Careful what you wish for!

  • Hello all!!

    My name is Fran, and I've decided to (re)join this great group after many years. I found this site years ago when I was overweight, and the support is second to none!

    Currently, I am a 5'7" female, 30yrs old, and 180lbs. It's not "awful" but I HATE it!

    For about three years, I did not drive. As a result, I had to walk or take a bicycle anywhere I needed or wanted to go, including work. My job was in a restaurant, so I was on my feet constantly there too. Thanks to that enforced lifestyle, I was fit, toned and about 135lbs without actively trying.

    Finally, things started going better in my life. I got a better job (sitting at a desk all day.) I also got my license (no more walking or bike-riding.) I'd never been happier!!

    Until I realized I didn't think to change my eating habits along with my other lifestyle changes, and I packed on over 40 lbs in a VERY short period of time! So I am being proactive again, watching my calories and my portion sizes, and hopefully squeezng some exercising into my life too.

    I've had success in the past losing weight so long as I stay FOCUSED. I have to watch and record everything I eat and do or things slip through the cracks and I've eaten 2500 calories before I knew what happened! My goal is to eat around 1500 calories a day.

    Any-who. That's my situation in a (low-calorie) nutshell!
  • Fran, , welcome, glad to have you re-join us. I suggest you look for a Challenge or Support group to join; small check-in groups make it easier to connect, get involved, and be accountable. We have groups centering around specific diets, themes, or age groups, find one that inspires you and just post to join! Be sure to check out he 30-Somethings and Calorie counters.
  • You will definitely lose weight on 1500 calories every day. But don't forget to add in everything you eat and drink.
    My calories are set at 1600/day, and I am losing a little each month.