No one noticed :(

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  • People notice but just don't comment. That is very common. There are all kinds of reasons people may not comment. Some may be afraid that you are losing weight because you are ill. Some just don't know what to say. Some may be afraid you will be embarrassed, all kinds of reasons.
  • I totally get it! It took almost 20lbs for anyone at work to notice. And even then, it was "I've been meaning to tell you that you look like you've lost weight." Well that means people noticed before but haven't said anything. So I do agree that many people are uncomfortable saying it. That very well could be happening with you. I also agree on the comment above about it depending where you lose your weight. That makes an impact on how soon people notice. People like my sister and 2 particular girlfriends of mine notice a 2lb gain or loss! So they, of course, have been noticing all along. But coworkers and the rest of my friends haven't noticed a darn thing! And I've gone from a snug 10 to a loose 6! In the end, I am doing it for me, so I'll keep plugging away. But I understand the frustration with it We work so hard, and we want others to acknowledge a change! Stay the course... It's so worth it!
  • sorry to rain on your parade here a little bit. but i lost 60 lbs before anybody noticed. that's 60 lbs. i only really started getting comments often after i started re-toning.

    truth? i HATE the comments.

    have you lost weight? "no, it's just an optical illusion".

    you don't need the validation. you should feel healthier.