I lost 17 the first week, but only 4 each of the last 2 weeks

  • After loosing 147, 90, 50lbs over years and years of trying my body would not allow me to excersise like I used to. So it decided to try medifast. My first week was ok I lived through it lost 17lbs in the first week. However the last two weeks are 4lbs losses each for a total of 25. I am happy with the weight. Anyone else has a big loss and then small losses?
  • I think a big first week is normal. You're doing fine at 4 lbs a week--most people would love to be losing like that.

    Just stay with the plan...

  • Yeah, so far so good and mostly I am pleased
  • Hi, and welcome!

    Yes, the first 2 weeks you lose the most. You're burning up the glycogen stored in your liver, and when you lose glycogen, there's some water that goes along with it. (See the sticky about ketosis for details.) At your starting weight, 4 pounds a weeks sounds about right. Like Jay said, most of us would kill to lose that much every week.

    You may want to take some measurements, too. There are weeks you won't lose much, but those are almost always the weeks you'll see shrinkage on the tape measure.

    Keep up the good work! I've been on Medifast since April, and I'm still motivated to keep going.