
  • Is there anything to help tam those evil cravings that continuously happen while im on a diet. I wanna stick to my diet but its so hard :/. any help ?
  • What do you crave?
  • I try to get a good protein/carb balance and that tends to help me. What is it that you are craving? Sweets are usually a craving that can be ignored but if it's meat or veggies, you might be missing something essential.
  • Yeah I can handle sweet cravings with a diet soda or WW candy bar. I crave salty things pretty often too and that's tougher to fix. I've always wondered why I crave green olives when I don't like them all that much but sometimes I gotta have them!
  • just put them off for a half hour. It will often be gone by then.
  • Sometimes we think we're hungry when really we're thirsty. Try drinking a tall glass of water. Then wait about 20 minutes. If you're still craving whatever you're craving, try having just a couple bites of that craving. This helps me a lot, so maybe it'll help you too.
  • I like all the suggestions.

    I usually drink some water, wait a while, and if I'm still craving something that can fit into my calories, I have some (not a lot, but some).

    If I've tried everything to make sure I'm actually hungry, and it turns out I actually am, I just allow myself to have what I want (within reason of course), otherwise I obsess over it all day. Deprivation always leads me down a path of failure. I'm not saying give into every craving at all, but if it's reasonable to have some of what sounds good to you, even if it's not the most healthy food in the world, then do. However, if you know it to be a trigger food, then definitely try to avoid it.
  • I don't have nearly as much trouble with cravings when my overall carb/sugar intake is not too high. (Not that it has to be non-existent.) I crave sweet things, but the problem is way worse when I am actually regularly eating sweet things! It self-perpetuates.

    If I'm in the middle of a bad craving though, finding something to distract myself works. Calling a friend, taking my dog out, seducing my husband ... anything to get my mind off the food!