unhealthy friends

  • Hey chickies, its been awhile, but the 'Pear' has returned. I gained some weight over Christmas break but got back to school, eliminated dairy and grain (most of the time. I have a hard time letting go of tortillas...) have started going to bootcamp more regularly and am down about 6lbs. Hallelujah! PRAISE JESUS MY METABOLISM HAS RISEN! I do however have to confess that I have a close friend who is a cheating enabler. Yesterday I was helping her house hunt and insisted that when I got hungry later that night I would be noshing on a yummy green smoothie. Welp, a few hours later I felt very light-headed and she hadn't eaten so she picked up a burger (I resisted THAT) and then it was off to Marble Slab. I'm ashamed to say that I got a peanut-butter galaxy. Will definitely have to make a thermos of smoothie BEFORE I go out with her bc I refuse to put an unhealthy friendship before my relationship with myself. Am back on track today, except for the fat free caramel macchiatto I had this morning to help me study (any suggestions for alternative study aids would be awesome) and am going for a nice long run in a few minutes with the dog. Just wanted to tell any of the chicks that feel like they're busting their lady lumps for nothing need to KEEP AT IT. Believe me, my metabolism has about as much pick up and go as a tank so if I can lose a little, so can you. Then we can all lose a little more. Stay strong ladies!
  • Doing well, misspear2012! Good for you for resisting the burger and for planning ahead!

    Non-caloric study aids:

    Being well rested
    Meditation (seriously - 15 minutes of meditation helps me out a lot)
    Exercising beforehand (but not the point of exhaustion, obvs.)

    Trite but true.
  • Excerising in the mornings helps me not F**k up the rest of my day...i've already put the work in and I don't want to mess it up xD....I love that your putting your own relationship with yourself ahead of others. Thats what we need to focus on while doing this. Great job on resisting the burger.
  • Quote: Am back on track today, except for the fat free caramel macchiatto I had this morning to help me study
    Well unless you're trying to cut back on artificial sweetners and don't mind sugar-free, a sugar-free, nonfat caramel macchiatto isn't that high in calories. I know a skinny vanilla latte, tall from Starbucks, is only 90 calories. For the skinny caramel macchiato, a tall is 100 calories, a grande is 140 calories. It won't undue your day. So don't think of it as going off-track! Just as long as you don't have the regular one. Those are full of empty calories.
  • try some hot tea with honey, or just plain hot tea . also, i personally work a lot better when a space is quiet, so if that's also the case for you, maybe you can try that too?