need to reframe this...

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  • So today I decided to start the 30 day shred...I had to do the modified pushups and I could hardly go down at all on those...and I had to stop 16 minutes in because I thought I was going to vomit. What is going on in my head right now? YOU FAT, FAT FAILURE!

    I don't exercise normally at all, and never have really, so I didn't expect for this to be easy. I did expect it to be doable though. The thing is, i KNOW its doable. Tons of ladies on here kick booty every day with this and other workout videos.

    I want to be like 'hey, you got through two circuits! you got off your butt, got your heart pumping, and sweat right through your clothes! go you!' but..i couldn't even finish a 20 (it is actually 27..and those 7 count!) minute workout.

    I am going to try again tomorrow.
    This is just level 1! At this point level 2 or 3 look damn impossible. For now I just want to work my way to getting through level 1 without stopping...I just feel so crummy about myself for not being able to finish today.
  • Stay positive..thats the absoulte best thing you can do when starting an exercise regime.

    I have been doing the running training program "Couch to 5K" (C25K).

    When I started I was REALLY out of shape and struggled with 30 second intervals. I just had to tell myself any day I'm out there sweating is a good day reguardless of how I do. I've had slumps and struggled at times but I keep at it. Keep your head up.
  • Just one thing to keep in mind - not every video is for every person. I hated 30DS. Some people love it. There are MANY choices, so don't feel glued to this one. You might want to try something a tiny bit easier, or just different. The only reason I was able to increase my level of fitness was because I kept finding videos I enjoyed.

    BUT, if you do stick with 30DS, you'll get better and better every time. Don't beat yourself up. The important thing is you're working your body and making it stronger than it was. No one is perfect, and no one starts out being able to get everything correct 100%! =)
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you never work out, and you tackled something like 30DS from the start that is great! Most people would start out just walking a mile or two and gradually working up to something like that. So don't beat yourself up about not completing the whole workout. You have to think "okay today I did 16 minutes so by the end of next week I want to be able to do at least 20 minutes" and so on. After you are able to get all the way through then set other small goals "do 5 FULL modified push ups for that interval" or things like that. Working out and sticking with it is a tough battle, but you ARE WORTH THE EFFORT. Exercise is great for your weight loss journey, but it is also a NECESSARY component of your healthy future. I am almost at the end of Insanity (another DVD workout) and it is freakin ridiculous (I have a thread about it and consistently post in the weekly chat about how torturous it is lol) and at first I couldn't make it through an entire interval without taking breaks. I just kept after it, and now I am in phase 2, with one week to go AND I HAVEN'T MISSED A WORKOUT BECAUSE I LOVE IT. You have to think of it as an investment in yourself, one that takes time and a ton of effort to come to fruition. You are doing great, and it will get easier ever day I promise! Keep positive, post about how you want to kick Jillian in her perfect perky butt, and keep after it! It will help you so much on your road to a healthier you! Great job and let us know how it goes!
  • Dude, 30 Day Shred is no joke. I tried it near the start of my weight-loss project and I was very familiar with those types of circuits and was accustomed to working out. I had a rough time getting through it too, so don't be ashamed. It is really tough.

    If you like the workout and want to master it, I recommend getting through the entire length of the workout by skipping reps. Maybe start out by doing one rep for every two in the video and work up from there. You will still elevate your heart rate but not quite so high.
  • Those 16 minutes you made it through matter so much! Way to go! You can do this! Trust me on that dvd... each day gets a little easier!
  • This is why I love Jillian Michaels. Her workouts are tough but they show great imporovements. I love the 30day shred, it pushes your body very hard and believe me you will see results in as litttle as a week or two. Also EACH time you excercise (any type be it 30DS/Zumba/Running) your body gets stronger and more fit.

    Just keep going, in a months time you willlook back and think "Wow look how far I made it". Good luck!
  • You should never feel like a failure for finding a workout hard. That's what makes it a workout - its supposed to be hard. Even if you were really fit your workout would still be a struggle. The good news is that you obviously have the inner strength to persevere, and that is something to be proud of.
  • Quote: You should never feel like a failure for finding a workout hard. That's what makes it a workout - its supposed to be hard.

    Workouts are hard and that's a good thing! The places where it hurts the most, the places in the DVD where you can't breath- those are the parts that are causing change to happen- even 16 minutes worth! There's a quote I love (...googling...) that says, "Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." -Napoleon Hill. Do what you can with what you have. Stick with it and you will improve over time.

    But even before you see drastic improvements, appreciate what you can do. When you feel that tightness of a sore muscle, feel that as proof of your body getting stronger. There's an instructor at the gym who tells us during really hard parts of the class that we're going to wake up tomorrow feeling stronger. I really do think about it when I wake up the next day and you know what? She's always right!
  • You can also try pausing the DVD and taking a breather and water break between exercises! You got a DVD so that you could go at your own pace, just be patient and stick with it and you'll see progress over time!
  • Thanks so much for the replies ladies, I was really down about not finishing the workout but all your encouragement has made me feel a lot better. It IS hard, and maybe I should have started smaller considering I've never worked out before...but at least I started.

    I am sore today, but not immovable sore..just "hey, that was some physical activity!" sore. So what does that mean? Attempt 2 of day 1 of the 30DS!! I think I wont start counting days until I can do the entire workout. hehe

    I want to finish the DVD today. Nay, I WILL finish the DVD today..even if it means takes a few breaks.

  • You'll get used to it SO FAST! I was a total wimp the first week, and I started patting myself on the back when I actually finished the whole workout. Now it's completely effortless. I've been doing level 2 for 2 months now as a workout before my 30-45 minute RUN 4-5 days per week!
  • Holy moly mimi! you go girl!

    I said I was going to get all the way through the video yesterday (my second try) but I got two circuits in and said screw it. Hey, its better than nothing, I thought. Today I got two circuits in and paused it. I thought about being done. I was proud I even did any of it, but then I thought...hey..I haven't passed out or thrown up, time to finish! I got all the way through, probably completed 90% (since I jump and crunch a little slower than Jillian).

    I'm totally proud of myself, and I think I'm going to count today as the first day of my 30 day shred!

    I'm not going to lie, I have zero faith that I'll do this for a month. I don't stick to anything ordinarily, and I've never succeeded at weight loss before. Each day that I start up the video I'm a little surprised at myself. Change is good.
  • Good job!! You can keep it up! Just keep trying over and over until it's a habit.

    I wouldn't want to stick to one workout for a month either though. I need variety! Or else I'd get extremely bored.

    I've slowly built up my exercise video library, so no matter how I feel I can never say "Oh, but I'm not in the mood..." cause there is always something to fit my mood. Step aerobics, dance aerobics, ballet, HIIT, intervals, kick boxing, heavy weight/low rep, low weight/high rep, body weight/pilates. Super fast jumping around like a maniac, or slow low-impact controlled movements. Etc. Having so many choices keeps me much, much more motivated.
  • If you do want to keep going with 30DS, think about joining us over in the Fitness Video August 30DS thread. I think it helps me to have people to check in with! I also record my workouts on my Google calendar (It feels great to save my progress immediately after finishing each day)