Who wants to lose 15 pounds before January 1st!

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  • I'm in!
  • great job Lori Bell!

    You can do it-we are stronger than our urges and the holidays will be more enjoyable when we are in control!

    We can do this!

    I worked out this morning and felt motivated to stay healthy. Go today!
  • I'm in. I would love to be in the 180s by New Year's!!!
  • I'm actually pretty nervous about the holidays, it's what derailed me when I began last time.

    I think I should be ok though, when I lost 8 pounds in December I had a completely different mindset than I do now.

    I have to look at the bright side though, I stayed at 192 pounds until I started up again in May.

    My mindset in December was kind of hilarious actually. I was worried about gaining weight over Christmas, so I thought: "If I lose weight before and gain back to where I was, it'll be ok!"

    I'm glad I managed to keep it off and then start up again and end up where I am now Hopefully I don't suffer any relapses.
  • Keep going everyone, we can make great strides if not all 15lbs.

    Trying to keep to weekly weigh in's to Saturday mornings so I don't make myself crazy when I don't see a daily change.
    Plan to go sort of Atkins (meat and veggies only, no gravy or carbs, lots of water) just for Turkey Day. I think I can manage that, so counting calories should be easier for that day.
    Doing well so far, but feel bloated. Upped my fibre intake yesterday (Benefibre)to flush out system, so waiting for that to happen. Know i will feel better after "toxic" feeling over weekend.
    Mild but good exercise today. Waiting for the hunters to leave our woods to resume 2-3 mile walk with puppy.

    Mini goal: 8 lbs by December 24th.
    S/C/G 193/182.5/167 final in 2012 155
  • I'll be happy as a clam if I can get out of the 160s by the end of the year.

    I will probably have the least difficulty keeping weight off out of everyone here because I'm spending most of the holidays alone.
  • Day 2 pop...yay success. Day 3 starting off well. Like I predicted the first 5 pounds of my enormous 4 day gain is gone. (-1 extra!) The next few (days and pounds) will be hard with Thanksgiving thrown in the mix but I can do this.

    I will NEVER be a fat chick again. NO WAY, I can't handle it.

    I'm off work today, and I plan on working my tail off at home with cleaning, cooking and laundry. Getting all things done so tomorrow I can enjoy time with my family.

    Come on Chickies...lets look HOT by New Years!
  • I did well yesterday, went to the gym and worked hard. Overcame my afternoon binge cravings and am looking forward to continuing the trend today.

    Lets go everyone!!

    I just keep thinking New Years, New Years, New Years!!

    Have a happy and healthy day everyone!
  • ugh. I'm posting because i know this will help me stop.

    just binged. although, not to the point that I'm sick and I'm going the gym.

    set back-again. however, i feel that posting will help me get over this.

    two steps forward, one step back...at least I'm moving forward.
  • I am posting late on this thread. My goal is to be 4 lbs. lighter on Jan. 1st than I am today (12/3/11). About a pound a week. November includes my birthday and Thanksgiving of course. Maybe my expectations are too low, but I am thrilled to say that I weigh a pound less than before those two holidays. I just want to come out of the season weighing less than I went into it. I am combating any extras I might encounter food wise with extra hiking and activity. And then watch out summer because it is going to be pedal to the metal.
  • So i'm down to 138, so far my goal of 135 by new years is going pretty well!
  • I am in! I haven't lost weight now for about a month and a half. I really need something to focus on. I just hope I can lost at least one or two lbs this month.
  • Hello Everyone,
    I finally showed a 1.5 lb loss yesterday, so 3lbs behind where I'd hoped to be when I started this journey. But that's okay, I'll take it! My mini goal was to lose 8 lbs by Dec 24th. Now I can say one down, seven to go. I hope this coming week will be better. I know i'm doing my best right now.

    Best wishes everyone.
  • I haven't reported in on this 15 pound challenge for awhile, so I wanted to give an update on my progress. Hopefully everyone else is working this as hard as I am...I would love for us ALL to have met our goals for the New Year.

    To recap...I had hovered between 140-143 all summer, (actually for 2 years), then I had a 4 day total relapse and binged like there was no tomorrow and gained 10+ pounds. I committed to get it off plus a little cushion. Since the day I recommitted I have had 2 days were I ate over my planned calories. Thanksgiving Day I pretty much ate all day, and then one other day last week I had kind of a controlled binge of sorts, but restored sanity before things got too out of hand. So as of today I've manage to shed all of the "crazy" pounds and am in my "goal zone",. THANK GOD! (Seriously, I thank Him!)

    Now the REAL work begins. Getting through 2 dinner parties, a road trip, and the holidays w/ a few more parties...And still managing to drop 3 pounds.

    Think I need to ditch the scale for awhile, those low numbers somehow trick me into thinking I deserve to eat choclate.

    I would love to hear of everyone else's progress.
  • I really overindulged Thanksgiving weekend and didn't get back on track until this past Monday when I was up to 205 (UGH!!!!) So, I don't see the 180s by Jan 1st in the cards, but that's okay.

    I read "Eat to Live" over Thanksgiving and decided to give that a try (vegan diet). Since Monday, I've lost 5 pounds and gotten back down to 200. I know a lot of it is water weight, but I can tell a difference in my clothes fitting the way they should. I'm hoping to keep this way of eating up until Christmas. I don't know that I can handle a truly vegan diet after that, but I know I need to focus on less processed foods and more fruits & vegetables.

    At this point, I'm hoping to be in the low to mid 190s by New Year's.