
  • Today is so great!!! I had my WI this morning and I was very happy with the results!!

    Down 5.2 lbs
    Reached 17.5 lbs gone total
    9 Weeks on Plan!!

    This is big for me!! I'm usually one of those dieters who try something, and last about 2 weeks before I have a slip up and decide to give it up. I admit, I have had a couple of larger slip-ups (even eating a large bag of chips this week after something got me down), but things can be overcome!!

    Yay Weightwatchers!! You are da bomb!!
  • Congratulations!! That's so wonderful! I love WW too...and should be hitting my 5% by the next weigh in. We can do it!
  • Great job... I'm jumping back on board, finally.
  • Hurray! Congratulations on that 5%! Proof that slip-ups are not the end of the plan!
  • Congrats!!!!
  • Congrats!
  • Congratulations! I hit my 5% 2 weeks ago, so I know how good you feel!!! You have to remember that you are in this for the long haul, so slip ups will occur (I call them life) and just because you make one slip up does not mean you can stretch it out for the weekend, the week or the month. Get right back on plan for the next meal. Good luck on the rest of your jouney!!
  • Thanks everyone!! Let's do this!! or as we say in Newfoundland....

    "Get 'er Done!!"
  • Yay! Congrats!
  • Woo congrats!
  • 5% hit tonight!!!
  • Congrats!!!!!!
    GET 'Er done!!Get 'ER DONE!!!!!!!!! Im a newf too