Walking And Appetite

  • Does anybody know if walking curbs you appetite , I seem to get mixed answers
    thanks .
  • Why don't you try it and see? It's different for different people, I think.
  • I think I'll just do it .

    thanks .
  • agree it's different for everyone. Personally it does not increase my appetite - I know from experience when I had gestational diabetes that walking helped to keep my blood glucose level regulated, so I am thinking that it does the same thing for me now, so my blood sugar stays stable and I don't have cravings or big swings where I feel super hungry.
  • It goes both ways for me. I have hopped on the treadmill starving, and gotten off and no longer felt hungry or much like eating. I've also gotten off the treadmill and felt famished! I found that my appetite increased overall, the more I exercised, and I had to increase my calories.
  • Yep, just get out and do it. If it doesn't work to curb your craving/hunger? Well, you burned some calories and can eat them again. Problem solved either way :-)