
  • Tell us where, tell us why.
    Whine/wallow, or enjoy the ache!

    We're listening.

    I'll start. C25K Week 8, Day 2. 28 minute run on the track, then did sprints and free weights afterward. Sore calves, arms from lifting, and random cramping and locking in my legs. ouch
  • I'll admit, I'm a wimp.
    I wore the wrong shoes (my flats) for a 2.8 km walk with the dog yesterday and now I have two massive blisters on my two outermost toes on my left foot. I'm s-m-r-t. *sigh* My hips hurt too, but c'est la vie.
  • I like the feeling of a little ache here and there that reminds me that I'm back exercising again ....

    ... although I could do without the hip twinge ...
  • Oh Lord, don't get me started. Although I wouldn't mind hearing from any other 40+ ladies (I'm 43) as to whether it is normal to get sore seemingly FOREVER when trying to advance at all in an exercise program. I am doing the 100 pushups challenge and I can't make any progress past the 4th week because after a certain number of pushups my shoulders won't work any more, and I have to rest three days -- and then start the week over again. Same thing with my Jillian 30 DS workout and the C25k program. It's not as if I'm being too hard core about it -- I do them every other day in alternation with my elliptical.
  • Quote: Oh Lord, don't get me started. Although I wouldn't mind hearing from any other 40+ ladies (I'm 43) as to whether it is normal to get sore seemingly FOREVER when trying to advance at all in an exercise program. I am doing the 100 pushups challenge and I can't make any progress past the 4th week because after a certain number of pushups my shoulders won't work any more, and I have to rest three days -- and then start the week over again. Same thing with my Jillian 30 DS workout and the C25k program. It's not as if I'm being too hard core about it -- I do them every other day in alternation with my elliptical.
    I'm 54 soon to be 55, I've been working out regularly since I'm 28 , through my 2 pregnancies then right back at it after a couple of weeks of rest... I run, bike, rollerblade, I weight train heavy and I love the feeling of soreness... Ok, I digress , so my point for bronzeager is that maybe your angle for the push ups are off and causing your sore shoulder or that other muscles are underdeveloped causing pull on the ligaments of the shoulders... This happened to me a couple of years ago I was overtraining my chest and in turn screwing up my shoulder... My physio therapist gave me some treatments then showed me some exercises to target a certain muscle in the back, can't remember the name sorry... But now when I feel my shoulder pain coming back I just do those exercises and it goes away...

    I do love being sore though, I recently started a Group Power class, which is strictly weights to good heart pounding music, and I LOVE it, every time I do it I get sore ....
  • okay, it's the morning after, and I'm hurting.
  • Haha... I'm definitely in the oh-lord-don't-get-me-started camp!!! I did hamstring negatives last week and all the muscles in the back of my legs were FEELING IT for days! I have a few battle wounds from my most recent lifting session including major bruises on the front of my shoulders from doing barbell front squats (you hold a barbell up against your neck basically and fold your arms like I Dream of Genie to hold it up... it's weird). Although I am basically a banana when it comes to bruising. My hands got a little ripped up too yesterday doing some side plank things on dumbells.

    While the bruises and such I could do without, I LOVE being sore. Not too too sore, but when I feel it, I know I worked hard .
  • Thanks for the advice about the pushups, I will have to see if I can find more information. When people talk about pushup form though, they always seem to assume you know what to do with your arms, and instead tell you what to do with your back. My back is great -- I can hold a plank forever -- but my arms keep giving out, and not in a muscular way, but "something is mechanically wrong with your shoulders" way.

    I have to say I do NOT love pain. It's something I will put up with because I enjoy a hike, or in return for a later benefit like building up my bones against osteoporosis which I can intellectualize, but I've never seen the appeal of "Pain is great brah!" It's something that turned me off of sports in high school and athletics in general for a long time, although I enjoyed solitary recreation like biking and hiking. I was thinking about Crossfit this year and looked a little at the forums, and they were full of "Anyone who doesn't want to feel this pain is a lardass and a total pussy, not like us," and I thought, I have nothing in common with these people. (Excuse the language, but that's what they use.)

    And because of the popularity of "no pain no gain" motto, I think there are a lot of people who avoid exercise because they think they will get no benefit from it unless they do it to the point of feeling pain. It's natural not to want to feel pain; animals avoid pain. So I think this thread is nice, because I don't have anyone outside 3FC to complain to -- if I do they say, "Then STOP! Why are you doing it? You are probably damaging yourself." Which honestly does make some sense. But then I have always been a dork hanging around with dorks, not a jock.

    /End dork transmission