If you keep a food/workout log...

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  • I use my personal blog to record my food, and I use a calendar at my office to track exercise. (I actually have a detailed exercise plan on the blog, and if I meet my goal, I place an X over the date on my calendar. It's great for motivation to look up and see Holy crap, I've done so well this month! Look at all those Xs!)
  • I'm definitely old school (paper and pen), lol. I used to keep a food journal but now what I eat is pretty much ingrained in my brain. I do however, keep a workout journal so I can chart my progress. I look over it periodically to see where I can make changes, improvements or if I just need a little motivation.
  • I created a diary in Word, back when I first started this plan 2 1/2 years ago, and aside from the occasional lapse I write in it every day. Each entry has a header where I write in current weight, day's food and calories, exercise, chores, and so on.

    I used to keep a more dedicated food summary in another file, but it got to be too much effort.
  • I use an Excel spreadsheet. I have one tab that lists all kinds of food that I eat, separated by "Protein" "Vegetables" "Fruits" "Dairy" etc, and I have another tab that is my "Food Diary," so all I need to do is copy and past my nutrition facts into my food diary (I list what I ate, the serving size, calories, fat, carbs, and protein. I have a separate tab keeping track of my exercises and weight/bmi. At first it can be tedious to get all my nutrition facts entered into the spreadsheet, but since I'm a routine sort of girl, I don't have to add anything new very often. If you (or anyone) would like, I would not mind sending you the spreadsheet with all the nutrition facts in it! Just let me know
  • I use MFP on my phone. I tried pen and paper the last time I tried logging and I couldn't even stick with it for a week. I've been using online sites (calorie count at first until they changed their mobile site and now mfp) for three months and I can count on one hand the number of times I've skipped a day. I wish I actually had the internet or a smartphone but this is working for me so far. Also I can do it in front of other people and they just think I'm texting someone.
  • I use fatsecret.com to track all my calories. I don't track exercise currently though. I keep my food well under my BMR, and all activity (whether exercise or just regular activities) are just "bonus" for me.
  • Pen & paper.

    I do have a myfitnesspal that I consult for calorie counts from time to time, but to me, nothing beats the convenience of pen & paper. Never breaks and I can carry it anywhere.
  • I do everything through mynetdiary.com. I can use it online, on my phone or my ipad. I can see everything I eat for the day, for the meal, for the week. I can add fitness, etc. I love it because I always have my phone with me so I never 'forget' to add something. I realized just today that I probably will do this for life because it really is eye opening to see how fast calories can add up if you indulge a little here and there.
  • I like seeing different reports from the same data. I definitely prefer my own (not online site) nutritional software. Mine has a journal that I write in everyday and copy to my blog. I can print a daily report that has all my foods, numbers and the journal. Since I am on the computer way too much, it is easier than writing on paper and always hunting for my "book". Plus, I don't have to do any math, lol.