I know no one can diagnose me but a Dr but...

  • Hi

    I'm a noob and recently introduced myself over on the Introductions forum.

    Well, I suppose I should just jump right into it.
    I know that no one can diagnose me but Dr but I have a good few symptoms of PCOS and wanna know what you ladies think. (I know that at the end of the day I still need to get the tests done etc but I'd still like some opinions)
    My symptoms are as follows:
    -Irregular periods, less than 6 (usually significantly so) a year with either really heavy or really light flows. They weren't always this way though, they used to be normal from the time I started (10-11) but became off-kilter at about 13-14
    -Always struggled with weight. I maintained an (unhealthy) 180lbs for years but in the last couple of years I have gone up by 50 pounds with no real change in diet/exercise.
    -Mild excess body hair, but it's still excess. I get a few dark hairs that extend around where sideburns would be if they were worse. They've also been appearing on my shoulders. Also a few that are darker blond (I'm blond) on the lower stomach.
    -Mild acne on the face and shoulders.
    -I wouldn't say I carry all of my weight in the middle, because I have thick legs/arms/etc but... I have an insanely small bust (A cup) which is really oddly portioned when compared to my size 14/16 jeans and L/XL shirts in order to accommodate my middle.
    - 'normal' body hair does grow pretty fast/coarse on legs, arm pits, etc. This may just be genetic since my super-fertile, thin, has 7 kids and stayed 106lbs mother has pretty coarse body hair as well.
    -I don't know if this one's a symptom, but for a couple of years my periods including HORRIBLE cramps/pains that brought me to tears and had me laying in bed all day.

    The thing is, last year I was hospitalized (in-patient) for a good week due to mental health reasons. They asked me about my periods etc. and I told them everything that was up. I had blood tests run (I don't know exactly what they checked to this day.. my mom got them in the mail and I don't know where the papers are right now) but I never had any vocal concerns voiced while I was in the hospital or by mother (an RN) about anything blood-wise. Wouldn't it have come up then?

    Thanks in advance!
  • It's hard to get some doctors to diagnose PCOS because there isn't a single test for it, nor a cure. You can just treat the symptoms. I would suggest seeing an Endocrinologist.
  • Quote: It's hard to get some doctors to diagnose PCOS because there isn't a single test for it, nor a cure. You can just treat the symptoms. I would suggest seeing an Endocrinologist.
    Yeah, I planned on it. Thanks for the advice.
  • My previous ob/gyn chalked it up to "oh, you are a teen, you will out grow that stuff" with the irregular periods. I'm 35 now and I've never been regular off the pill so I don't know when I was supposed to have "outgrown that stuff."

    Sometimes it can be a case of getting to the right doc AND a doc that will LISTEN. Don't be afraid to seek another opinion.

    Familiarize yourself with the inciid FAQ esp the dx tests. (and Mary's PCOS faq for treatments if it is indeed PCOS.)

    I saw my GP to complain that I thought I had PCOS, and was referred to endoc who gave met the dx.