Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! 11/7 - 11/13

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  • 4 miles in 80mins, half hills (big ones). As I was walking a guy on bike (who was riding on the street) rode onto the sidewalk just before me crossed paths. I moved over letting him by, clearly he should have been in the road. He told me to smile as he rode past. I couldn't be mad at him anymore...he made me laugh. He was making an effort to make me smile, so I guess I can forgive him. AND I smiled for the rest of the walk...just in case I passed someone else.
  • Diana - Hi!!!! Glad you resisted the coffee - you are a stronger woman than I am,

    I am back from lunch and time to update : Long day for work today. In at 7am (left at 5:30) and here til 5, which means not getting home until around 6:30 cause the interstate is blocked off due to a massive collision with a diesel filled rig and a milk rig. Only 1pm now, so the trick will be to stay awake Haven't heard on the position yet, was almost hoping to come back from lunch to a rejection email so at least I KNEW one way or another. The not knowing can drive a girl batty! Was in a hurry this morning, so stopped at the store to get a muffin, it was a biggie, but figured, "it's a muffin, can't be that bad".. put it into MFP and found out over 500 calories! Are you kidding?? Which means when I take my next break, it's walking time for me, Do the crime, pay the time! Other than the waiting on pins and needles though, been a pretty smooth day (low cortisol production I hope), so should be able to catch up on some stuff here Hope you all are having a wonderful day!!!! I don't have to adjust to daylight savings time change here, as we don't change our clocks.
  • Hi Everyone
    Ever feel like that song "Henry the 8th I am"?
    2nd verse: same as the first

    I am having a very bad day, to say the very least. I feel ill and cold.
    After such an awesome Monday, Tuesday didn't prove to be as great.
    I went to see Brandon, was adjusted, and felt bad and good at the same time. Adjustments are sometimes this way.

    They had a call in at work and called to see if I could come in as a replacement, so I went in from 7p-11p.
    It seems every girl on our unit (dayshift and nightshift) is preggo atm, so yesterday afternoon, they had a baby shower for 2 of the girls who have similar due dates. I missed this on purpose from 2-4p.
    Our manager was responsible--I think-- for bringing the massive--store bought--vanilla with vanilla icing. I think it was big enough for 80 people.
    Needless to say, they had leftovers. Need I really say more??
    Approx 400 cals later......

    Well, I had set myself up over the weekend and Monday for a very nice DROP on for this Friday, esp after losing despite TOM last week.
    However, all of that is now RUINED after yesterday's non-workout day b/c of going to the Chiro & eating sugar yet once again!

    I realize it's one meal, it's one day, it's one week, blah blah blah.
    I want to be OVER this obsession with sugar! I want to go places and have it there and smile and really mean: "No thank you!" I can do this with hamburgers, fries, milkshakes, veggies, junk food, mexican, italian, and almost everything else--but bring a slice of or that bday around and my brain says, "YES! I will have ALL of that & pronto!!"
  • Happy Wednesday!

    I have to say I'm just truckin' along, nothing new or exciting, sad or frustrating going on in my life. I realize this is one of the rare lulls that occur, I suppose in preparation for chaos. So I'm gratefully accepting the respite and mentally preparing for what is surely coming!

    Berry: See what you can do about bottling the motivation...or at least spreading it evenly, like we try to do with our blood sugars. But yea for you for not giving up when the motivation is lacking!! You'll see the 170's soon...

    MamaKat: Time change messes me up too! Sorry your DS missed the NYC trip. It's funny to think that your kid can do a school field trip to the city, where as a trip to NYC was a BIG deal for my girls when I took them (being the theater family we are!).

    Madz: withdrawl from sugar can give you headaches too. Sounds like additional water is helping. I'll be curious to hear how you like the inversion table.

    Nevaeh: Congrats on the smaller size!

    Ruth: Glad you're enjoying your time in the hills (which ones...where are you?). I love hiking in the mountains! 15,000 steps is impressive!

    Star: Fantastic news about your DH's new job! How's your DD's nose? Ouch!!! I too am waiting on pins and needles to hear about your new job...

    Jomatho: Tackling mold can be a difficult job! Sounds like you're taking lots of steps to stop it in its tracks. And yes, you have a tool far more valuable than a lap band...US!

    Diane: Glad to hear the water weight is disappearing. And good job resisting the 2nd cup (I allow myself 2...no more).

    Larry: Congrats on the 2 pounds!!!! You've been stuck for a bit...glad things are moving again!

    Kayla: Come on, Girl! You can do it!!! Today is a new day!

    SolarPlant: What a great choice to be saddled with! I'm interested to hear how you decide. Happy belated! You made me laugh about the uncoordinated doing Zumba...that was me too! Glad you enjoyed it!

    Miranda: Hi!

    Mustardfan: Congrats on the new clothing size!!

    K9: I totally feel for you! Resisting the sweets is SO hard! Halloween candy, b-day cake, x-mas goodies, Friday donuts...need I go on? It seems there are daily temptations. Please don't beat yourself up too much! You recognize your weakness and you fight as best you can. That's all anyone can ask for, right? As Star said, do the crime-pay the time. Go for a walk or some other activity to help offset the added calories.
  • Krystal I never knew someone could love as much as me. A lot of people have seen me go at it, like it was manna from Heaven and been shocked how I can go on and on eating it. I feel your pain. Every time you post about it, I shake my head and say "I know how she feels". It took me a long time to "just say no" and I have those days where I'm screaming for it. So once again I, too, hope you can one day say no, but until then don't beat yourself up...bday is a true addiction.
  • mamakat - I wouldn't have been able to stay mad at someone who made me smile either That's kinda cool!

    Krystal - I am so sorry! I hate bad days, but they do happen to the best of us Keep in mind, working those extra hours on your feet probably countered the cake calories... yes, I said the word, sorry Please know that even when you are beating yourself up, we are looking at all your progress and drive and are simply astounded!

    Moondance - I LOVE those times when it seems like you are in neutral, trucking along, and nothing is touching you! To some people they may seem boring... to me... they are a heaven-sent gift from above, so enjoy it !!! Oh goodness... you are waiting on pins and needles too? With me, mamakat, my hubster, my mom calling daily to find out, and now you...that makes 5 people that the hiring manager is driving crazy! Quick question: if I have a nervous breakdown while waiting to hear, is that workman's comp???

    Still no word. I did get in a 25 mins walk at my break time though. I went 3.0 for a pace (I tried, but couldn't go any faster... outside, 3" heels on, lol)... so that helps make a dent in my oopsies this morning. Mental note to self: check out the caloric intake you will be effected with BEFORE consuming something that looks good,
  • Quote: Quick question: if I have a nervous breakdown while waiting to hear, is that workman's comp???
    What else would it be???
  • Moondance Oops! I resisted the 3rd cup of coffee, not the 2nd. Now, as to the size of my "cup" of coffee. I fill the coffee pot to 6 cups. That's my 2 mugs of coffee. When I have a 3rd cup that equals to 9 cups. Oops! Did I ever mention about how much I love coffee.

    Quote: Quick question: if I have a nervous breakdown while waiting to hear, is that workman's comp???
    Sounds like a legitimate claim to me.

    Are you a coffee lover, too?

    Any other coffee lovers here?

    My favorite is Caribou Colombian. It's expensive, but my grocery store has it on sale on a regular basis for buy one get one free. It's $4.50 a bag like that.
  • Moondance - !!!! Ok, so here's what I found out.. I asked again. Told the manager that normally I find her cryptic answers entertaining, but soon she may see me with no hair and that may be a key indicator that it has gone too far. In response I got sent another "appointment" labeled "interview follow up"... wth is that?!? It's set for Friday... oh em gee!!!! This is nuts, just tell me already! Am I even in the running???
  • Diana - I am an absolute coffee fanatic! Due to health reasons I had to cut down, I only have 2 cups a day... ok, sometimes on a hard day, I have 3... but the doctor only hears about 2 of them, LOL!!! My favorite is regular amount of caffeine Hazelnut coffee.. super yummy! Or the morning/breakfast roast that Dunkin Donuts puts out... to die for! I used to drink it all day long... 4 pots or so a day - but of course back in the day, I also didn't eat for anything and that's what kept me going I was working at a Coffee Express when I went into labor with my oldest daughter - and I could have all the drip coffee I wanted... she was born at 24 1/2 weeks gestation (unrelated to coffee consumption) and has ADHD like me... my parents always joke that I should have went cold turkey off the coffee when pregnant for her and she may have ended up calmer. I say that caffeine high (spunk) is the reason she has survived so very much in her life though Oh...so to answer your question... YES, total coffee nut! :P
  • Quote: Diana - I am an absolute coffee fanatic! Due to health reasons I had to cut down, I only have 2 cups a day... ok, sometimes on a hard day, I have 3... but the doctor only hears about 2 of them, LOL!!! My favorite is regular amount of caffeine Hazelnut coffee.. super yummy! Or the morning/breakfast roast that Dunkin Donuts puts out... to die for! I used to drink it all day long... 4 pots or so a day - but of course back in the day, I also didn't eat for anything and that's what kept me going I was working at a Coffee Express when I went into labor with my oldest daughter - and I could have all the drip coffee I wanted... she was born at 24 1/2 weeks gestation (unrelated to coffee consumption) and has ADHD like me... my parents always joke that I should have went cold turkey off the coffee when pregnant for her and she may have ended up calmer. I say that caffeine high (spunk) is the reason she has survived so very much in her life though Oh...so to answer your question... YES, total coffee nut! :P
    Holy crap - 24.5 weeks gestation? She's lucky to have pulled through! That's amazing!

    And, btw, caffeine is good for people with ADHD. We spent YEARS not allowing our son caffeine thinking he's already too wired. Turns out we were wrong - caffeine is the kind of stimulant that helps those with ADHD - figures we did opposite of what is best for him!

    As for me, I like coffee, but I drink decaf. It's the flavor, not the buzz from it.
  • Total Approx 1440 +

    Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    high fiber English muffin 100 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rounds 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    1/2 TBS Hellman's light mayonnaise/Lettuce 25 calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories)
    2 Grilled Mahi Tacos 600 calories
    Sauce 100 calories

    KS Project You Full Body Circuit w/8's & 10's
    TF HIIT 25
  • Before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, that's when I drank coffee all day. I could drink pots and pots of coffee and fall asleep! Now that my levels are regulated, I can't drink coffee past early afternoon. I would not be able to fall asleep. If I want coffee in the afternoon, I will drink decaf. It still has the coffee flavor and I love the flavor of coffee.

    I also like iced coffee. Most people get frappuccino's etc. I try to control the calories by ordering a plain iced coffee. I use sweet 'n low and cream. I don't use much artificial sweetener, but I do put that in my iced coffee. Sweet 'n low and iced coffee are a perfect marriage.

    My coffee and my 5 pound omelet are the reasons I get up in the morning!
  • Melissa - It always kept me calmer... I guess back in the day the coffee was my way of self-medicating, LOL!!! And DD is lucky to have pulled through, it was scary as could be for a long time. She was 1Lb 10oz at birth, got an infection and went down to 14oz in NICU. She was a whopping 3Lbs 5 oz when we took her home (which I didn't even think was allowed, but they said if we can get her to fit in car seat, it's a go) and that was 3 months in NICU... but they were able to get her off respirator then That was my 2nd child.... my first, my boy... was late and 10Lbs 11 1/2 oz... half grown toddler... both ends of the spectrum, LOL! When I got pregnant my mom was like "you have a boy and a girl, what do you want this time?" I said - something I haven't had yet.. healthy and mid-size.... I GOT IT! She has made me pay for it ever since though, Love my kiddos - even when they won't stop growing up like I have asked

    I got another walk in tonight... walked with hubster taking the dog out. Was exhausted and had a 3rd cup of coffee this evening in order to wake up enough TO walk, LOL, but I did it According to MFP, I am a lil over 100 cal shy of goal today, so it helped to counteract the muffin mishap, Hope you all have a great night! Time for me and my pajamas to get acquainted for the night
  • Hi All
    Yep! Another coffee lover here, just usually in the wintertime! Crazy, I know, but the summer's here are just to hot to put anything else hot inside. I like flavored coffees. My fave is Raspberries and Cream (of course--fruit loop! ) I don't like dark roasts, they are a bit too bold for my liking. I adore S'bux Skinny Vanilla and Pumpkin Spice Latte. I still have yet to get one for the season. I am waiting for a very special occasion, as I only can spare cals for 1 this season.
    {{insert sarcasm here}}
    (I gotta keep my cals for all the dessert I can't possibly say NO too!)

    Today was a glorious day. I arose at 1130 (a little late for me), but I went to bed at like 3am, so not terrible.
    I was completely NOT hungry.

    Today's Menu
    1/2 Shrimp Shirataki Bowl, Cranberry juice 442
    Almonds 160
    Chocolate Pineapple Protein Shake 318
    Total 920

    K9 RUN + 12 Hill Intervals 430
    170 Ab Reps minus Torso Rotation

    I'm TOTALLY NOT sweating these few cals today. I had enough yesterday for a small army!