Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! 8/22 - 8/28

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  • My mother in law leaves today... I'm doing a major happy dance!!! Freedom!!! And hello spicy Indian food! (Please no kids get sick this time ruining my freedom!)

    Down another .4 And quite honestly, I can hardly believe the scale is saying "I" weigh so little!
  • Ugh, I am begging Mother Nature to let Irene fizzle. I can barely live with all the teasing from Hurricane Katrina. If Irene is a terror, no one will ever leave me alone again. Even doctors comment. That's why I go by Kat now...Did you like how I made a natural disaster all about me? Seriously though I really hope it changes course.

    Jo I think your "sprint" was awesome. Under two hours is very good.

    Sum I can't remember now who told me this, but last year I was doing almost 2 miles of uphill walking because I thought it would burn more, but someone told me it's not the hills that makes us burn it's the speed and distance. Hills are more like strengthening the muscles...I can't remember but I know it was someone with a MD attached as I have no friends to give me advice on weightloss. I don't know if that helps at all. It did me though as I stopped doing the dreaded hills
  • Berry so happy for you. Enjoy time
  • Quote: Ugh, I am begging Mother Nature to let Irene fizzle. I can barely live with all the teasing from Hurricane Katrina. If Irene is a terror, no one will ever leave me alone again. Even doctors comment. That's why I go by Kat now...Did you like how I made a natural disaster all about me? Seriously though I really hope it changes course.
    A guy I used to work with named his baby daughter Katrina just weeks before the hurricane hit. Poor kid, although I guess most of her peers will only hear of it historically. Is your middle name Irene?
  • Quote: I am in North Central Florida. According to TWC we are expecting a Cat 2 storm by friday night into saturday morning.
    Now is the time to prepare. It's best to be ready and the storm passes you by than not to be ready.

    We had all of our food/water when Hurricane Hugo hit. Some people in this area didn't have power for 3 months. It was awful. People were waiting in lines for water and food because they didn't prepare and have supplies.
  • Mamakat- I remember getting teased years ago because Hurricane Danielle hit the Carolinas on my birthday. It was somewhat amusing.

    I don't usually worry too much about the Canes. I've been in florida for over 20 years and it's a part of life. The only storm that ever scared me was the Storm of the Century in March of 93. I was 8 and the tornados were chillin in our back yard. It was quite scary to go to bed during a regular thunderstorm and wake hours later to the walls and ceiling separating from one another.

    Diana- We have a pretty good supply of water and some non perishables but we also have two generators and we live in a national forest on a lake so water and bathing is no issue. i usually keep that stuff around because when our area loses power due to a major storm....we are the ones waiting for weeks since we are at the end of the lines for that company.
  • Quote: My mother in law leaves today... I'm doing a major happy dance!!! Freedom!!! And hello spicy Indian food! (Please no kids get sick this time ruining my freedom!)

    Down another .4 And quite honestly, I can hardly believe the scale is saying "I" weigh so little!
    Berry Great job! I hope everything goes perfect for you. You don't know how many times I have almost typed my weight as 240 something on here. I still can't believe what my weight is even though I look at the scale every morning. It's really weird.
  • Quote: Ugh, I am begging Mother Nature to let Irene fizzle.
    I second this! It can fizzle or turn so to miss the US all together!
  • zoodoo amazing willpower not having a pinch of cotton candy at the fair. Good Job!

    Jomatho The sprint tri was a great idea. I did the "Danskin Srpint Tri" several years ago and just to finish was my goal. It was so fun and I ended up doing fairly well. Discovered I hate running and later learned it gives me plantar fascitis. A friend recently asked me to go biking, I haven't had my bike out all summer...I'm thinking that would be a good idea.

    I recently read that if you drink alot of liquid with a meal (before, during, after), it speeds the food through and you don't pick up all the nutrients. Anyone ever heard of this philosophy? Wonder if it makes you more full or less full?

    Good news on the scale this morning, I made it back into the 170's .... Let's hope I can make it stick and move down from here.

    My son is leaving for college in a week (first one, first year) and I'm trying to get all his clothes clean and ready to go today.
  • Ok so I never tell people my middle name as I was named after my Grandmother who actually loathed me and made it clear nearly every day. But yes, my middle name is Irene. And when Katrina did all that devastation and the every paper had huge headlines a friend (former) who I was very close to (no longer see her) put a paper board together of all these headlines and gave it to me. She said that the headlines could be talking about me just as much as the storm. That hurt a lot. I of course don't get teased now over it because it's been so long ago, but the first few years were hard. And not a lot of people knew this but because I suffer from PTSD I sort of take on a lot of peoples pain so I was reeling from the devastation in other ways. I haven't recovered from that hurricane or 911 which causes a lot of problems in this house...so the teasing was just another hit in the gut.

    Wow, I just shared a lot, sorry. I can be thankful I have no friends now and DH has learned that when it comes to disasters I don't take jokes very well. Any other time, I'm good Call me fat all you want, but don't call me a hurricane or a bad mom, I tend to get pissy Anyway........
  • Quote: Berry Great job! I hope everything goes perfect for you. You don't know how many times I have almost typed my weight as 240 something on here. I still can't believe what my weight is even though I look at the scale every morning. It's really weird.
    It's odd isn't it? Sometimes when I'm updating my blog, I have to sit and think, "what did my scale say?" Yesterday I started to type in 198 and that felt great... then I realized.. wait, it's 188!!!
  • Quote: It's odd isn't it? Sometimes when I'm updating my blog, I have to sit and think, "what did my scale say?" Yesterday I started to type in 198 and that felt great... then I realized.. wait, it's 188!!!
    I don't know if you noticed it, but you screwed that up in your blog a while ago. I just went and checked, it was the beginning of July. Check yourself out, July 2-4. I guess your fingers didn't quite believe you'd crossed into onderland.
  • Good Morning All!

    Berry: I'm excited for you! I know how much of a relief it is when you get a break from dearest MIL. and : for healthy family!

    Diana & Berry: I'm with the both of you as well on looking at my weight now and having to remind myself that I'm under 200 lbs. I still think like my old self and have to constantly remind myself that I can do certain things and that everything is different now. Funny how that works, huh?

    Jo: "welcome3: Missed you girl! That Tri sounds amazing! You totally rocked it out. I would love to do a tri but I am NOT a strong swimmer at all. I guess I'd just have to start practicing, huh? LOL Glad you're back! You always motivate me.

    Mamakat: Thank you for sharing that story.

    As for me, I am up a random .8 this morning to 183.8. TOM's due in on Friday. I think he's trying to send his water early. Honestly though, I can only imagine what the gain could've been if I wasn't drinking so much yesterday. I got up THREE times last night to pee! LOL I don't care though, I am going to stick to my plan like glue and fight back with the water. I'm gonna fight him hard this month. He ALWAYS messes up my numbers right at the end of the month.

    I will fight on! I am not gonna make it easy for him this month!!!
  • Quote: Sum, LOVE your new avitar!
    AWWWW!! Thanks! I am back being blonde
  • Good Morning 3FC family....
    well it's the start of a new week and my goal is to try to lose 1.5 this week. I've been heavy on the proteins and lite on carbs. I wont completely cut them out, just eat good ones. The crazy cravings i'd been having have subsided. Thanks Diane for the tip about less sugar... i think that's why im not craving ... My weakness at this point is im still eating after 7pm... by the time i get home from work and prepare dinner, it's late ...i plan on hitting the gym atleast 3x's this week to squeeze in some cardio and lite weight training...every little bit counts at this point, i'm looking forward to seeing the 170's within the next month...

    Stay motivated Folks