exercising less-- worried about not losing?

  • I am a runner. however, i hurt my knee really badly and have decided that I will take a few days off of running, especially since i have a 10k coming up and its early enough that i could take a break and not really impeded my training.

    however, im super worried that i will not lose anymore. running burns so many calories in so little time that i've come to rely on it for my fitness.

    i am doing alternative exercises-- i have an xbox kinect and am playing "your shape" and "dance central" even though i am trying to be easy on the knees and not lunge or anything.

    i'm sticking to my calorie goals and resisting the urge to drastically cut my calories as i know that i wouldnt be able to sustain the habit in the long run.

    the funny thing is that i go through this cycle where i start with weight watchers and then switch to calorie counting, then i reduce my calories too low and then give up and have no plan.

    i realized that if i had been eating 1470 calories a day since the day i started dieting, i would've been at goal already, instead of trying to force myself to stay at 1200 and then give up...

    anyway. i'm worried that i wont lose because i'm not running!
  • I have this same problem, but then I looked at Heather Mills - Paul McCartney's ex wife. She doesn't even have a leg, and she is toned and in shape. There are lots of things to do. Walking on a treadmill at an incline is a real calorie burner. The schwinn airdyne bike is also a fierce calorie burner, possibly the best. Spin classes are great. Keep on being strong minded. You are on a roll and nothing can stop you. Be kind to your body and do not exercise through injury. Also - read "born to run" and consider changing your stride and the type of running shoe you wear.
  • Have you ever tried swimming? It's very low impact and it's a great work out.

    I'd shy away from spinning or biking if your knee is injured. Spinning is very hard on your knees, even if you don't realize it at the time. I alternate running and spinning and I have to ice my knees after each.
  • There are TONS of other exercise options! I can't run on the treadmill anymore because of my knees. However, if I put it up to a good incline and turn it up pretty high, I can get an excellent workout just walking! I also swim and do water aerobics for more cardio.

    And you didn't mention lifting, trust me you can burn quite a few calories doing that too! The best part is that while your body repairs the muscles you tore during a workout it continues to burn even more calories. Not shabby!

    Also, I hear you on having problems sticking to your diet when you can't do your exercise of choice. I used to be like that too. Thankfully, I just learned to separate the too. It's a good thing too because I've been sick a lot this past year so I haven't always been able to consistently workout.