Hello All!

  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Morgan and I started with the goal of losing 28 lbs. I put on the weight while I was pregnant with my son and am very unhappy about the weight as this is the largest I have been since I was in middle school. I am 22, 5'2 and ready to get rid of this weight, beyond ready, I have already started! I currently have lost 6lbs as of last Friday (weigh in day) after one month of being on the South Beach Diet and exercising roughly around 5 days a weeks, 30 minutes a day. I still have 22 lbs to go and I hope that it will all be gone around December.

    I can't wait to join in and be active on the board. I love to support others and find inspiration through others to keep me going!
  • Welcome, Morgan! We're the same height and have close to the same goals. I know how having kids is so hard on your body. I've had to struggle with losing weight after each of mine - three of them! And with us being short, every pound shows!

    Good luck!
  • Welcome to 3FC =)

    We're glad to have you join the community Congrats on the changes you've made, and here's to your future healthy choices!

    Best of wishes!
  • Thanks for welcoming me! Loli - you are SO right about every pound showing! I know by the time I hit 135 I will notice a huge difference, just from 13lbs. And I can't wait to get here. Losing weight is hard and it seems sometimes like I will never get there, but that is why I am here, for support and like-minded individuals!