Sarge's NO Excuses and NO Whining Bootcamp #1 - With 2nd Drill Sargeant

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  • Happy new year, everyone!! I hope you've all been enjoying the holidays.
    I'm ready to get back on track as well! Not proud of the number the scale has crept up to, but I'm hoping it's mostly water weight.

    Good luck to you all getting back on track this week!
  • Happy New Year!

    I wound up with 6 pounds of gain over the holidays. I lost 4 already. Pledging for two this week. I gotta good plan and I am gonna stick to that plan!
  • Jeanettey's Mid-week challenge

    Choose Your Hard

    Choose one;

    1. 100 push ups
    2. 100 crunches
    3. 100 mountain climbers (picture at bottom)
    4. Or 100 minutes cardio

    You have thru Saturday to complete it

    Mountain Climbers shown below

    Double dog dare challenge

    Do a different one every day for three days this week. (Tues thru Sat)

    For you newbies - Jeanettey's mid-week challenges are optional.

    All you need to do is complete it and then post and let us know that you've done it.
  • Quote: Chick - Thanks. The trip was great and luckily I only got sick after we came back.

    Anybody seen Reso?
    Nope haven't seen him around for a bit.

    It's nice to see a few familiar faces still, could use seeing a few more yet though. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves this season.

    Anyways, after the last few months and the holidays like a few others i need to rectify a downward slide, so i will be back to kick my own arse up and down till i drop around 15 or twenty pounds, yes i gained some recently but still i never did hit my 185 double revamped goal and i refuse to leave onederland.

    Time to drop the hammer so to speak...
  • Hello ladies! Sadly I ended the holidays up 4 pounds. I honestly don't know how that happened. I'm not pledging this week because I never, never, never meet my goal and I just can't fail again. I'm going to track my weight daily for the next month and see if I can identify a pattern to try and make sense of this craziness. But let me be clear, I am not giving up. I'm just tired to losing and gaining the same three or four pounds. I'm going to track, to be very dedicated and see what I get. If I haven't lost anything by the end of the month I'm going to get my thyroid checked. So there it is. Take it for what you will.

    Jeanettey- I accept your challenge. I'll do #2, 3, and 4!
  • 100 crunches done
  • So glad to see so many familiar faces, and some new! Also delighted to read the comments where those who have gained aren't beating themselves up about it! Can't wait for back at school, hubby back at work and time to double up effort and do what it takes to hit goal again!

    Hiya Reso...just think, we're well into weight loss season and HOCKEY season again....just keep those creepy eyes away!

    Chick---Saw your siggy the other day...way to go on that 125!!!! I know I was gone for awhile but WOW!

    Jeanettey--Also very nice to see you still moving forward and keeping up with the extra challenges!

  • 100 minutes of cardio done! Aiming for the double dog dare this week

    Today is the first day in a looooong time that I've been totally on plan with my diet. I'd forgotten how good that sense of accomplishment feels! I almost lost it near the end when my sugar craving kicked in, but I discovered a healthier way to satiate it--1 tbsp of semi-sweet chocolate chips melted and mixed into 1/2 cup fat-free plain yogurt. Yummy!

  • Jeanettey challenge complete - 100 crunches added to my workout today. I am definitely going to try to do them all this week!

    Reso - Good to see you! I was wondering how you were doing.

    sumnerfan: I hope the daily tracking helps you figure things out; it definitely helps me to see patterns, and to stay sane.

    JayTee: Thank you!! Best freaking thing I've ever done has been losing this weight.

    ruby: Something I read in a thread here on 3FC... try 1/4 of a packet of instant pudding mix (I think it's 14g for the chocolate pudding mix) mixed with a small container of 0% plain greek yogurt, and refrigerate for a few minutes. I use the sugar-free pudding mix and add a little Splenda as well; if you don't eat artificial sweeteners, you could just as easily use regular instant pudding mix and add sugar to sweeten if you like. It has the consistency of, and tastes very similar to, chocolate cheesecake! It is seriously rich, or something - it's so thick that the mouthfeel makes it seem like a LOT of food, and sometimes I can't even finish it. It's very satisfying when I really want something that seems like a rich, indulgent dessert.
  • NEW YEAR! NEW BODS! Only one way to get there ...

  • I quadruple dog dare you!!!!!!!

    All 4 today.

    I was really happy that I was able to do all 100 pushups as full pushups, 10 sets of 10.

    100 pushups
    100 mountain climbers
    100 situps
    108 minutes cardio because stopping 8 minutes from home isnt very practical

    TIME TO . . .

    WAIT FOR IT . . .


    I've been feeling sluggish lately . . . hmmm could it be NO Jillian, very little exercise, one too many candy canes (thank goodness there aren't jelly beans at Christmas (YIKES) . . . Sugar is EVIL, EVIL, EVIL . . . Yes I too gained a bit during the holidays . . . must put away the sugar and pull out the combat boots . . .

    All I can say is OH MY and WOW

    Chickadee . . . 125 lbs, did you know that is:
    500 STICKS-O-BUTT-er!!

    Peanut . . . goal in sight and so close you don't even need to use the scope to see the target

    Josey: also with target in sight . . .

    Reso: So nice to see you again . . . keep it under that 200 buddy . . . You can do it!!!

    Sumner: You can always pledge 0.2 pounds . . . then once you start to get into a pattern you can be brave and pledge more . . . I understand the whole "didn't meet my pledge mentality," so pledge just a little bit and hope try for more . . . just an idea.

    Ennay: Way to rock out that quadruple!!!

    Jeanettey: Over

    STICKS - O BUTT-er GONE!!!!


    OK TROOPS, time to buckle down and lace up those combat boots. I have been VERY BAD for about 2 weeks, I didn't even do my crunches, and a little bad for 2 months. Time to get back to goal (pants are a bit snug, I have to lie down to button them . . . OOPS) and BEHAVE . . . .

    OK, I'm off to do the 100 challenge . . .

    LET'S DO IT!!!

    P.S. Sarg thanks for my little "BUTT-er" salute on the first post
  • Oh, reunion time!

    I couldn't stay away either. I enjoyed my holidays like the rest of you and need to get back to kicking my own butt-er back into my pants. The scale is still okay, but I feel it. I'm not my strongest anymore! Grrr.

    Just think of this since it's 2012 and all that:
  • 100 mountain climbers done!
    And another 100 crunches.

    Wow Ennay! Great job! I'm working on being as awesome as you. lol
    MadameB- that's a really good idea. I'll pledge .5 this week.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Kick butt and take names.