What is it about being fat that you HATE? A list for motivation!

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  • *I also am one who hates that my belly is in the way of enjoying sex.I feel like I'm suffocating.
    *I hate that the last time I went skiing,I couldn't do it,and was so embarrassed because we went with my hubby's friends.
    *I hate being the heaviest on my dads side.I'd love to see them more often,especially since my dad is no longer around,but my weight stops me from enjoying the company of them,and others.
    *I hate feeling like i'm just a statisic.Every time I see or hear a news article on obesity,I think,"yep,thats me".I also hate reading articles and then the comments.People are cruel.
    *I hate going to the Dr,all kinds,because I'm afraid of what they will tell me,like I didn't know already.
    *I hate that my lower body hurts,ankles,feet,knees and so on.
  • I keep reading these posts and they are so motivational.. I need to bookmark this thread somewhere and read and re-read it on days when I feel like slacking!!

    I think I hate about a trillion things about being fat.
    I do think the worst has been when not one but SEVERAL of my friends who had not seen me in a while assumed I am pregnant! I have kept trying to throw this thought out of my head, because it is so humiliating, I could DIE!!

    What it means is that I LOOK pregnant, and that people either *think* I am and simply do not ask, or know that I am not, but think that I certainly LOOK like I am!
    Seriously, my stomach is the worst part of this!
    Not like there aren't a ton of bad parts all around.
    But it is crazy that I actually used to have a tiny waist!! I had a 25 inch waist at some point. And now... I have the waist of someone who looks heavily pregnant?!?

    I hate that no matter what I do with my face... I don't look pretty, cause my face is just FAT. There is no hiding it in clothes.
    I would look in the mirror on a good day and think, OK... I look alright.
    But then I see a photo of myself from that day and I want to burn it out of this universe.

    I hate that I feel old and ugly and outdated - like your time is over lady. No guy in his right mind will turn his head and think you look attractive anymore. I don't need to turn guys heads, because I am married, so I hide behind that. The truth is, what kind of husband wouldn't WANT to have a wife who turns guys heads? I feel like I am letting him down. He is such a wonderful husband. He deserves to have a beautiful woman on his arm. Instead he has... ME!

    And yes... sex just can't be as great when you feel like a whale. We are close enough that we are very passionate regardless of any size and we have an incredible intimacy. But I always wish I could wear sexy lingerie and have him look at me and actually think, wow she looks HOT. I wish I were at the point where I would actually WANT to turn on every light in the room because I would know that the way I look would be a huge component. Instead, I rather have to use all the other components to "drown" that one out, so to speak. Which is sad.

    I hate having to worry about diabetes or any other health issues that can result from obesity. I know I have been so lucky to have been escaping those as of yet. But I need to get out of the weight range where I would even worry about such things!

    I hate it when people have to be polite and skirt around the fact that I am HUGE. They would use delicate words whenever they need to allude to it for whatever reason.
    And as for people I haven't seen in a while... I hate knowing that they probably look at me and their jaw drops internally and they are probably going DANG!!! She has PACKED IT ON!!! Or worse, that I am pregnant.

    This is crazy... but I used to have this crazy wish of discovering I am pregant after all - like some of those crazy stories you read about or hear about that women had no idea that they were pregnant. NOT because I am trying to have another baby - but because then that would suddenly be a way to justify why I am looking this way.
    But ha, that's not going to happen. And shouldn't.
    What SHOULD happen..... is that I should lose this joy-destroying, life-crippling, self-image-negating WEIGHT that I have gained....

    I want to get back to where I was... or even just get down to something I can feel great about... and look back on this time of my life (weight wise), like a nightmare that I will NEVER go back to again!
  • facingfacts - I can so relate to everything in your post. It makes me feel so sad, and it also makes me realize what good actors we all are. I'd be willing to bet that most people don't know how miserable you feel inside over your weight. I know that I never discuss how disgusting and disappointed in myself I feel. I just carry on like I'm not fat and there is nothing wrong. I feel like no one really knows the real me - the spirit of me that isn't a fat person or a thin person - but just a person.
  • I also hate barely fitting into the seats at the theater. Ugh....
  • I hate sex, summer, and doctors!!!

    Sex because, well, because as others have posted, I would just love to be able to wear something sexy and beautiful and feel that way too. I am just not comfortable in my own skin right now, and that comes across. I actually spend more time thinking about my belly and thighs and how disgusting I look than enjoying time with my husband. Heaven help me if there is a mirror I can look into... total mood killer.

    Summer (or anywhere warm), because I being heavier means being more active, and sweating more, which is true for us heavier gals. I don't sweat to the point of being gross, but still. I also just feel so insignificant when I walk around in what I *thought* was a nice outfit, but then see other thinner women wearing things that I would just love to be able to fit into. Larger sizes aren't as cute or as flattering. It can be depressing and I just want to hide at times. And let's not even start about the beach or a water park. Being 240 pounds is causing me to miss out on so much.

    And doctors. I have some chronic health issues, that thankfully aren't weight related, but still, stepping on that scale and having that thin little medical assistant take my weight makes me want to crawl away. I won't let them tell me what it is. And I sit during the entire appointment waiting for them to mention something about my weight. Like I don't know, jerk.

    I am starting my journey over again today with a renowned sense of commitment, and have been gotten on the scale at home and will weigh myself once a week. But still, it is amazing how a number can make someone feel so bad about themselves.
  • Quote: Having my hubbys best friend tell me "you know, no man wants a fat wife. you better be careful before he starts to look somewhere else"
    Does your husband know his friend said that to you? If one of my boyfriend's friends ever said anything like that to me, my boyfriend would be *ticked*. He has no right to speak to you that way.
  • re:
    I HATE being invisible.

    Seriously, people will run me over if I don't move. I'm standing here ffs, how can you not see me?

  • I also hate summer. When I was younger, I loved spring and summer. Now, it has negative connotations. I feel like now, in the winter, I can cloak myself. Even though the lack of sunlight really effects my mood, at least I can wear bulky clothing to hide my weight (not that it's really hidden!). In the summer, there are no coats, no sweaters/sweatshirts, thick pants or tights. It's just me in thin cotton fabric with my bulges showing.

    Also, I tend to wear black a lot - cause it's slimming you know! I often look like I am going to a funeral, especially when I am dressing up (I think every dress or suit I own is black). In the summer, people break out the bright colors and whites - which I don't do anymore because I feel like I look bigger in colors. I often have people asking me in the summer whether I am sweltering in my outfit. I always say no, but of course, I am melting!

    I also hate my profile. I have finally gotten to a point where I don't have a visible double chin straight on, but in profile - there it is in all it's glory! A beautiful, now saggy, double chin!
  • Hey guys! This thread hit me so close to home that I decided it should be the one where I place my first post.

    Without further ado, here's what I hate about being overweight:

    *I don't like to look people in the eye
    *No clothes fit correctly, always adjusting
    *Very uncomfortable to wear heels
    *Barely fit in the desk at school (I'm sure that if I hadn't already lost 36 pounds, I wouldn't have fit)
    *Can only go to the movies if they have the armrests that lift up, otherwise I don't fit
    *No stamina
    *Tired of being given advice. My friends/family sees that I've made progress, so instead of telling me "keep it up!", they tell me that I should switch away from Weight Watchers and do Medifast because they know someone who had success. But WW is working for me! Nothing else has!
    *Feel like my DH deserves better. My avatar photo is of us - it's the one that made both of us decide we needed to do something about our weight. He's lost over 55 pounds and is almost at his goal. He is gorgeous. Women are always staring at him. And then here comes his fat wife. I feel like everyone is looking at us like our marriage is a big joke.

    I know that sounds like I'm really down on myself, but it's not as bad as it used to be. I just feel like I can finally say this stuff without someone giving me platitudes! Thanks for the thread!
  • Ladies, just wanted to say... you know what the GOOD part is???

    Some of you are already so well on your way, and some already at goal, all of you inspiring the rest of us!

    This list has been so incredibly motivational and so brutally honest. And you know, it made me think about all the people who have conditions that make them feel awful about how they look and about their life where there is nothing that they can do about it - things like deformities, or a whole slew of things.
    My heart truly goes out to these people.
    And the only GOOD thing about extra weight, is that it is a reversible condition and CAN be lost.
    May this entire thread motivate us and remind us WHY we have to do this and live by this and fight this dreaded fat disease for as long as we all live.

    No matter how long the journey and no matter how frustrating the process, looking at all the reasons we want OUT makes me realize I would do ANYthing to not live the rest of my life this way, because I only have one life and I owe it to myself.

  • I 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th a lot of the statements made in here!

    I really hate when other people have food left over, or something they don't want to finish and they ask me if I want it. Like, "oh she eats anything, she won't say no."

    I hate taking so much room in my seat on the bus (I take public transportation to and from work). It'll be a nice change to not have to worry about the bus getting filled up and then people staring at me and the seat next to me probably thinking they'll never fit beside me.

    I hate when people are like at least you're not as big as so and so. Is that supposed to make me feel better? And if they're talking that way about so and so, why wouldn't they talk that way about me?

    Hate going to the movie theater, with seats so small that it seems like they think only skinny people should go out and watch movies.

    Constantly wondering what people are thinking when they're looking at me.

    Hating when I have to STRUGGLE to put a seat belt on, and sometimes it's such a ordeal that I just go without one.

    I hate getting out of the breath at the SMALLEST of motions.

    I could probably think of some more, but you guys have covered pretty much everything.
  • Quote: I hate sex, summer, and doctors!!!

    Sex because, well, because as others have posted, I would just love to be able to wear something sexy and beautiful and feel that way too. I am just not comfortable in my own skin right now, and that comes across. I actually spend more time thinking about my belly and thighs and how disgusting I look than enjoying time with my husband. Heaven help me if there is a mirror I can look into... total mood killer.

    Summer (or anywhere warm), because I being heavier means being more active, and sweating more, which is true for us heavier gals. I don't sweat to the point of being gross, but still. I also just feel so insignificant when I walk around in what I *thought* was a nice outfit, but then see other thinner women wearing things that I would just love to be able to fit into. Larger sizes aren't as cute or as flattering. It can be depressing and I just want to hide at times. And let's not even start about the beach or a water park. Being 240 pounds is causing me to miss out on so much.

    And doctors. I have some chronic health issues, that thankfully aren't weight related, but still, stepping on that scale and having that thin little medical assistant take my weight makes me want to crawl away. I won't let them tell me what it is. And I sit during the entire appointment waiting for them to mention something about my weight. Like I don't know, jerk.

    I am starting my journey over again today with a renowned sense of commitment, and have been gotten on the scale at home and will weigh myself once a week. But still, it is amazing how a number can make someone feel so bad about themselves.
    You mentioned the sweating,I had a friend who weighed about 350,she couldn't hardly walk across the living room to the kitchen without sweating. She lost 200 lbs in 6 months but only because her diabetes got so bad and body was strating it's turn down.
    I hated mirrors or pictures as they showed me how bad i really looked so heavy. So far have lost 63 LBs and have more to go but am likeing my body more.
    Sure am glad that these threads are here from all dieters etc,they all help out a lot, no matter what diet program we are on,it is working for us and that is the key thing.
    Keep on trucken people,we all will make it and it will stay off.
  • Quote: I hate that if I were to wear workout pants that are tight, you can see my cellulite.

    When I wave, my arms jiggle. When I'm doing rounds at the boxing area I can feel my booty shake and jiggle everywhere. So embarrasing.
    I am with you. Also I hate that the only place I wear out my pants is between my legs where it rubs together so much.
  • ~not fitting in my seat belt in my car ( saftey hazard )
    ~clothes not fitting ( expecially the neckline and the length being short showing my pooch off)
    ~ My pooch ( bottom belly ... expecially if i am sweaty)
    ~ My butt hump.. ( my tailbone has a hump like a camel there ... just makes it uncomfortable to sit in computer chairs ect because my butt is in the way)
    ~No high calf boots ( they do not fit or buy ecpensive ones and then they look weird)
  • Well obviously not looking good in clothes I want to wear but I think the thing I hate the MOST about being fat is.....
    How my thighs get stuck to each other/sweaty after I wake up in the morning >.< UGH It feels terrible, at least when wearing pants they don't getstuck together but I wear shorts to sleep (the only thing I'm comfortable in) and yea I have to physically unstick them :/ gross