Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! 9/05 - 9/11

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  • Berry I know how you feel. I saw so many doctors last year that I was doing my best to avoid them this year...hehehe except the shrink, that's mandatory (at least in this house ). But I'm a loud voice when it comes to the Gyno, I skipped 2 years and had I not gone last year...well, enough said. I want to shout to women everywhere, go go go. But I totally get how hard it is to find one.

    I had a great one who helped with fertility troubles with DD and just as I was moving along finally we came to a snag. He and I didn't agree on religion matters and I had to find a doctor at 5 months pregnant. That was hard. But now all that's done and I have my baby girl...LOL not a baby anymore. I'm so thankful for her.

    So all you ladies reading this...go,go,go!!! Be happy, be healthy!

    ETA first day of school and they both forgot important things. She forgot her glasses and he forgot to eat. Ugh we had the eating problem last year. He won't eat in the cafeteria! I have no idea how to fix this problem. :S
  • Today I consumed 1682 calories.
  • Here it is just past 6 in the evening and I have eaten all I am allowed for the day. That is highly unusual for me. I really hope the hungries leave me soon!
    Finished my hour walk with my friend and then ran 2 miles on the treadmill.
    That's about it, just waiting for the kiddos to come home, one is at football practice still and the other is at a football scrimmage out of town. We will be busy tonight getting binders and such organized. Gotta love the start of the school year, bleck.
    Juicy, I am so glad you are back! Don't ever be ashamed with us, we are here to support you no matter what! I am so sorry about your friend
    Berry, you are too hard on yourself. We all have flaws, but most people don't notice our flaws like we do. When I look at your pictures, I don't see bat wings, I see a well proportioned, curvalicious beautiful woman.
    Gotta run pick up kid #1. . .
  • Hi Everyone

    I hope Larry checks back in soon.

    MzJuicyD Hi and Welcome back!

    Total Approx 1440 Calories +

    Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    high fiber English muffin 100 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rounds 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    1/2 TBS Hellman's light mayonnaise/Lettuce 25 calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 calories)
    Very Large BBQ'ed bone in chicken breast 500 calories
    2 orders collard greens 200 calories

    ~TF HIIT 15
    ~KCM's 30 MTF Bootcamp - Weights Premix - w/#5, #8, #10
    ~Leslie Sansone 1 Mile Jog
  • Health Update
    Well I had my visit with the Urologist today.

    My right kidney is perfect no problems My left kidney that has been giving me a lot of pain frequently is:

    1. Atrophied
    2. Has a large stone
    3. Is not functioning
    4. Has NO unusual growths or tumors

    Now the bad news, I have been scheduled for surgery on October 3rd to have my left kidney removed. I am told this will be about a three hour operation and will require a 3 or 4 day hospital stay as it is major surgery.

    The good news is I will have a sudden weight loss on October 3rd, how much depends on how much that left kidney weighs.

  • Quote: Well I had my visit with the Urologist today.

    My right kidney is perfect no problems My left kidney that has been giving me a lot of pain frequently is:

    1. Atrophied
    2. Has a large stone
    3. Is not functioning
    4. Has NO unusual growths or tumors

    Now the bad news, I have been scheduled for surgery on October 3rd to have my left kidney removed. I am told this will be about a three hour operation and will require a 3 or 4 day hospital stay as it is major surgery.

    The good news is I will have a sudden weight loss on October 3rd, how much depends on how much that left kidney weighs.

    I'm so sorry that you are having to have another major surgery, but I'm so glad that you have a perfectly functioning kidney remaining and that you have lost all that weight to take the stress off your body when it goes under anesthesia again. You've saved your life more than once, my friend.
  • Larry, praying for a speedy recovery!

    I am checking in for the accountability! Geez....I can't even spell the word! Spell check seems to catch this word every time. :-)
  • Good Morning Everyone,
    Day two of school, I'm exhausted even though I went to bed early. I must of felt their loss yesterday as I did not want to get out of bed yesterday. Its funny how I go through this every year. You'd think by now I'd be used to it. My neighbors' youngest son went off to college last week and the other one moved to Maine. I'm not sure I will ever be able to handle that kind of separation.

    I did manage to get 30 mins of biking in although my heart wasn't in it at all. I still haven't managed to up my meal intake. Ever since the hurricane I've been down to one meal a day. I just have no want for food. The MFP keeps telling me I'm eating way too few calories. I'm trying, but it's really hard. So far my body isn't going into starvation mode so I guess that's a good thing. We'll see how today goes.

    Larry sorry to hear about your up coming surgery, but glad that it can be fixed. I laughed too when you mentioned the weightloss of the kidney. I thought the exact same thing after the hysterectomy. I was sure that was a lot of dead weight...well I was glad to get rid of it any way. Alas, it wasn't significant enough to change my scale But it gave me hope to carry on. You are in my thoughts!

    Berry how is DS doing? Will he make it to school today?

    Krystal how are you doing?

    Shish how are you doing?

    ItsMyTurn how are you doing?

    Jen how are you doing?

    DZ how are you doing?

    I hope everyone is doing well. I also hope you all have a wonderful and healthy day.
  • Good Morning and Happy Hump Day! We are headed for the weekend!

    Weigh In: 149.2
    Down: .8

    Larry Ditto what Berry said. Sorry about the surgery. You are in such a better place now to have it done, though. Are there any special dietary changes that you have to make until then? Or just keep doing what you've been doing? I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Well, got up before the sun to help my older son get ready for school this morning. He wasn't even difficult to wake up, so I think he was partially excited/a bit nervous as well. Made him a smoothie for breakfast and packed his fancy bento thermos thingee for lunch with spicy Indian leftovers.

    He's been gone for 20 minutes and the little guy doesn't need to wake up for another 45 minutes, so I'm killing time between the two kids rush to get up and off to school.

    Did bodypump last night and it was HARD. I'm having some knee pain with lunges, so I think I need to see a physical therapist to figure out WHY I'm so stiff (I have so very, very, very little flexibility) and see if I'm just doing lunges wrong or if my body just isn't made to do them properly (which is possible) and if that's the case, what exercises do I do in their place?

    I'm taking step class today, but when they come to the lunge section (and they always do), I'll have to skip them. I'm getting really afraid I'm going to damage something and that would SUCK!

    All time low today which is odd in the middle of my stall out. I think I know why though (as I have figured out my rhythms). Last month my cycle was REALLY short, so period and ovulation gain came back to back close as I ovulated on day 10. This month, I'll probably ovulate late (which is what I tend to do if my cycle gets off - it self regulates itself to go back to an average of 28 days). So, this month's menstruation gain finally came off, but the ovulation weight gain hasn't started yet. Most months I drop midway between the two, but usually not enough to get back down to my previous lows and I've never had an all time low in the middle of that). So, we'll see if tomorrow is a gain, same, or loss as I gear up towards ovuation. Did you all follow that novel? LOL

    Bought myself a wind breaker/rain coat yesterday. it was only 63 for a high and raining and my old rain coat was a size 24 (it was always too big for me as my top size was a tight 20 at 275. Now I can literally zip myself and my husband up in it). New raincoat is a size L. Not sure I'll ever need to drop down another size as I have big boobs. So now I'm prepared for fall completely. Still need sweaters and a winter coat for winter, but we'll get there when it gets here.

    ETA: Just looked at my 750 miles done for 2011. I just tabulated and to keep on track for finishing for the year if I were to do a steady pace throughout, I would need to be at 697 today, so I'm ahead of the game (which I knew), so it seems I'll meet that goal which is awesome!
  • Berry Congrats on the new low!
  • Morning.....

    Larry, glad you found out what was wrong, sorry you have to have surgery though. Happy thoughts coming your way.....

    I got a bit of good news yesterday. Got a call from a new gym that is opening up right down the street from me. If I go today and get signed up, which I plan on doing. I can get locked in at 9.99 a month for the 1st year. THAT is a good deal. So along with some grocery shopping today, I plan to stop in there.

    I bounced and bobbled for a couple days, but I got my Mojo back. Just be glad to see him stay in one place for a while.....lol
  • Quote: I bounced and bobbled for a couple days, but I got my Mojo back.
    Nanna You get a big thumbs up on that one!
  • I miss a lot when away.

    Larry - that's a rough way to lose weight, lol... but I sure do hope it's a smooth recovery and surgery for you!!!

    Mamakat - You are looking great in your new pic!! Sorry you are so exhausted now that school is in session, seems we need to adjust our bodies to match new schedules

    I am still having some medical issues that have slowed me a bit.. also seems to be taking up my time to do the same things as usual, so apologize for not checking in so much and for lack of personals. I have been totally on plan except for bringing myself up to calories (I have to shoot for 1200)...and have skipped some days of strength training due to this whole mess... but... still trucking forward! My apologies for lack of personals. I will try to catch up later (work has been slammed so was unable to while there yesterday).
  • Okay so since the flooding and city repair my street is now under construction. I got DS to school, but won't be able to pick him up by car. His school is over a mile away and a lot of it up hill. BUT I feel like he'd stay in the parking lot if I wasn't there to tell him I can't get out of the drive. So I'm thinking I should walk there. It's raining and that's a far distance but I have been hiking much further. I could use this as my exercise for the day. I'm wondering though would it be embarrassing for him. I could wait just on the other side and wave from a distance...lol I really not sure how this will go over. But I think I'm gonna do it. I'm thinking an hour should be enough time, right?