starting points plus

  • I did WW about 5 years ago and did well. I became a Lifetime member but gained back some of the wright due to health issues. I am currently not eating flour or sugar, and think that Points Plus will help give me some more structure, since I do well with it. I adore veggies and fruits and am hoping that this will help. Any tips for me? I am doing this online and signed up for the 3 month package.
  • Hiya ^^

    Hmm. Try not to compare it -too- much to the Momentum Plan. The PointsPlus formula is different, so be patient during the learning curve.

    I'm sure you'll be fine with it!
  • Thanks--I know fruit is zero points, but moderation is important. I'm trying to eat cleaner and I think this program will help.
  • I think you're in the right place! Points Plus has definitely helped me "eat cleaner" (well, depending on your definition I guess!)!
  • Because of my thyroid issues and my IBS, there's certain things I don't eat anymore: gluten, alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, fried foods, etc. I'm just trying to eat less processed foods because I know that when I'm consistent with it, I feel much better
  • I am avoiding/limiting refined carbs and find that this works very well with Points Plus. I'm not a fruit eater though. I've seen with my DH who is a fruit eater and is following WW that when he doesn't lose -- he has lost 50 pounds but is on a plateau -- that it is usually because of overdoing the fruit.
  • Koshka, I'm curious, how does your husband overdo the fruit?
  • I think he eats too much of the fruits that are higher calorie such as bananas. It isn't an extreme amount. However, he has lost 50 pounds and is about 15 pounds from goal and it gets harder then and just overeating a little results in a plateau.
  • I like that fruit is zero points. Summer is great - I try to keep a lot of plums, peaches and nectarines around - you know things that you can just grab and eat immediately!