I'm Ready

  • I've been on my journey since mid-September and am seeing results. I am ready to see more.

    I am ready for the nurse not to have to get up and get the large blood pressure cuff and just use the "normal" one.

    I am ready to not dread traveling for work because I'm scared that I won't fit in the seat or that the seat belt won't buckle.

    I'm ready to not pretend that the reason my daughter and I didn't go on the Harry Potter ride last year was because she was too short.....not because I was too wide.

    I'm ready to shop in Old Navy and not just Old Navy Online.

    I'm ready to be a freaking rock star while having sex on top and know I look sexy as ****.

    I'm ready to be my boyfriend's activity partner.

    I am ready.
  • Good for you!!!! Go get it, girl!
  • Great job for sticking to it! Have fun doing all the things you didn't do before
  • Heck Yeah! You go girl!
  • I like the chanting part of this: I am ready, I am ready, I am ready. Good to keep going through your head when working out or walking.
  • Quote: I'm ready to be a freaking rock star while having sex on top and know I look sexy as ****.

    I was just thinking this today!! Love it!
  • That's a great list! Let that be your fuel and you can do this!
  • Quote: I was just thinking this today!! Love it!
    Yes!!! I have thought this, too!!!!

  • Oops, I was trying to quote the rockstar part I'm still new at this