Going out of town - tips to stay on plan?

  • Hey all!
    I'm leaving this Saturday for an out of town research conference in Atlanta - I'll be staying at a hotel and participating in the conference from Saturday evening through next Thursday (flying home Thursday morning).

    I just broke 200lbs this morning - I definitely did a little happy dance when the scale said 199.4 - and I don't want to set myself back while I'm out of town and off my normal schedule!

    I'm already planning on hitting the gym pretty hard before I leave on Saturday, and I'll be packing gym clothes to hopefully take advantage of the gym at the hotel at least once or twice while I'm there. Our schedule is so busy though, I don't know if I'll really have much time.

    Any advice on how to stay on plan?

    I think I have the basics under control: I plan on taking advantage of the fruit and yogurt part of the continental breakfast everyday (and staying away from all the pastries and goodies), and trying to just eat sensible for other meals (some are catered, but most of the time we will be going out to restaurants) - salads, chicken, fish, staying away from the pastas and the fries and all of that. I'm going to try and hit up a grocery store near the hotel and pick up some fresh fruit and maybe some other kind of healthy snack. It's going to be difficult, but I'm going to try and pass on (most) of the snacks they put out between sessions (typically cookies and brownies and ice cream - you know, all that delicious but horrible for you stuff!). And of course, I'll have my nalgene bottle with me so I will always have water.

    One of my biggest concerns is the alcohol - everyone goes to the bar every night at this conference, because although it's a great time to learn from each other at the conference, it's also a great time to catch up with people you only see once a year. I'm hoping I'll be ok just nursing a glass or two of wine, or maybe just a drink a night... I don't want to drink the weight back on! At the same time, though, I want to be able to relax and enjoy myself...

    Anyone have any other advice, something I'm forgetting?
  • Have light beers at the bar, that's already a good start
  • Hey! I live in midtown Atlanta and have for 7 years, if you need any advice on restaurants that have good menu choices and the like, feel free to PM me! Have a great trip!
  • Hi there - I just got back myself from a convention and as far as the alcohol
    I had a vodka/club soda (70 cal) and next drink just ice water, then later
    another drink. No one noticed the ice water wasn't my regular drink.

    At breakfast I grabbed a piece of fruit to have in the room & we brought
    snacks of light cheese & crackers, so not too bad.

    Have fun
  • I would add, get a little food diary and write down everything you eat while on vacation. I'm not saying measure and try to figure out calories, just write down what you eat.

    ie swiss cheese omlet + coffee with 2 splenda and cream
    1 coors light draft
    1 vodka tonic

    I do this 24/7 but have found it helps most with managing eating out. drinking and unfamiliar environments. I'll go to a party and know exactly what I ate and drank. Plus you'll be able to look at it at night and be able to gage how you did.
  • Congrats on your success so far! It sounds like you already have some great ideas! I always have a hard time when it comes to drinking with my in-laws and stuff, but (just like you said) I just try to have a glass or two of wine and make it last. The worst part for me is when they pull out the chips/pretzels/misc party snacks lol

    Good luck!
  • it seems like your plan is going really well.
    the only thing i really have to add is that if you do go out to eat anywhere, look online or give them a call to see their menu, and what's the healthiest to eat.

    have a fun trip!
  • Thanks for the advice everyone!
  • Hiii! Just a bit of encouragement... this happened to me not long ago! I was a conference and there was a lot of walking from the hotel to the ballroom, to the clinic rooms and other areas where there was lots of congregating. I was wearing heals most of the time, and I don't know that it made much of a difference, but I actually LOST weight! I followed the plan you've described above but never went to the gym... I think we're more active than we think sometimes.
  • My plan travel diet plan: Don't consume more than 3,500 calories a day. If I do, compensate with working out! If I'm going to temporarily break a diet, it better be when I'm out of the state/country. Life is too short