Monday 9/12 SBD Chat

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  • Good morning from the very foggy Main Line! And where did the weekend go??? What I thought was going to be quiet weekend turned into a boisterous, family filled one! There's nothing I enjoy more than having my loved ones all at home, though, so I'm not complaining, but the only time I had to just sit back and put my feet up was last evening.

    So here begins the new work week. I know I'll be busy today, tidying up after the weekend, and there's probably a laundry mountain waiting, although Cindy probably has started on it. There's nothing going on after school today so I should be able to leave at a decent hour.

    So how's the week ahead looking for you?
  • Cottage: The BEST weekends are family weekends.

    The cutest, tiniest apricot-colored poodle puppy showed up at our house last night. We live in the middle of no-where. We visited all the close neighbors (within a mile), but no one claimed him. He stayed with my MIL last night and she is calling him Maurice -- a good French name for a French poodle. He's a sweetie. If no one shows up, I guess he has a new home.

    I have a challenge at work today. We are celebrating my Director's birthday AND last day before retirement this morning with homemade chocolate brownie. Do I have a tiny taste, or do I stay away like crazy??? I guess it will depend on the number of tears involved today. <sniff>

    Have a great day, Chickies!
  • Ohhhh, Chelby. For me, no taste at all, because it won't stop! The poodle sounds adorable

    Cottage - At least it was enjoyable, even though it wasn't relaxing!

    I'm getting my daily fix of 3FC . Kids just got on the bus, I get "my time" until work in a bit. Hopefully I'll have time to run after work today!

    Have a great day!
  • Good morning, Cottage!

    Well I woke up this morning excited to see a 1 lb loss during my TOM! What a surprise! Not feeling the greatest, but I know I'll feel much better work now, getting things set up. Not too busy today, but that can always change!

    Made a recipe from Kalyn's Kitchen last night...chicken cordon bleu. It was FAR too rich!! I was disappointed, because I've loved ever recipe on that site so far. I have an extra chx breast and I'm still trying to decide if I even want to eat it tonight for dinner! Ah well...

    Cottage - glad you had a fun, family-filled weekend!!

    Back to work. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chelby - HOW CUTE about the puppy!! I agree with Twynn - I could not have a bit or for me it would turn into ten or twelve bites! I always think of my nightly pb cup when I'm tempted and it seems to do the trick

    Hi Twynn!
  • Good morning ladies! Today is my 2nd day on the Beach. So far so good! I'm new around here... but I will jump in if that's ok!? I have two daughters one 8 and one 14 mos. We went to the fair and caught some nice live music with my BIL. He was a Daddy fill in since my husband is away for work til December in Hawaii (poor bloke eh?). Omelet for breakfast, chicken leftovers for lunch and steak marinating for dinner!

    Ocean ~ Sorry your wkend was so busy! I'm glad you caught a minute to kick back!

    Chelby ~ Your little doorstep surprise sounds adorable!

    Twynn ~ Enjoy your time before work!

    Angie ~ I've been looking at Kalyn's recipes a lot. Any favorites of yours I should try?!
  • I am on day 5 I think and I am just so excited watching the scale move every day. I think some might be water related as I am noticing that my body overal looks less puffy... I didn't realize I had some abdominal bloat going on and i bet it was related to bread/grain intake. Anyways, today i hit 166 and i started at 172 ! I love it

    My weekend went well. I was busy canning peaches and pears and I even refrained from eating all the peels. I normally eat peels and have gained weight this week in the past but instead I lost! Today I am going to go fetch some more peaches and pears to work on more jars. I am a canningaholic- I am up to 550 jars this year. (I have 7 children so i NEED a lot of food)
  • Late good morning since my ISP was not working again. Gorgeous day ahead and I plan to be outside as much as possible. More power-washing of the porch is on the schedule.
    Gotta dash - and no, I did not make it to the gym this morning!
  • Good Morning

    Late check in here, too! I slept in and have been catching up on niggles. We're leaving soon...headed for the pool, of course.

    to the starting beachers who have jumped in on the daily chat! Remember not to worry about personals...the most important thing is getting here!

    jenne, welcome back to reality! Your cruise sounded like so much fun!

    Desiroo, thanks for sharing with us yesterday. I was in Alaska 9/11/2001 and have always had the utmost respect and compassion for those who were so directly impacted.

    everyone else! Have a great day!
  • Debbie ~ You are so close to your goal! Congratz on doing so well!
  • Morning from cloudy/raining Miami.

    Turns out they have a scale here in the hotel room. After last night's Chinese mistake, Ph1 for a few days does sound fabulous. I feel awful but in the moment, it was a better choice than to hear DW whine any more than she had been (we walked tooooo much to find something I can eat - Just start again tomorrowwwwww). Oye.

    The vacation was great. Off to pack then to the airport. I will post pictures tonight or tomorrow :-) Bye! Happy Monday!

    ( Hi Debbie!!!)
  • Quick flyby for me. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was super busy and we went to the base for 9/11 Memorial service.

    Goal this week, stay op food wise and switch up workouts a bit. I believe I am going to do incorporate Jillian's shred for my strength days this week.

    This weekend I did much better eating wise- still made a couple of bad choices but overall much better. Trying to get food choices in the house healthier for everyone all around.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Hi Everyone! Happy Monday... First chance to sneak on the computer today.

    @Chelby... I hope it works out with the puppy. I have a Goldendoodle... Gracie-- she is awesome and I love that she doesnt shed. She was my mail order bride dog when we lived in S. Korea. I ordered her from Seattle Washington area about 5 years dog EVER... and she is named Gracie ... because I need a little Grace with all these boys in the house

    Im excited to see that people are seeing their scales move... I was going to go on today but I made an excuse not too.. im just too SCARED... However- it is encouraging and I might get the courage to do so.. we had a concert to go to last night and my son was singing with his school choir for Patriots day.. anywho.. I wore this cute dress and someone took our picture and oh, i just look so fat so yes - there it is.. i was so good on day 6 on plan the whole time after seeing my picture last night i just couldnt go on that scale this morning...

    So today is day 7: evening has come and I am very happy to report that I have been ABSOLUTELY 100% true to PHASE 1 this whole week!!!

    I did a spin class today also... and worked out on the treadmill 10 minutes before hand... my HRM said I burned 728 calories today yippeee...

    I was feeling a little off this afternoon so I opened my first can of beans ever and ate... black beans--washed them off and now I feel fine!

    well I have to finish making dinner its almost ready to come out of the oven and then head to a school open house this evening... maybe i will get a chance to hop on later...

    I hope everyone has had a great day and congratulations to everyone on all their successes...

    Also- when you go on vaca-- thats whats its for-- dont beat yourself-- be happy and enjoy... lifes short!
  • My whole family has a stomach bug including me. I don't want to eat anything. The only thing I have wanted to eat is saltine crackers & chix noodle soup and that's out/not sb friendly. I made some flax crackers but they made my stomach hurt worse. I'm going to try some oatmeal in a little bit. I've been drinking water and I've probably only had a small handful of food today. I'm trying to drink a vanilla protein shake right now.
  • Nice to meet you, roxyg41 and Amanda.

    Welcome back, Jenn.

    Desiroo Great job and welcome to the wonderful world of beans.

    hypnodat - Hope you all feel better soon!

    I'm happy to say that we finally got back on our bikes today! Woo hoo. I think the last time we rode was in May. Yikes, that's pretty much the whole summer ago. We went about 21 miles. The path one direction is closed for road construction but we were happily surprised to see that when we got to the other end, it no longer ended but went on for a ways now. I suspect I will be saddle sore tomorrow.

    Chicken and spinach casserole in the oven. My eating has been very up and down still but today has been OP.