I'm developing a bad pattern!

  • So I started WW 3 months ago and have lost 20 lbs. But I have developed this bad pattern where I do really well for 2 weeks or so.. I record it all, eat good stuff, workout.. then I go to meeting and Ive lost weight (3 lbs or so) and then the next 2 weeks I find myself either "celebrating" that success or just slacking off because "ive got it" and not tracking anything for DAYS. Then I avoid the meeting because I dont want to risk going in and have gained weight.

    How do I break myself of this? How do you find the strength to go to the meeting even if youve had a crappy week? I just hate the feeling of going there and being told I gained a lb or 2 that week. :/
  • Back when I first joined WW, one of my first commitments was "Go to meeting. Every week. No excuses."

    And that I did. For years. I went every week. Neutrally recorded the weigh-in amount, whether up or down... and enjoyed the -meeting- for what it was. Group support.

    Most weeks I did well, but there were some that weren't so great. The best thing about going to meeting during those "not as great" weeks is that it put the complete halt to whatever poor behaviors I was doing, and it restarted my resolve to continue with the better things I knew how to do.

    If nothing else, going in, seeing a number, listening to the lovely people at the meetings... it stopped bad behaviors before they became worse behaviors.

    I went, because my commitment wasn't about "only go when you lose" or "only go when you're doing well". I went, because my commitment was... "GO!"

    My favorite leader used to say, "When you're doing well, the meeting needs you. And when you're not doing as well, you need the meeting." Go all the time. It's not about judgement. It's about support for the good things we do. Even if the only good thing we do that week is get to meeting, well that's a lot better than letting poor behaviors continue.
  • I very much agree with lovely.
    I always went to the meetings regardless of whether I though I had gained or not because the meetings kept me motivated for the next week, ESPECIALLY when I had gained.
    Mom and I used to go out and "celebrate" by eating out every once in awhile, but never to the point where I gained that week. It's okay to have one celebration dinner, but you should still track it.
    I know it's hard to stick to it all the time but YOU CAN DO IT!
  • I don't do meetings, but I can totally understand the pattern. I have been trying to lose hte same 5lbs for MONTHS because of that pattern. I am now making my sister help me be accountable. So I would definetly go to your meetings, it'll help you to stay accountable, and you never know when someone in a group might say something that just clicks in your brain and makes a big difference.

    Maybe try to celebrate with something else. It can be a new nail polish or something similarly priced, and then set a prize for your bigger goals.
  • Oh I so know what you're talking about. When I did used to go to meetings, I'd skip on weeks where I knew I'd been bad and gained. It was terrible. Now I do WW online (can't afford meetings, boo) and I force myself to weigh in every Saturday, no matter how bad I've been. Lovely is exactly right, making yourself accountable will help get you back on track and keep you on track.
  • Find yourself a non-food related celebration! New makeup/nail polish. A new article of clothing or some new shoes. There are so many ways to celebrate your accomplishments without food. Also, take a look back at where you have come from, and how much better you feel with the weight gone.
  • Quote: If nothing else, going in, seeing a number, listening to the lovely people at the meetings... it stopped bad behaviors before they became worse behaviors.
    Ah this is so right! You're totally right. Whenever I dont go in I let that bad behavior go on for WEEKS-but whenever I do force myself to go in regardless of if Ive gained I normally stop it that week and I re-engage. I don't know why I never thought of that before! lol

    Thanks everyone.
  • Here's something to think about. You don't want to be like me. I joined WW in November of 2009 right before Thanksgiving. I kept with it until about May of 2010. I lost over 50 pounds! It was wonderful. Then I decided to just do the online plan. I thought, shoot, I'm obviously cured. Well, little by little I was cheating. No one had to know if I didn't weigh in that week. I would do better next week! Then 1 Taco Bell splurge night turned into 5. Before I knew it I had gained a few pounds. No biggie, I thought. I'll just be careful. Here it is, March 2012. I have gained back 60 pounds. I joined WW again on March 11th and I have already lost 4.2 pounds. I feel great. I know, though, that it is a slippery slope for me. I need the meetings. I need the cost. Part of what kept me accountable was that since it was so darn expensive, I had no choice but to stick to it. I don't feel 100% confident that I won't do the same thing again. I am trying, though. I want to focus on my mindset. That's what really holds me back. Continue to work hard and respect those 20 pounds you have lost. If you don't, and they come back, it won't be pretty.