IP Weekend Chat Saturday 1/28 - Sunday 1/29

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  • I have been away from my computer and just caught up on the weekend thread. Way to go to everyone who had inch and weight loss!! I very much appreciate all the tips & tricks and words of wisdom that come out on these boards, so thanks everyone for participating. I have a weigh in tomorrow, but judging from my home scale, my weight loss has slowed My first weigh in was -4.6lbs and the second -4.2lbs. My scale isn't showing much of a difference in numbers, so I'm feeling frustrated. I feel like I'm losing so slowly compared to everyone else. I know I need to have a little more patience and let the program work its magic. Hope you all are having a great Sunday evening.
  • Don't worry. The loss will come. Try to stay away from the scale except on weigh in days. I know, it sounds good but is hard to do!
  • out shopping today I found sugar free sweet pickles and margerita flavored crystal light! Ob boy I feel like a kid at christmas, finally made it in to onderland lol now I just have tog et my hands on some size 14 jeans.... ohhhhhh can't wait till I can try some on!
  • hope everyone has had an awesome weekend. I went shopping(looking) and fit in size 22's both in shirts and pants....WOOHOO!!!!.....I did buy a pair of "skinny" size 22's that were tapered on the legs so these should last me through my next 50lbs, then I will be in a 20 or so........weird going in and looking at smaller sizes, stuff I liked was only in the bigger sizes...haha....I can remember 9 months ago when I couldn't even fit into some 30/32's!....amazing is all I am going to say with a BIG SMILE!!!
  • What a terrible weekend i've had.... I went to Lancaster to visit my great aunt who just got out of the hospital. She needed some help around the house so my aunt and i went to help her for the weekend. We left right after i got out of work on friday and didn't get in until about 830. When we got there she had lunch meat, cheeses and rolls, typical "doma breakfast" an italian thing. Anyways, i left all my stuff, OP stuff in my car and forgot to bring it with me. I got to her house and was starving. I had a few pieces of turkey lunch meat, she had no lettuce, no veggies, nothing I could possibly eat in her fridge that would count as a veggie. I was so disappointed. I had a few slices of turkey lunch meat and went to bed. The following day wasn't so bad, i woke up and my aunt took me to walmart to get some stuff i could eat. But, today was bad again, I didn't wake up until 12, we were out shopping all day. I got a spinach salad from subway and a protein bar later in the day. Just got home now and had a 2c of veggies and some chicken. I did the best i could i guess. I was all out of whack all weekend. I felt terrible... all i can do is move forward, i suppose. I did weigh myself, i didn't lose or gain this week so I feel like it was a week wasted. I"m just disappointed!! I could have prepared better.... you live and learn i guess!!
  • Also want to add this forum is a life saver! though I get hungry every time I read it the encouragment you all have for each other is amazing!
    ((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))
  • Quote: Good Morning All!

    Yesterday was WI#2 for me and I lost 3 more pounds! Before I was weighed, my couch told me my face was getting thinner. I always show there first, gaining or losing. I told my husband what she said. He looked me over and said, "Yep, your flappers are gone". I said "What?!" and he said, motioning to his chin - "You know those things - jowls." Ain't love grand?
    Bahahaha That sounds like something my DH would say!! They are the biggest dorks sometimes.
  • Quote: I had been keeping my protein choices to ultralow fat and my losses are very slow. I noticed lately I had a loss after the occassional meal my hubby makes on the BBQ, steak and pork chops. I realized your body needs a bit of fat once in awhile to lose weight. Maybe you could give it a shot. But that said I don't really like prime rib, I find it too fatty.

    I noticed the same thing too. I have been eating chicken and fish every night with beef 1 time a week. I started rotating chicken, fish, beef every day and I think this has seemed to help this week.
  • Quote: What a terrible weekend i've had.... I went to Lancaster to visit my great aunt who just got out of the hospital. She needed some help around the house so my aunt and i went to help her for the weekend. We left right after i got out of work on friday and didn't get in until about 830. When we got there she had lunch meat, cheeses and rolls, typical "doma breakfast" an italian thing. Anyways, i left all my stuff, OP stuff in my car and forgot to bring it with me. I got to her house and was starving. I had a few pieces of turkey lunch meat, she had no lettuce, no veggies, nothing I could possibly eat in her fridge that would count as a veggie. I was so disappointed. I had a few slices of turkey lunch meat and went to bed. The following day wasn't so bad, i woke up and my aunt took me to walmart to get some stuff i could eat. But, today was bad again, I didn't wake up until 12, we were out shopping all day. I got a spinach salad from subway and a protein bar later in the day. Just got home now and had a 2c of veggies and some chicken. I did the best i could i guess. I was all out of whack all weekend. I felt terrible... all i can do is move forward, i suppose. I did weigh myself, i didn't lose or gain this week so I feel like it was a week wasted. I"m just disappointed!! I could have prepared better.... you live and learn i guess!!
    I'd say you did incredibly well under the circumstances. You are not off track at all.

  • Quote: Don't worry. The loss will come. Try to stay away from the scale except on weigh in days. I know, it sounds good but is hard to do!
    Yes this is something I need to do. I get very obesessed with the daily numbers on my scale, and then it dictates my mood for the day. No loss or a spike in the numbers and I feel like crap all day! I have my weigh in tomorrow and then I think this week I will put the scale away and just follow program. The numbers start to mess with my mind!

    And Wuv - congrats on the NS shopping victory! Buying such smaller sizes is very exciting Really love your new picture too, you look fab!
  • The number on the scale gets to me too. I know that it eventually has to go down if I stay op...but why does it have to be so slow?!
    I then start obsessing that maybe this is a satisfactory weight for me, but I am so close to seeing a 14 on the scale agin and I want it!
  • Quote: Lilmink, I don't really have suggestions on how to speed this up as I am a slow loser myself. Just keep in mind that sometimes people who are shorter lose weight a little more slower than others. Sometimes it's the amount of weight you have to lose and sometimes it is just your body. It does not want to give up the weight. I don't know if it is realistic to drop most of your goal weight within a 2 month period. It takes time. IP quotes 3-5 pounds per week for a woman but that is an average. I think 2-4 might be more realistic.

    All that being said, CA is very expensive. So, I am now seriously thinking about alternatives for down the line, at least the later phases. And per your other post, I agree with others, your coach misses some key points. But, that is what this forum is for. As you spend time on it, you will get tips and ideas from others. For example, some people eat just about the same thing every day in terms of food and IP products. I change it up a bit. The variety seems to help me but that is just me. There are issues with what is termed the Big C and the Big D. Basically, what goes in needs to come out. Some have problems with that. For me, when I started changing things up a bit, it seemed to help. Everyone is different and a little experimentation may yield different results. Some experiment with IP packets. I have not been too successful with that - tummy issues. Some days I can drink Mio. Some days it increases cravings for me so I stop. It took me a while, after reading these boards, trying some things others tried to see what worked for me. Sometimes I find some food, IP and regular that I enjoy and I think I can eat this everyday but my body might not react well so for a while I have to change to some food that my taste buds are not screaming for.

    As well, I have also noticed that sometimes when you stop thinking about weight and the pounds and the numbers and how they are going up or down or stalling, the weight just leaves. I don't know if it is your body messing with you or stress or what. You have done well so far, including your pre-IP loss. I, too, lost pre-IP and my initial weight loss was s/w underwhelming. Even my coach commented. But, after I was miffed and crabby, I got back on the scale that weekend and liked what I saw. My weekly WI's below don't reflect it but my weight loss has actually been very consistent based on what I had seen at home. I have to wait 2-4 days to see a pound leave and that is just me. It could even slow down. I hope it doesn't but it took a while to get the weight on. And it has most definitely been hanging around too long. So, I am like, 'leave already'. But, summer will come...

    Sorry I went on and on but at my height it took me a while to understand that I will almost certainly fall below the national averages. Hang in there. You are doing awesome. Costa Rica, here you come.

    Thank you for the pep talk. I needed that. I should be over joyed with 2 lbs per week, as that never happened when I did WW or have tried it on my own. But I was just hoping for more and feeling whiny last night

    I ordered the hot cocoa from Nashua today and that will save me about $20-30 per week. Making it hurt a little less. One other weird thing I have noticed is when I step on the scale in the morning, the days I lose weight I've had a vivid nightmare the night before. It happened twice this week and I lost a pound each time. And it happened once last week and I lost .8 the next day. It's so weird!

    Don't you sometimes feel like just because we are in Ca they feel they have reason to charge more? I can't imagine they pay any more than anyone else. Do you pay for weigh ins as well? We pay $15.
  • I was on the IP for three weeks and lost 10 lbs and over 22". On Friday I decided to switch over to the ProtiDiet products because they were $15 instead of $27. So far I do like the IP products better but I can get use to the Proti no problem at that cost difference. I lucked out and found a nutritionist 5 minutes away from my house and she is allowing me to just purchase the products and not see her. Well my friend goes to her so she is just doing me a favour. I only use the products for my protein because I follow a vegan diet. There is no way I get 90 gr of protein a day. I get between 60 and 70. Is that not healthy or does it allow you to lose weight at a slower pace? Also what constitutes if a products is restricted or not? I downloaded the list from here but some products are not on it. Another question is I eat green, green, green veggie's only. I cook them because of my sensitive stomach issues and I eat four pkgs of protein a day. I drink 10-12 glasses of water EVERY day. Why the heck am I constipated all the time? I always have to take something to make me go.
  • OOps yet another question...I didn't purchase any drinks from ProtiDiet thinking they would not really quench my "appetite" like a bar would but they are non restricted and the bars are....am I incorrect here in thinking this?....and would my weight drop a bit quicker since I have a bar every day? Sorry but at about 3 pm I get hungry and the bar works well for me. But if you say the drinks do make you feel full I will go buy them. Thanks
  • The general consensus is that only having unrestricted packets does not make losses any faster.

    I find the puddings made into lattes (mixed with tea or coffee) are more filling than the bars, but bars are convenient.