The cake did in my shoes! Really! And the bottom of the shoe went whoosh!

  • So, I m stepping in my sexy 3 1/2 inch work mini platform stilettos and skinny jeans and working it. Suddenly, I feel something on the bottom of my shoes, like you would chewing gum. I try to scuff it off and when I tried to brush it off, whoosh, there went my mini platform flying. Did I mention i was in the shopping center? Were people laughing, a few; some were big guffaws of laughter, others more discreetly. But me, head held high ( or low when I actually had to bend) and I walked over, picked up my platform and hippitey hoppety I went (uneven gait) over to a store that sold pattex glue. Believe I sat in that car and glued that sucker back on! Shoot weight issues didn't defeat me and a little shoe mishap certainly won't.

    What does this have to do with cake, well here goes... My day started off really bad. Woke with horrible TMI and it just got worse. I have never had such bad mood swings and cravings for over four years;the last time I had to get medication/supplements. The last time, I had this intense craving and mood swing, I cried for two hours because I did not get an oreo creme pie from Burger King. Hello? I do not even like the stuff. But here I am four years later and obviously if it does not pass, a trip to the doc in going to happen as I cannot afford to mess up all the hard work I did losing a quarter of my size.

    So anyways, back to today and I just HAD to have crispy, greasy chicken. Not baked, grilled or anything healthy. I also HAD to have cake ( see where I am going with this...). Years ago I had bad hormonal issues and I believe it really messed up my eating especially at that time of the month. So I downed my Popeyes chicken, a meal that for over two years if I ate it has always been shared with my mom. I then went for the cake, not a cupcake, not a cookie. Nope, I needed a big bulging slice of cake (cake that if I see tomorrow I probably would not want). So it was after buying the cake that I had my mishap so while I waited for the glue to dry, I had some of my cake.

    Why is this post so light hearted? Because I am discovering that sometimes when we are too hard on ourselves after what we consider an epic fail, it is easy to "fall of the wagon". Since I drive a car and I do not even know where to find a wagon, I am not going to fall off anything. I can only resolve to do better tomorrow and post that others know that it is not the end of the world when we mess up. Tomorrow is a new day and I day when I can and will work out a little extra (OK, a lot extra).

    The only good thing is that whether through the hilarity of the situation or the satisfying of the craving (now have a sugar rush headache tho'), I am in a great mood!
  • I love your story! ROFL! I think you're on the right track. No sense in getting a wagon to fall off of, just pick up that stiletto and keep going!
  • I just love they way you wrote this! You're so talented!

    I have to agree. Like all things in life, if we deprive ourself for too long we tend to want it even more. Just due to the fact that we deprived ourself from it in the first place.

    My point? If you want chocolate, eat it if you can control yourself and not munch down 7 chocolate bars hehe.

    Quote: I cried for two hours because I did not get an oreo creme pie from Burger King. Hello? I do not even like the stuff.
    Hahaha ^ how cute

    Like you said, tomorrow is a new day! This isn't even that big slip! You'll be fine!

    Well done on your weightloss