I Did It!!!

  • Hey all -
    Sorry I have been missing - BUT I just finished my first half marathon today. Training was pretty crazy the last two weeks, and it was the start of school and then I came down with a VICIOUS head/chest cold that lasted a week. I stayed in bed much of the afternoon/evening Friday, and a lot fi the day yesterday with the exception of the kids' soccer games.

    It was a great day - perfect weather, great spousal support, and I got to run with a great friend. Now - I need to find another run to get ready for to keep me in training? Also - time to officially go after these last 4 pounds . . .

    Be well -
  • Way To Go!!!!!!
  • Congratulations! You must be so pleased and proud!

    (I hope you kick that cold quickly.)
  • Congrats!!!!! You must be a tough chick because I recently did a 5K and thought I was gonna die!!! lol....
  • You rock!
  • That's fantastic, Bea! Congratulations!

  • Yippee!!!!
  • WOW! Good for you! Congrats!
  • Awesome Job! Ive run in the past too. My last marathon... Seoul, Korea 4 years ago... I took a shower and my back stung so badly from being rubbed raw... but it was so much fun!!!
  • Bea, you really ARE ultimate! Good work!
  • Congrats!
  • awesome job!
  • YAY BEA!!!! So inspiring!!