Day #1

  • Today is my first day of renewing my commitment, I have just been hanging around the same weight, exercising daily and drinking water, but as for what i ate....anything and everything Today I vow to start eating heathier along with my exercise and water.
  • good for you Kim! Let's do this together. After my vacation I need to get moving again!
  • I know you guys can do it!! All it takes is one good day!! It's like a smile, it's addicting!!!

    I'm rooting for you!
  • You can do it!!! And I'm right there with you. I've recently started completely approaching this whole thing as "one day at a time." I don't seem to do too well when I try to plan for a week, month, year, etc. in advance, but I've been completely on program for a bit now just by getting up every morning & saying "Today I will be OP."
  • So far so good, breakfast and lunch no problems and within my WW points, 40 min of exercise in so far....still plan to do more.
  • way to go!
    Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great! Just rememebr to take it one day at a time!!!

  • Miss Chris's energy is rubbing off I walked 60 minutes today and I feel GREAT!!!!!
  • That is awesome Kim!
  • Good going Kim,

    I just started back on program 2 days ago and am almost through my 3rd day. I feel great (except being sick, lol). But I really feel in controll. I almost lost it yesterday, but I'm doing much better today and managed not to cheat yesterday. I to have decided to take it just one day at a time. That is all I can handle right now. It seems that the more I plan and hope for the loss, the worse I eat.

    Good luck and good job on a day well spent!

  • yay, Kim

    Excellent job! Sixty minutes of walking and being op is fantastic!

  • I am very proud of myself. I had my first totally OP day in about 5 years. I've had good days but never "perfect". YEEHAW!!!
  • Way to go, Kim!!!!
  • Woo! Go Kim!!!