binge eating before dieting

  • i'm getting back on ideal protein tomorrow so i binged all weekend. i made 2 1/2 dozen homemade toll house cookies and ate 2 dozen in 24 hours. i've been eating like a crazy person making myself feel sick. i don't know why i do these things to myself
  • I do exactly the same thing. All you can do is move past it on focus on being better for today.
  • you just have to move on. if you obsess about the binge eating from last night and continue to worry about it you are going to stress yourself out which isn't worth it.
    just get back to eating right.
    i am constantly hungry too so it's somewhat of a struggle to keep my weight the same. the ONLY thing that works for me is to eat a lot of small portions thruout the day. usually for breakfast i will eat a bowl of cereal or oat meal and then a sandwich, bowl of soup or a lean cuisine for lunch then i snack for the rest of the day on apples, oranges, dry cereal, yogurt and soy beans. i just calculate my calories out for the day and make sure that i don't exceed that in my daily snacking. also i drink lots of water, atleast 60 oz a day.