just hate feeling like a hamster on a cross-trainer. HIIT does help with the boredom factor, but I really prefer weights, so that's what I do.

    I'm usually super beat after my lifting, so I'd have to do cardio on alternate days even if I did it anyway.
  • Quote: I do just weights, 2-3 times per week. I do stay active doing lots of other things, but I really don't do any sort of structured cardio session. Honestly I just hate feeling like a hamster on a cross-trainer. HIIT does help with the boredom factor, but I really prefer weights, so that's what I do.

    I'm usually super beat after my lifting, so I'd have to do cardio on alternate days even if I did it anyway.

    Thanks , thats usually me it really tries me.
    Whats your training regime if you dont mind me asking?

    Me and my partner do it together and we do it over 4-5 days we do about 4 different exercises on the same muscle groups doing 3 sets to failure each session. then 20 mins either cardio machines or HIIT circuits.

    so day 1 wed work on chest
    day 2 back and biceps
    day 3 shoulders and triceps
    day 4 abs and legs
    and if we do a day 5 it will either just be cardio or a light lifting session
  • I do lots of cardio and less lifting, though I keep thinking I should do a 6-8 week trial period focusing on 3 days of heavy weights with just a little bit of cardio. But that's impossible in the spring and summer because of ultimate tournaments taking over my life (in a good way).

    How about trying more full body exercises, rather than focusing on one body part at at time. If you do squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull ups (or pull downs for those of us who lack upper body strength), and overhead shoulder press, you cover every muscle group in a short period of time. Use free weights (or the pull down cable machine) rather than the fixed-motion machines. It feels totally bad a$$ to be one of the few women in the male-dominated section of the gym!