College sophomore FrEaKiNg out.

  • After graduating high school, I slowly but surely gained 30 pounds. I work nights at a hotel, and don't have the proper schedule for maintaining a healthy weight. I have been down many roads, including a severe period of bulemia and depression. I struggle constantly with low self image and severe depression, although I am known by my friends and coworkers as a giggly cheerful person. I am determined to find a healthy plan that can match my crazy lifestyle. Please please help me out!
  • This is a great place with lots of young folks who will cheer you on. Take a look around and you will see lots of info too. Portions and calorie-counting would be good to start with; and walking is good for you and ez. Good luck!
  • Welcome! Take a look around, you'll find lots of great suggestions for making it all work.