Elliptical... On, Off, On, Off...Does it work still?

  • Ok. So I usually do the Elliptical, my exercise of choice, plus it's what we own. Lately I've upped my resistence levels considerably, and also my time. But I've also started getting off and taking a "break." I usually go about 10-15 minutes, get off and do 100 sit ups, get back on for another 10 minutes, get off and do 100 sit ups, get back on and finish. Then depending on my level of tiredness, I start the whole sequence all over again for another 10-15 minutes of elliptical time.

    I'm beat, sweating like a pig. But my question is, is this still as good as just doing the whole 30 minutes straight. (like I used to at lower levels)? Or am I thinking I'm burning mad calories for nothing, because I'm getting on and off all the time.
  • Sounds like you are doing modified curcuit training which is great for all around fitness! I'd limit the 'strength' portions of your workouts to 3 minutes or less so your heart rate doesn't go down too much though it is probably still elavated with all those sit ups. Do a set like this:
    10 minutes eliptical
    sit ups (as many as can correctly in 3 minutes)
    10 minutes eliptical
    push ups as many as you can correctly in 3 minutes (upper body needs a work out, too
    10 minutes elipital
    plank for as long as you can.

    You can really step it up with 5 minutes all out eliptical followed by 3 minutes of strength for 6-8 sets.

    You're doing great! Keep going.
  • You're doing a version of HIIT cardio which leaves you feeling beat and sweaty. I do the same thing only outside once a week in the parking lot of the playground in my neighborhood. I sprint like mad for 20 seconds then briskly walk for 40 seconds. I do this for about 20 minutes then jog home. I look like I've been through the ringer but it really works. I'm hoping to get to the point where I sprint for 40 seconds and walk for 20 but baby steps...
  • no, shes doing a version of INTERVAL training... the term "HIIT" is thrown around SO LOOSELY 95% of people who think they ARE doing HIIT are really just doing interval training. which IS FINE> interval training is WONDERFUL, and HIIT should really ONLY BE done by serious athletes, and such. It can really screw with fatloss as well, ESPECIALLLY for a smaller, fit conditioned female tryiung to lose fat........ HIIT causes too much stress when in a deficit

    to the OP-- What youre doing is absolutely fine... i agree that you should change up the exercises in between though, so you hit more muscle groups... add pushups or squats or lunges or whatever....... you may ALSO want to incorporate higher intensity on the elliptical for short periods of time..... during your 10 minutes on, do 30 seconds hard a few times....... youre so close to goal, that anything that changes up your routine is a good thing.
    Congrats on the 60 lbs lost!
  • It's great to see so much advice! Though the thread did venture off in the wrong direction as several members disagreed in a not quite constructive manner I removed a few posts which I hope will allow the thread to get back on track.

    BakingChick, I admire your enthusiasm for exercise. Your personal progress may provide the answer you are looking for. Keep us updated!
  • bakingchick-
    It sounds like you are doing great. I am not a professional trainer, or anything even close, but your plan sounds sustainable and more interesting than just doing the elliptical for 30 minutes straight.

    Here is a link I found that explains HIIT. This cleared things up for me. I'll bet you're burning more calories than you realize, and at least as many as you were burning with the 30 mins of straight cardio. You've done a great job with your weight loss. 60 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. You're obviously doing something right!

  • Thanks guys! I was hoping that I was still burning what I thought getting off and taking a "break" with sit ups or my home gym. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. It's really the only way I can do the higher intensity settings on my elliptical. I feel great, so I guess I should trust my sweat ..haha